Past, present, Future...

This is Yu Ziyu’s eternal true meaning.

He needs to merge countless timelines of himself into one body to achieve the final one.

In this way, it is not just an infinite superposition of power.

It is also able to achieve 'eternity' in the true sense.

The only one is the true self.

I am, the only one.

There is only one person in heaven and on earth.

Yu Ziyu doesn't understand other people's eternal ways.

He didn't want to understand either.

Someone is in charge of creation, creates creation for all races, and then becomes enlightened.

Someone is in charge of reincarnation...Ten reincarnations...Finally oneness.

Each has its own magic, each has its merits.

And he...Just keep walking along the timeline.

Then, merge yourself one after another.

More than just a timeline.

He will devour even the so-called parallel space.

He carried time and space on his back...He can touch countless selves in the timeline.

And the parallel world involves fate and space...He also has hope...

However, swallowing oneself in a parallel world is too mysterious.

At least, it's not something he can touch now.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, this may be related to his detachment in the future.

"Breaking through eternity is the fusion of countless selves in the timeline, and then the infinite collision of powers creates the only true self."

"When you become transcendent in the future, you can follow suit and devour yourself in countless parallel worlds."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's ambition remains undiminished.

As for the parallel world, he can't touch it now.

But in the future, he will control the fate of the girl of destiny.

With the help of the reincarnation of the Lord of Reincarnation, he will continue to reincarnate to the parallel world. The world should be able to swallow it up...

You know, thousands of parallel worlds are just countless tributaries of fate.

Everything cannot escape fate.

This is also the reason why destiny is supreme.

However, this is too far away from Yu Ziyu

"When my past, present, and future return to one point, I will become the Eternal Supreme."

While narrating softly, Yu Ziyu also pinched the seals repeatedly.


Along with the extremely terrifying roar, an inexplicable whirlpool rolled up around Yu Ziyu.

At this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see that this whirlpool is actually composed of rivers.

And this is the legendary length of time.

In the long river of the world, keep searching for the past...Now...and even the future...

Finally become one.

This is the eternal truth.

It is also the most suitable eternity for Yu Ziyu.

Although, other methods can also prove eternity.

But it’s not suitable for Yu Ziyu.

At least, not this one fits.

You know, you have countless timelines of yourself...This is terrible.

For example, myself a second ago.

Another example is myself ten years ago.

They are all extremely terrifying.

The power is vast.

If it can be unified into one, its power will probably change qualitatively again.

Of course, the powers of thousands of selves cannot be perfectly integrated.

But even if Yu Ziyu merges one-tenth, one-hundredth, or even one-thousandth of their power.

It is enough to prove the eternity. but...

"There are only a few points that I really integrate....These nine timelines of myself are very crucial, and they are all turning points of my destiny."

"One is that my consciousness was hazy, when Blue Star woke up...This is when I am confused"

"One is that I have cultivated great supernatural powers and can transform the three pure states with one breath....This is when I rise"

"Also, I am the master of achievement...When you really respect..."...

As he spoke one after another, a spiritual light emitted from Yu Ziyu's body.

Immediately afterwards, this spiritual light actually flew towards the long river of time.

He's going to look for it...

Looking for my past 'self'...

Time passed slowly, and three thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

And in these three thousand years, Yu Ziyu has been wandering for a long time.

Tirelessly. he saw...

Saw it, Blue Star, he woke up dimly.

Saw it...He has developed great supernatural powers and can transform the three pure beings with one breath....

And now... above a certain point in time...A figure has just achieved a fourth-level natural disaster...

He is invincible to Blue Star.

The branches are flying across the sky, and the branches are curling up in the sky and the earth...

He was supposed to dominate.

But now...


There was a sudden roar, and the whole world was shaken.

It seemed to be still.

And at the next moment, in the somewhat stunned gaze of this figure, the heaven and earth rippled.

There was actually a shadow that was tens of thousands of feet high, slowly emerging.

This shadow seems to come out of the depths of time and space...

"Step, step..."

Step after step, it seems that the space is broken and time is erased.

His existence is like the only one in the world.

However, looking at this phantom, this figure was also stunned.

"Who are you?"

In astonishment, Yu Ziyu, who had just stepped into the fourth level of the Extraordinary, also had a look of confusion on his face.

Why is this figure so familiar?


And now, Yu Ziyu, who came from the 'future', looked at his former self with a smile on his face. Qiao.

Although he is immature, he can already see a bit of unruliness in the future.

However, unruly is still unruly, but there should be some caution.

In the past, present, and even the future.

They are all the same, extremely cautious..

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also said calmly:

"I'm from the future...It's you in the future..."

"You and I are one"

"Now, it’s time to integrate."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's whole body burst out with the brightest light.


Along with the extremely terrifying roar, countless information poured into the mind of 'Past Yu Ziyu'.

A clear understanding flashed through my mind, and this person seemed to understand something too.

"I see."

In response, this past self's eyes changed, revealing a bit of vicissitudes of life.

‘The present consciousness' dominates the past body.

And now, step by step, this person is also walking towards the phantom

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Amidst the continuous roar, the aura of Yu Ziyu's shadow continued to rise.

There seems to be no end.

He was obviously just a fourth-level natural disaster, but the increase he brought was even more terrifying than he imagined.

This is fusion.

The past, present and even the future merge into one.

It’s far from being as simple as one plus one.

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