
Amid the increasingly terrifying dragon roar, it was the Heavenly Green Dragon that pounced on Yu Ziyu's eyebrows.

And in the next moment, my brain seemed to be sublimated, and everything in the world was clear to my heart.

The Heavenly Dao Qinglong communicates with the mysterious Heavenly Dao.

He knows everything, and can see through everything.

And when he merged with Yu Ziyu's body, he also gave this characteristic to Yu Ziyu's body.

In an instant, Yu Ziyu's mastery of thousands of powers became deeper.

Even the surge in power can be grasped instantly.

This is the Heavenly Blue Dragon. not only that...

Surrounding Yu Ziyu's body, there is even more thunder...It makes its power even more terrifying.

As for the last Lord of the Blood Sea,

"Blah blah blah, blah blah...."

The waves are constant, and there are little bloody waves, but there are thousands of Blood God Sons, constantly rushing towards the Throne of Law under Yu Ziyu.

Although, we cannot let the Great God pass through the Blood God Dharma to bless Yu Ziyu's body.

But the Lord of the Blood Sea, that endless vitality, that endless spiritual power...

But they all poured into Yu Ziyu’s body...

The three clones each have their own strengths.

In every aspect, there is blessing.

And just as they were blessing, Yu Ziyu's momentum also climbed to the extreme.


Amidst the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu's momentum seemed to break some kind of restraint.

Breaking some kind of shackles.

In an instant, the chaos changed color, and everything was shaken. visible to naked eye....

Far away in the depths of chaos, there is a majestic figure sitting high on the throne....

He is eternal and great.

Like an ancient existence from distant time and space.

On both sides of his shoulders, there is a real dragon hovering.

One end is azure, majestic and unpredictable, as if the power of heaven is coming.

One is a purple dragon with majestic horns, mysterious and terrifying.

But, that's not all.

Looking carefully, there is actually a sea of ​​blood under the throne of this ancient existence.

The blood-colored ocean seemed to be a mountain of corpses, and the souls of countless people screamed in it.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that the countless dead souls are actually countless bloody figures, worshiping them.

That is the Son of the Blood God, the core of the great divine power of the Blood God.

Thousands of Blood God Sons worshiped, just to bless this great being.

If any forbidden power is encountered, these Blood God Sons will actively rush out to resist the harm....

And now...The eternal king sits quietly in the depths of chaos.

Indescribable majesty.

Unspeakable horror.

It seems that the Eternal Venerable has come to the world in person and is actually the number one immortal in the human race. His expression changes again and again.

"you guy..."

In a very shocked voice, the first immortal of the human race did not expect that Yu Ziyu, who had been blessed by three bodies, would reach such a terrifying level.

The momentum alone is more than ordinary and timeless. Are you kidding me?

You must know that in the realm of domination, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky to reach the next level.

And the gap between domination and eternity is even greater than any other realm.

So far, I have never heard of anyone being able to dominate the realm and conquer eternity.

But this guy's momentum alone is no less than ordinary eternity. this... this...

In a daze, the first immortal of the human race discovered that this seemed not to be the whole story.

Just because, at this moment, behind Yu Ziyu’s throne...


Amidst the sudden roar, there was a melodious bell that shook the entire chaos.

The sound of a bell is like the beginning of chaos and the retreat of all things.

Another bell rang, and all the laws were shaken, coming one after another and manifesting in the chaos.

"chaos clock..."

While whispering softly, the first immortal of the human race also realized that this ancient imperial weapon was actually connected to Yu Ziyu's Qi.

If we talk about before, Yu Ziyu only relied on the blessings of the three bodies, and his momentum was comparable to ordinary eternity.

So, at this moment...

It’s different.

The Chaos Clock has arrived.

This is his imperial weapon... is his weapon


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, five-colored light burst out, illuminating the chaos.

This corresponds to the sentence:"The five-colored light illuminates the heavens, and the holy power of chaos shakes the world." '

The arrival of the Chaos Clock also pushed Yu Ziyu's power to a certain limit.

"Before, I wasn't very good at activating the Chaos Clock."

"But now, the blessings of the three bodies on my body are enough..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's deep eyes also looked at the first immortal of the human race in the distance.

"Have a nice journey, my friends."

"Everything comes and goes...All return to dust."

The moment the words fell, all the immeasurable spiritual power around Yu Ziyu poured into the Chaos Bell.

Along with it, the five-colored light became more and more terrifying.


Amid the sudden roar, the number one immortal of the human race froze.

The Chaos Clock is infinitely mysterious and creative.

It can imprison time and suppress space.

At this moment, the Chaos Clock has imprisoned the time and space here....

Left alone, Yu Ziyu stood quietly


Suddenly, a bell rang, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye swept through the boundless chaos, and actually landed on the body of the first immortal of the human race.


There was just a shocking loud noise, and his remaining body, which was condensed with countless details, was shattered in an instant.

Along with this, his real spirit is shaking and constantly falling apart.

"This is the Holy Power of Chaos..."

In a daze, the number one immortal in the human race was lost in thought.

He knew it was over. it's all over.

In the face of this great power, he had no power to resist.

Maybe, when he returns to eternity, he can still compete.

But now...

Sorry, he is not qualified just because he is close to eternity.

Just because this is an offensive that can shake eternity.

It's hard to imagine, really hard to imagine, that a mere half-step eternity could actually burst out with such great power.

It's incredible.

While smiling bitterly in his heart, the First Immortal of the human race felt that everything was wiped out.

But, at this time...

Looking at Yu Ziyu very calmly, he still said softly:

"He is very troublesome, even when I was in my heyday, I was still in trouble."

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