At this time, the deepest corner of chaos...fairy town...

"I didn't expect that you would choose such a path..."

The soft murmur was still there, shrouded in a black robe, and the old man who looked like a researcher also shook his head helplessly.

This is Yu Ziyu, who has lived for thousands of years, is unkempt, devoted to research and precipitation.

His hair turned gray and he looked to be in his twilight years.

However, if you feel it carefully, you will definitely find that his vitality is beyond imagination.

His vitality is so rich that it can bless the world. this is him...

How could it be possible?

He just didn't care about his own condition.

In terms of vitality alone, he calls it 'the best in the starry sky', and there is no problem.

And now...

Slowly raising the test tube in his hand, Yu Ziyu also poured the red liquid from one test tube into another test tube.


With a loud noise, a seven-color medicinal liquid like glass appeared in the test tube.

This is a medicinal liquid that Yu Ziyu has been researching over the years.

It's called 'Seven Color Glazed Liquid'.

It seems ordinary, but in fact it is an immortal treasure that polishes the body.

Just such a drop is enough to strengthen the physical body of a being who has six physical transformations.

If you drink it all, even the seventh-level master will undergo transformation.

But now...


After drinking it all in one gulp, Yu Ziyu shook her head helplessly.

This liquid medicine is still a bit lacking.

Didn't meet his expectations.

The strength of his body has not increased even half....

Feeling helpless, he focused his attention on the many clones.

"The number one immortal in the human race actually competed with a few of them?"

Amidst some playful voices, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"The number one immortal in the human race is about to start the final trial and challenge you."

While speaking softly, the sound of the Chaos Bell also echoed in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Challenge me?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's body was shaken violently.


Along with the shocking loud noise, a breath of air rose into the sky and reached the nine heavens.

Visible to the naked eye, Yu Ziyu's white hair turned into black hair, fluttering in the wind.

Even his body is constantly recovering... until...Restored to its heyday.

He is the same as before.

No, better than before.

The whole body is entangled with the long river of time.

There is a blood-colored sky eye between the eyebrows, shining slightly.

And all around, there are countless star-like divine chains intertwined, turning into a dreamlike starry sky.

You can vaguely see nine planet-like light clusters falling on the divine chain.

The branches turned into divine chains.

Nine realms, transformed planet...

This is Yu Ziyu now...

It's really terrifying.

Just, now...

"Come on, let's see him off"


In response softly, Yu Ziyu and Chaos Zhong also walked side by side towards the starry sky....

Deep in the chaos, the first immortal of the human race is still entangled with the three clones.

However, it was obvious that he was helpless with the three clones.

The attack is integrated, and it has the strongest support.

There is nothing he can do if he is so powerful.

At most, it can only be sealed


With a sigh, the first immortal of the human race said helplessly:

"I really underestimated you."

As he said this, he also raised his eyes and looked at the three figures not far away.

Green, red, purple, and three-colored figures stood on their own, but they chose to stop.

"You are really strong."

When he suddenly spoke, the face of the first immortal of the human race was also solemn.

He is worthy of being an existence that has stepped into eternity.

Even if the tiger falls to the sun, it is not what others can expect.

This guy is afraid that he has surpassed half a step of eternity.

Otherwise, with them, Even if there was nothing they could do about the three people's fighting power, they would not be suppressed everywhere like this.

But at this time, as if he noticed something, Tiandao Qinglong also raised his eyebrows and said bluntly:

"The one you were waiting for is back"

"Are you back?..."

Among the soft murmurs, the first immortal of the human race also had complicated eyes.

Have we finally reached this point?

Then let me see what state you have reached.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, the momentum of the first human race's immortal also skyrocketed.

"I, the first immortal of the human race, am willing to start the final trial today."

The sudden violent shouting resounded through the chaos and even the starry sky.

Countless powerful people were shocked.

"Wait, what did I hear? The first immortal of the human race who has just returned is going to start the final trial?"

"Hey, hey, the number one immortal in the human race actually challenged the superior immortal as a challenger...."

"Oh my God, what happened?"

Amidst the continuous exclamations, countless powerful men were shocked.

Obviously, they didn't know what this meant?

But, at this moment, it seemed to be in response to the first immortal of the human race,


The sudden roar was like thunder coming to the world, shaking the entire chaos.

Visible to the naked eye, a bloody beam of light struck from the depths of extreme chaos.

This blood-colored light pillar is like a sky pillar.

It penetrated the entire chaos and enveloped the first immortal of the human race.

At this time, if you look for the blood-red light pillar, you will definitely be able to see two figures in the distance, stepping on time and space, coming slowly.

And that bloody light beam came from Yu Ziyu's eyebrows.

The Supreme Heavenly Eye - the Bloody Heavenly Eye has been completed.

At a glance, Jiuyou, Qingming...

Everything as far as the eye can see is illuminated.

And now...Across hundreds of millions of miles of chaos, Yu Ziyu easily saw...distant figure

"Long time no see, the first immortal of the human race."

As he spoke softly, Yu Ziyu was like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, saying hello with a smile.

"It’s been a long time indeed."

As soon as he responded, the eyes of the First Immortal of the Human Race fell on the Chaos Clock next to Yu Ziyu.

"I never thought that someone could really refine you."

"Hum hum..."

With a chuckle, Chaos Bell Zhenling also understood the meaning of the first immortal of the human race.

"He is the master I have been waiting for for countless epochs"

"Only he can take me back..."...

Listening quietly, the first immortal of the human race rarely refuted.

Just because, at this time, he had already noticed Yu Ziyu's terror.

It was like chaos, unfathomable.

It seems to have infinite power.

Is this guy really half a step into eternity?

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