"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, you can see the Yin-Yang fish diagram, which is constantly expanding.

In a few breaths, it actually expanded to the size of a star field.

Such a shocking growth rate made even the first immortal of the human race narrow his eyes slightly.

In the Yin-Yang Fish Diagram, the faster it grows, the more terrifying the attack will be.

Now, in a few breaths, it has expanded to the size of a star field, which also means that this terrifying attack may be able to destroy a star field in an instant.

"Everyone says that the Lord of the Blood Sea is not good at attacking, but now it seems that it is a bit false."

With a sigh, the number one immortal of the human race raised his hand,


The right palm collided with a fist in an instant


Along with the terrifying loud noise, the immeasurable shock wave rolled back into the chaos, obliterating everything.

This is when the purple dragon in the void suddenly kills the first immortal of the human race.

The collision between fist and palm, the aftermath alone wiped out everything.

But this is just the beginning,

"Boom, boom, boom..." continuousWith the collision, the fist of the Purple Dragon in the Void was like thousands of stars falling down. It was as powerful as the first immortal of the human race, and his face changed slightly.

After all, his body is a temporary gathering, and cannot be compared to the Void Purple Dragon's long-term polishing.

What's more, the Void Purple Dragon's body is already extraordinary. so...

"Click, click..."

There were crisp sounds one after another, and there were cracks in the body of the first immortal of the human race.

However, at this time, Void Purple Dragon felt that the speed of the first immortal of the human race was getting slower and slower, like a quagmire

"not good."

With vigilance in mind, the Void Purple Dragon immediately withdrew and flew back.

However, at the next moment,


It was actually a hundred times more powerful than before, erupting from his hands.


Just a loud noise was heard, and the terrifying force was like the sky pouring down, and it instantly fell on the body of the retreating purple dragon in the void.

Accompanied by it, his whole body was like a meteor, smashing hard towards the deepest part of the chaos, and actually flew tens of millions of miles.

"Take advantage of your strength...It is very similar to the legendary Tai Chi, but it is countless times more powerful than Tai Chi."

With a sigh, there were countless data deep in the eyes of Tiandao Qinglong, which flashed away.

He is the dragon of Tiandao. He communicates with everything.

He knows everything, and he knows everything.

Maybe he didn't know it before, but now He saw with his own eyes that everything could be understood.

This is the terror of Tiandao Qinglong.

But now, as if he thought of something, he waved it casually


Just a loud noise was heard, and in the chaos, there was a blue thunderbolt ten thousand feet long, slamming down towards the purple dragon in the distance in the void.

"Thank you very much."

With a cry of gratitude, the Void Purple Dragon who endured the cyan thunder felt that his injuries had eased a lot.

Even his spiritual power was restored.

Thunder was originally born for destruction.

But the Heavenly Azure Dragon understood the true meaning of the thunder.

Thunder can both destroy and create.

And this is the creation thunder of Tiandao Qinglong.

It can heal all injuries, even the soul can heal.

You must know that it is difficult for existences like Void Purple Dragon to be cured by ordinary means. Comes in handy.

But the Thunder of Creation of Tiandao Qinglong...But it can be cured immediately.

One can imagine, what does this mean?

But at this moment, it was rare that the number one immortal of the human race waved another palm.


Accompanied by a loud noise, this palm turned into an infinite size and struck towards the purple dragon in the distance in the void.

But before the palm fell completely, a bloody river was already winding in front of the purple dragon in the void.


With a chuckle, the First Immortal of the human race looked at the three people in the distance with helpless expressions on his face.

These three people, are they like this?...

The Void Purple Dragon Lord attacks, attacks Wushuang...

The Lord of the Blood Sea seems to be attacking, but in fact he is still defending. On top of his defense, he is almost invincible.

And the last dragon of heaven...More like a support.

Mainly heals and analyzes the battlefield situation.

The three of them have the same heart and soul.

They look like three people, but in fact they can be regarded as one.

It’s the relationship between hands and feet.

Therefore, fighting with the three of them is very tricky.

At least, it would be difficult for the First Immortal of the human race to hurt the other two before breaking through the defense of the Lord of the Blood Sea.

Moreover, he had to withstand the Void Purple Dragon's offensive.

Of course, here, we have to consider the Dragon of Heaven.

This is the toughest guy.

Analyze the situation and assist with everything... this... numb...

My scalp is really numb

"If you fight them, unless you crush them with absolute strength, you will inevitably be dragged to death."

While sighing in his heart, the first immortal of the human race noticed that layers of haloes of light erupted all over the body of the Tiandao Qinglong.

These haloes, as they continued to expand, actually enveloped the entire chaos.

This is the world's aperture. It is the Tiandao Qinglong that swallows Apertures condensed by world consciousnesses.

There is a purple-black aperture that swallows the condensed consciousness of the abyss.

This aperture can continuously weaken other people's spiritual power and erode other people's sanity. It has a purple aperture that swallows up the consciousness of the void and condenses it. This aperture can Continuously weakening the defenses of others.

There is also the green aura that engulfs the elven world.

This aura, the main source of life, can continuously heal everything....

But now, the apertures are stacked one after another...Countless buffs are blessings on many clones.

This is the magical power created by Tiandao Qinglong - the Ring of the World.

If it is developed to the extreme, the ring of three thousand worlds blessing me will be no less than the legendary great supernatural power.


During a period of silence, the first immortal of the human race also realized the terrifying power of this magical power.

He even noticed that what he was thinking seemed to be true.

This Heavenly Dao Qinglong is really not a son of man.

A being from the ninth level of Tianmen actually majors in various auxiliary magical powers and skills?

Are you kidding me?

You know, the stronger you are, the less likely you are to take the auxiliary route.

Assistance is ultimately about helping others.

When you reach the realm of domination, who can be willing to give up yourself to help others?

Therefore, starry sky auxiliary masters are extremely rare.

Rarely seen for countless years.

Not to mention the ninth level of Tianmen like Tiandao Qinglong.

But doesn’t this mean that the auxiliary master is weak?

If it were a person, he would naturally be weak.

But if there is a strong person by your side, it is not as simple as one plus one.

And now, you can see...With the blessing of the Heavenly Blue Dragon World Ring, the momentum of the other two clones continued to increase.

But his momentum is constantly weakening.

This rise and fall, if it were a half-step eternity, you would be dumbfounded.

And this is the terror of the auxiliary master.

As for the auxiliary master of the ninth level of Tianmen like Tiandao Qinglong, I'm sorry, even the first immortal of the human race has never heard of it.

But one thing is very scary, really scary.

With his blessing, the momentum of the Dragon of the Void and the Lord of the Blood Sea actually broke through the ninth level of the Tianmen and headed straight for half a step into eternity.

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