The number one immortal in the human race, the number one person in history.

He was the first person to survive the 'Calamity of the Era'.

He was also the first person to cut down the sky in advance.

But now, he is not dead


In the silence, countless people were shocked

"How can this be?"

"Are you kidding me? The number one immortal in the human race is not dead?"

"Isn't this the most powerful person in the previous era?"

"Hey hey, is this serious?"

Amidst the continuous exclamations, countless people were in disbelief.

However, compared to them, the Taoist sect and the human race were all shocked.

Just because these words rang from their hearts.

It seemed like a voice deep in their souls..

Accompanied by...


Amidst the sudden roar, a picture also sounded in their hearts.

And in that picture...Countless people seem to have seen it...

I saw a figure carrying two fishes, Yin and Yang....

He has a handsome face and is dressed in a black and white Taoist robe....

Deep in the eyes, there is the flow of Yin and Yang Dao.

And at the back, there is a long snow-white hair, fluttering in the wind...

This is the first immortal of the human race...

Just like in the past, even if my hair is as white as snow, I still have that outstanding temperament.

"I came from eternity..."

In the soft murmur, the first immortal of the human race has already sensed...I sensed the truth that countless forces from the Taoist sect and the human race were asking for help.

Just to attract his 'real body'.

He has been sealed by heaven and earth.

Eternally trapped in the shackles of heaven and earth.

If you want to lift the seal, you can only rely on external force.

Moreover, the cost is extremely terrifying. like now...The moment he breaks free from the shackles of heaven and earth with the help of external forces, it is very likely that his cultivation will stop...

But... enough


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, the Qi of the first immortal in the human race continued to rise.

It seems like there is no end

"I control creation and move yin and yang..."

"Life and death flow at the fingertips..."

While speaking softly, the first immortal of the human race also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Vaguely, one could vaguely see several extremely powerful laws flowing through his body and mind.

Everyone in the world knows that the first immortal of the human race is in charge of the supreme law of creation.

Able to create creation in heaven and earth. worldly people.

But how many people know that he is in charge of Yin and Yang?...Move the universe....

But now, he is completely relieved...

Just for...

Slowly raising his eyes, the first immortal of the human race also looked at the vast starry sky....

Vaguely, he saw it all, countless details gathered together. , that is the foundation of Taoism and the human race

"Respectfully invite the first immortal of the human race to come..."

"Respectfully invite the first immortal of the human race to come..."

"Respectfully invite the first immortal of the human race to come..."...

Amidst the chorus of shouts, countless Taoist and human warriors were excited.

If the number one immortal in the human race is really not dead,...

If it really comes...

Then the rise of Taoism and the human race is just around the corner

"Demon Court...Void, hum...My ancestor of the human race is not dead, and has even returned. Just wait for me."

Amidst the long roar, countless powerful people from the human race were excited. And the Taoist sect was already ecstatic.

You know, the Taoist sect has been extinct in the starry sky for thousands of years.

Countless Taoist sects are hiding in the market. I dare to speak out about the identity of the Taoist sect.

And all this is because the Demon Court is powerful and dominates the world.

As for the Demon Court, the demon king died in the hands of the Taoist sect in the past.

Such hatred is irreconcilable.

In this way, it is also conceivable, Why has the Taoist sect disappeared from the starry sky for thousands of years?

As long as the Demon Court still exists.

As long as the Demonic Court rules the roost, the Taoist sect will never have its day.

But now...

"My Dao Sect will eventually return."

In the soft murmur, more details are also revealed.

Just to attract the Nine Heavens Immortal - the first immortal of the human race....

And now, looking at the information gathered in the starry sky, the first immortal of the human race also sighed.


In the sudden roar, he turned into a spiritual light and headed towards the foundation gathered in the starry sky.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Amidst the continuous roar, the entire starry sky was shaken, and countless powerful people looked in horror....

Far above the starry sky, there is a figure, gradually emerging.

It is becoming more and more clear.

That is the first immortal of the human race...

He has arrived.

With the help of the Dao Sect and the countless heritage of the human race, a new body was condensed...

It has finally arrived.

And the moment he arrived,


The increasingly terrifying storms gathered in the star space.

Visible to the naked eye, the spiritual power of several galaxies is being rolled back into the starry sky.

It turned into a shocking whirlpool.

That is endless spiritual power.

Now, they all poured into the body of the first immortal of the human race.

And at this moment, the power of the first immortal of the human race was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.......

However, at this time, as if he noticed something, the first immortal of the human race in the deepest part of the whirlpool also raised his eyes....

What caught his eyes was the distance, in the chaos...Three figures side by side...

One person, dressed in a bloody robe, sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, with a strange and handsome face. together...Dressed in green clothes, with lightning wrapped around his body, his eyes showed supreme majesty.

And the last one, wearing a gorgeous purple robe, with an unruly and cold face...

"You shouldn't come back..."

While speaking in unison, the voices of these three figures were like shocking thunder, exploding in the starry sky.




The echoes continued, and the sound shook the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, making countless starry sky experts stunned.

This sound?

What is this sound?

Where do you come from?

Why can it resound throughout the world, like a question from God?

"If I don't come back, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to take action."

While speaking softly, the number one immortal of the human race also smiled.

And at the next moment, he also raised his eyes and looked at the three clones across hundreds of millions of miles.

"I will start the final trial and ask him for some advice..."


During the silence, the Purple Dragon of the Void, the Green Dragon of Heaven and the Lord of the Blood Sea couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.

The final trial?...

What on earth is this guy thinking?


Amid some astonishment, Tiandao Qinglong raised his eyebrows.

This was the only reason he could think of.

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