"So many masters are enough to make my Law Throne reach a new level."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu planned to change his approach.

That is to deprive himself of these laws that govern himself.

Deprive himself of the laws?

This is something that ordinary people dare not even think about, but it is not difficult for Yu Ziyu.

He has developed great supernatural powers. One Qi transforms the three pure states, and clearly understands the seven-fold method of dividing the soul, shaping the body, and nourishing the soul....

Each method, practiced to the extreme, is a new understanding of the body and soul.

Therefore, his understanding of the body and soul has now reached an unpredictable level.

To put it bluntly, he can easily separate the body and soul of a master.

As for the rules...Except for a few laws, most of them are integrated with the body.

In other words, it is not difficult for him to deprive a master of his laws.

It's just that it's a little laborious.

But this is where Yu Ziyu's interest lies.

At this point in his life, breaking through is no longer something he can do overnight.

Now, more should be drawn by analogy. so...

"Chaos Bell, I will open a cave in your fairyland, and then study the body, soul, and even the laws...."


In response, Chaos Bell Zhenling did not refuse.

Has this little guy reached this point?

I think back then, he had watched so many half-steps of eternity reach this point.

Some people fell in love with paintings. Painting, finally painted a scroll of mountains and rivers, stepping into eternity in one step.

Some people fell in love with refining medicine, refined the Nine Layers of Pills, supplemented by thousands of elixirs, and realized enlightenment in one day.

And this is the true way of eternity.

Blindly strong Cultivation is ultimately about abandoning the basics and pursuing the weak.

However, what Chaos Zhong didn't expect was that Yu Ziyu actually wanted to study the body, the soul and even the laws.



It’s hard to talk about it, but it goes straight to the root of it.

Although the physical body cannot be said to be comparable to eternity if it is cultivated to perfection, it is possible that it cannot be destroyed by heaven and cannot be buried by earth.

At that time, even the Eternal Venerable could not do anything to him.

This can be seen just from the body of the ancestor summoned by the Wu Clan's Clan Protector Formation, the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Shocking power gathered into one body.

Just relying on the physical body can destroy half of eternity, and even threaten artificial eternity.

In this way, you can also imagine how terrifying it is to cultivate your physical body to the extreme.

As for the soul and even the laws, no matter how extreme it is, it can be said to be invincible in the world.

Thinking back to the beginning, the famous Lord of Laws was the eternity whose laws reached their limit.

That guy, if it weren't for the terrible catastrophe of the era, he might have gone to the extreme, even half a step beyond his reach.

And now...

Yu Ziyu wants to walk the three roads together and walk out an eternal road that belongs to him


Soon after, in a corner of the fairyland, Yu Ziyu stood quietly alone.

Not far from him, there was an extremely large figure, sleeping quietly.

This is a master.

A Lord of the Abyss.

It’s the Abyss Lilong clan

"The Abyss Lilong clan is physically terrifying. They can be considered physically dominant and are worthy of dissection."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu raised the knife and started cutting at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

This was cutting from space... in silence, tearing everything apart.

Research is long, and for Yu Ziyu This is also the case.

As he continued to dissect, Yu Ziyu’s understanding of the Lilong clan continued to deepen.

"It turns out that arranging it like this can enhance physical strength?"

"It turns out that this organ can further increase the absorption of spiritual power?"


While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's body continued to change.

At his level, rebirth with a drop of blood is nothing more than a path.

Even if it is to completely change the life form, Yu Ziyu can easily do it.

Now, he is constantly researching and trying to improve his body further.

You know, her physical body has already reached the late seventh level.

It is only half a step away from the seven-turn limit.

If he could reach the limit of seven revolutions, his physical body and combat power would be comparable to those of the seven or eight heavenly masters.

As for why it can't be compared to half-step eternity.

That is naturally the drawback of physical training.

Although physical training is terrifying, it is ultimately a single method.

Even if the physical body can withstand the Half-Step Eternal attack, it will still be difficult to suppress the Half-Step Eternal.

Various laws and even seals are enough to suppress the physical cultivation to death.

And this is also the reason why physical cultivation is not as good as other entities in the world of cultivation.

Even the top strong ones cannot defeat the strong ones in the law system.

The rest can also be imagined.

However, this cannot deny the horror of the seventh revolution.

Especially someone like Yu Ziyu who cultivates both the law and the body.

For him, the physical strength will only further enhance his own strength.

Just like now... during the continuous dissection, Yu Ziyu's body was flashing with a hazy light.

That is the physical body growing continuously.

It is also the inner world of Yu Ziyu that has been further sublimated.

Within him, there is the tenth realm.

As a world transformed by the flesh, intertwined with reality and entangled with illusions, the tenth realm has finally begun a new transformation after many years.



In the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu's body roared like thunder.

It's like the creation of heaven and earth, and you can vaguely see countless crystal-like glass intertwined on the edge of the tenth world.

"Time is the scale, space is……"

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu chose to integrate the law into his body.

It's a pretty good road.

The laws of time and space continue to merge into the physical body, and finally turn into the body of time and space.

And in this way, his future eternal body will also be the first to be cast.

"When I polish my body to the extreme, I can carry the boundless laws through my body, and then, I can attain enlightenment in my body and step into eternity."

Yes, physical enlightenment.

This is the path of the physical body that he realized.

The physical body carries time and space, transforms into the body of time and space, and is immortal in heaven and earth.

In terms of law, Yu Ziyu still follows the path of the Throne of Law.

The Throne of Laws, thousands of laws, gathered into one body, creating an immortal throne.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it more and more. He understood something. He understood the path that belonged to him.

Whether it was the physical body or the laws... they all understood it clearly.

In this way First, he only needs to keep moving forward to reach eternity!!!

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