Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, several years had passed.

During this period of time, the starry sky was quite calm.

And all this is naturally because Yu Ziyu, who has just stepped into the ninth level of Tianmen, needs to settle down and retreat.

Not much time to do things.

Without him, the entire starry sky was much quieter.

If all the races in the starry sky knew this, the corners of their eyes would probably twitch uncontrollably.

After all, Xingkong seems to have his shadow behind many major events.

Even if he didn't take action personally, he still sent people to do it...

But, on this day,

"That Tzuyu, I took them away..."

While speaking softly, a figure in white clothes like snow raised the corners of his mouth in a subtle arc.

And at this time, if you look for the reputation, you will definitely find that there are several beautiful figures behind this figure, following quietly.

These are naturally the Tongtian Sacred Tree, the Flat Peach Sacred Tree and others.

However, there are not only many divine trees of heaven and earth, but also Yu Ziyu’s sixth divine beast, thorns, colorful divine flowers, and his disciple Chunbai.

There are a total of six beautiful figures, all of them are like heaven-reaching sacred trees. They are like fairies on earth, and the name of"Tree Fairy" is not in vain.

The sacred flat peach tree is as graceful and luxurious as the noble lady.

As for the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, she still smiles slightly, just like the girl next door, but she is particularly lovable....

"go Go."

Waving his hand, Yu Ziyu didn't care. Don't look at these six guys, they are all women.

But all of them are not easy to mess with.

Especially, the Tongtian Shenmu, which integrates the second-generation master-level buildings of the Nine Great Mu... Coupled with Yu Ziyu's action, her strength has returned to its previous state, even worse than before.

Now, she has reached the peak of the third level of Tianmen.

If she summons the second-generation Jianmu's true form of the Nine Greats, her strength will be I am afraid that there will be a terrifying climb.

Even if it is against the fourth level of Tianmen, it is not difficult.

Such an existence, looking at the starry sky, is also the strongest.

As for the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, it goes without saying.

The Divine Tree of Enlightenment, the daughter of Tao.

Ming. Enlightenment...Although she is better at helping others achieve enlightenment, her own combat power is also extremely terrifying.

And this, let alone the Peach Divine Tree, the Colorful Divine Flower, and even Pure White and others.

These guys look extremely weak, but none of them are easy to mess with.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu was relieved.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu glanced at the Tongtian Sacred Tree not far away and reminded:

"Pure white Nanizi, take good care of her, she is a little naughty."

As the words fell, this figure in pure white clothes already said coquettishly:

"master...do not..."


Resisting the twitching of the corners of her eyes, Yu Ziyu waved her hand decisively and drove Chunbai aside.

Over the years, Pure White has become an adult.

In addition, she has a heavenly beauty and an extremely delicate voice....

She's so coquettish that ordinary men can't stand it.

"I will..."

Smiling, Tongtian Shenmu also grabbed Chunbai's little hand.

This is Yu Ziyu's apprentice.

In this way, he can be regarded as half of her apprentice.

However, what makes Tongtian Shenmu somewhat concerned is why this guy is surrounded by beautiful women....

The legendary Momentum Flower, the flower that blooms at the end of the river of time.

From the abyss, the most ancient demon god——Pure White...

There is also the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, who is also a great beauty who captivates the country. good guy...Three thousand weak water, two thousand gathered around him.

You must know that no matter which one of these girls is placed in the starry sky, they are enough to excite and even desire countless geniuses.

But he's fine...Surrounded by...

But forget it.

Who calls this one too good?

It’s understandable for a good guy to have many members of the opposite sex around him.

However, at this time, the Tongtian Shenmu also reminded:

"If we go out of the tree world, there will be bloodshed and sacrifice. I can't guarantee that I can bring each of them back safely."

"It's fine."

Shaking his head, Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

Experience must have hardships.

Even if the body and soul are destroyed, it is possible.

Although he has the intention to cultivate it in the greenhouse, these girls are afraid that they are unwilling.

So, let them go. Get out.

As for, in the future, if something really goes wrong, it can be saved with his methods.

Of course, he will not tell Tongtian Shenmu and others about this.

Otherwise, the meaning of the experience will be lost.

His thoughts are here , Yu Ziyu also looked at the colorful divine flowers, thorns, and others and said in a concentrated voice:

"This is the path you chose. If something unexpected happens, I can only promise to avenge you. As for the rest,......"

Before the words could be completely finished, the colorful divine flower smiled and said:

"Okay, don’t think too much, how could anything happen to us sisters together?..."

"Moreover, you handed over the entire tree people clan to us...."

Speaking of this, the five-colored sacred flower also looked at some light clusters lingering around the sky-reaching sacred tree.

Then every light group is a world.

It's just that it's not a small world, let alone a big world.

Rather, it exists like space and a secret realm.

A total of three thousand light groups linger around the body...

But it carries the entire tree people clan.

As long as the Tongtian Divine Tree thinks about it, the entire tree people clan will come out in full force and sweep across the sky and the earth.

In the tree people clan, there are many half-step masters and such powerful people.

And this, let alone the divine beasts guarded by the Enlightenment Divine Tree, the Peach Divine Tree and others.

Those guys are all extremely powerful and terrifying.

Among them, there is one who is even more determined to dominate.

And that is the guardian beast of the flat peach tree - the through-armed monkey.

In the past, this dragon who made trouble was finally surrendered, and then became the guardian beast of the Peach Divine Tree.

Originally, with his talent, it would be a bit difficult to get a foothold.

But it is protected by the sacred flat peach tree.

He used his own origin to nourish the divine flat peach fruit and help him achieve enlightenment.

Now, if you look at the Peach Garden, you will definitely see a very cold-looking monkey sitting quietly under a very thick Peach God Tree, with a look of compassion on his face.

Thousands of years of seclusion have reduced the viciousness.

But the violence and mania in his bones never faded away.

He is waiting...

Waiting for the call of the sacred tree.

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