Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, the light and clear weather is yang, and the earth's qi is heavy and turbid, yin; water and fire are also divided into yin and yang, water is cold and moisturizes the subordinate yin, fire is hot and the inflammation is yang.

People are also divided into yin and yang. Men are masculine and powerful, which is yang, and women are feminine, which is yin.

Everything in the world can be regarded as 'yin and yang'.

The sacred tree also has yin and yang.

Yu Ziyu is yang, while the sacred tree reaching the sky is yin.



During a period of silence, Yu Ziyu looked at the cool energy that continued to flow towards his body with some astonishment.

This energy is so gentle, so...

As a result, the violent chaos force in his body became more and more docile.

What's even more terrifying is that as he is making a breakthrough, all the violent forces in his body are also guided by this gentle force....Calmness gradually returned.

Yes, calm has been restored


Amid some astonishment, Yu Ziyu also deeply understood what kind of power this was.

The power of pure yin....

Everything in the world has power.

Either pure yin or pure yang.

And now, this power is flowing through his body. means, something.

Naturally it goes without saying

"It was when I sank into my mind that I inadvertently...Only then..."

With a somewhat helpless voice, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

Vaguely, he saw a gorgeous woman, her brows slightly furrowed, as if she was extremely uncomfortable.

However, this is normal.

First time...

Although, as a sacred tree, she will not be like a human woman.

However, for the Tongtian Shenmu, there is also a strange feeling rising in his heart.

Therefore, even she couldn't help but frown slightly


There was a moment of silence, and Yu Ziyu was also a little confused.

No matter how he calculated the stars, he never expected that he would encounter this scene.

Is this the so-called affair?

While practicing or going crazy, I met a woman, and then the two of them...

It seems, almost the same.

It's just that he didn't become obsessed, but fell into deep seclusion.

"I always thought this kind of thing was far away from me."

With a cry of helplessness, Yu Ziyu recognized the fact.

Now that it has happened, just accept it.

Moreover, he was already interested in the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

You know, this is the Tongtian Sacred Tree, and it is also a magnificent tree in the starry sky. A strange woman.

Although she only appeared suddenly, she was able to achieve something that even the heaven-reaching sacred tree could not do for countless epochs.

Not only did she cultivate the Supreme Dharma Body, but she also managed to steal the sky and change the sun. Under the supervision of Heaven, She cheated her death to escape.

Looking at such a woman throughout all eras, few people can find her. And this is also conceivable why Yu Ziyu is interested in her.

Excellent people will always attract each other.

For a being like Yu Ziyu, No matter how much you captivate the country and the city, you will never be able to match your"amazing talent". No matter how beautiful you are, you can't beat the years.

But your world-famous talents are enough to be remembered by the times.

Think of the legendary snail with the head of a human and the body of a snake. , created all things.

And like the Queen Mother of the West, who is the mother of the world, she is graceful and noble, sitting in one place.

There are also...The Houtu Empress of the Witch Clan has reincarnated into reincarnation and has been praised throughout the ages.

This woman is not one whose talent amazes the world.

Which one is not unprecedented. not just them...In many eras, many stunning women have emerged.

For example, the empress of the Barbaric Era, her style remains the same, and with a mortal body, she defied the gods....

Another example is the war goddess from the Era of Gods.......

One after another is enough to move the stars.

Their appearance is unknown to anyone.

But their talents are amazing for years to come.

And now, there is another such woman.

That is the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

A strange woman who is destined to step onto the ninth level of Tianmen and attack the master.

For now, there are countless women in the starry sky, but there is no one who can compare with her.

"It's a pity, it's cheap for me..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also felt a little regretful.

It's a pity that not many people know about this.

If all races knew that the strange woman ranked first in the Hundred Flowers List had committed herself to him, the entire starry sky would be in an uproar.

What is worth mentioning here is that although the Tianji clan was destroyed.

But their various rankings are well preserved, and a large part of them are in the hands of Yu Ziyu.

And here, the Hundred Flowers List is a list that respects women's talent and appearance.

Like the most sacred beast in Demon Court, Nine Tails...Known as the 'Peerless Demonic Concubine', she is only ranked in the top five.

The Dragon Clan's Dragon King Dream is only ranked eighth.

As for the top three...Each one is more mysterious than the other.

Many people are curious.

Especially the number one tree fairy’...Until now, no one knows who it is.

Some people even doubt whether she exists?

And this one is naturally Tongtian Jianmu.

‘The name"Tree Immortal" was mentioned by Yu Ziyu personally on the stone tablet, making it known to all races....

It's a pity that no one knows.

However, it's not a big problem.

If there is a chance in the future, just let all races know about it.

But now, the most important thing is how to deal with the aftermath?

Is it possible to continue to pretend to practice as if it didn’t happen? still...

Amidst the rare hesitation, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed.

Just because, at this time, he noticed something abnormal about the Tongtian Divine Tree

"Already woke up..."

Astonished, Yu Ziyu chose to remain silent.

Since Tongtian Shenmu was embarrassed, he wouldn't expose it.

Moreover, he is in a critical period now and has no time to care about anything else. so...


After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu also dropped a few willow leaves and landed on the Tongtian Divine Tree.

Then, his mind slowly sank into his body and he chose to continue practicing.

And not long after Yu Ziyu's mind sank, a rather resentful voice echoed in the chaos.

"Is this guy finally going to practice?..."


Another sigh...A beautiful figure in white clothes like snow also slowly walked out from the sacred tree.

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