"you you..."

Amidst the continuous trembling, the Abyss Dark Dragon also rarely lost its composure.

What exactly did he see?

Wind Chaser, the leader of the elves, is actually...

However, at this moment, as if he noticed the gazes of the two of them, Lord Qinglong also slowly turned around and looked not far away

"What did you see?"

In the faint voice, the air seemed to be frozen, and an indescribable coldness also permeated the world.


I haven’t waited for the Dark Dragon of the Abyss to say anything.


A thunderbolt in the clear sky...Shocking thunder fell from the sky, swallowing up the two dragons in an instant

"Yin, Yin..."

Amidst the very sad dragon roars, these two very terrifying demonic dragons actually electrocuted their bones amidst the terrifying thunder.

What's even more shocking is that their dragon scales are constantly breaking.

You know, they are the Abyss Demonic Dragon Clan.

The resistance to various elements can be described as overwhelming.

However, now, facing the Thunder, they actually have no power to resist at all.

three things to remember..."

"The first thing is to put away your little calculations. If the Demon Court is exposed, I will definitely lead the Demon Court’s hundreds of millions of troops to sweep across the entire abyss."

"The second thing is, forget what you just saw..."

"The third thing, forget my arrival...."

Speaking one after another, the figure of Lord Qinglong gradually disappeared into the starry sky.

Along with it, the Wind Chaser, whose energy was like a gossamer, also disappeared here.

The wind chaser is, after all, a master.

Leaving it to Ontology is the best choice.

As for why not kill the Abyss Dark Dragon and the Abyss Shadow Dragon?...

There's no need for that.

Both of them still have value.

Moreover, what needs to be said has been said.

And in the end, it doesn’t matter whether they listen or not....

"The general trend has been set and cannot be changed..."

"As for the small trend, what's the harm if it changes?..."

In the faint voice, Tiandao Qinglong's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

In a daze, he saw the so-called destiny...

The web of fate has been woven.

The fate of all races has long been determined.

Now, everything is irreversible.

Some just go with the flow......

And not long after that... deep in the starry sky...

Stunned, the Abyss Dark Dragon and the Abyss Shadow Dragon also stood there for a long time, with indescribable complexity on their faces.

If you look carefully, you can even see the lightning that has not dissipated on their bodies, breaking through the space.

"That's the real Qinglong..."

In a rare shock, the Abyss Shadow Dragon also fell silent.

For some reason, he seemed to see the most terrifying demon in the world.

Even the famous ancient demon king in their abyss seems to be less prepared than him.


With a sigh, the Dark Dragon of the Abyss was helpless

"Let's forget about this for now."

As he said that, the Abyss Dark Dragon also reminded:

"I can feel that guy, no kidding"


Nodding slightly, the Abyss Shadow Dragon was also a little shocked and said:

"I feel like, in front of him, I am like an ant that can be easily crushed to death."


There was silence for a while, and the Abyss Dark Dragon also agreed.

It has to be said that this one is really a monster. A real monster.

The Abyss Dark Dragon is doubtful. He is far more than the fourth heaven of Tianmen, or even the fifth heaven....

But Tiandao Qinglong didn't know about this.

If he knew it, he would definitely curl up his lips slightly and feel a little clearer.

Just because, now the main body is at the time of breakthrough, and the subtle energy overflowing is not something that these ordinary masters can resist.

Tianmen has nine levels of heaven, one level is better than the other.

On the day when the main body truly sets foot in the ninth heaven of Tianmen, the starry sky is vast, but there is no one who can defeat anyone without the main body, and everything can be conquered.

And that is his true nature.

The true starry sky supreme’!!...

Time always passes inadvertently.

But during this period of time, the starry sky was not calm.

Just because the Wind Chaser of the Elf clan has disappeared.

For this reason, the entire elven clan was shocked.

Countless powerful men were sent out just to find the whereabouts of the Wind Chaser.

Moreover, this is not the only news...Good news also came from the Demon Court.

Two masters took action and finally captured a master of the abyss alive.

You know, this is a master.

When competing at the same level, even if it takes several months, it is difficult to determine the winner.

Let alone catching him alive...

Such a record really makes the starry sky excited.

"Hahaha, it’s indeed the Demon Court...."

"I knew that guy Baizu, but I didn’t expect that Yaoting would capture him alive....."

"According to rumors, Baizu seems to have been escorted by Demon Court's 100,000-strong army, guarded by two masters, and sent back to Demon Court's headquarters....."

"Tsk tsk..."

Amidst the continuous sighs, one strong person after another was excited.

However, it's not just them.

Even the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan and many other big forces paid attention immediately.

"What a surprise, Baizu’s whereabouts were actually deduced by the Demon Court...More importantly, Abyss did not provide immediate support...."

"It's not that there is no support, it's that there is no time."

In sudden response, a master of the dragon clan also said bluntly:

"The Demon King's former disciple Huang Fei took action. She carried the Demonic Eye of Life and Death, which penetrated the boundary between life and death. Her combat power was so terrifying that even Baizu couldn't resist her, let alone Bai Hu. Honor the evil god..."

Listening quietly, many dragon masters were shocked

"Has Concubine Huang also set foot on the throne?"

Among the surprised voices, many dragon clan experts were in disbelief.

Concubine Huang is a descendant after all.

And most of them, the masters, are contemporaries with the Demon Emperor.



Nodding, the dragon master also said bluntly:

"She was born with a first-class divine eye. Now that she has stepped into the dominion, her fighting power is so amazing that it is definitely not comparable to ordinary dominators...."

"Demon Court has another general...."

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