"Don’t owe anyone..."

While murmuring softly, Tongtian Shenmu looked at the figure not far away, also in a daze.

In a daze, she felt a hot breath coming towards her.

This is the scent of the opposite sex.

Very strange.

And at this time,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the continuous roar, the nine realms suddenly shook.

Looking for fame, it turned out to be the second-generation building wood that supported the nine realms, rising in the wind.

They are breaking through...

They are transforming.

The tree body grows thicker and thicker, like a thick pillar holding up the sky, holding the sky higher.

The branches and leaves are denser.

Faintly, there are shadows of real dragons and real phoenixes, lingering upwards.

Jianmu is different from ordinary sacred trees.

This tree has protected all races since ancient times.

Therefore, there are more or less shadows of all races deep in their bloodline.

And when they attack the Overlord, the blood of these races will be activated and turn into phantoms to protect them.

It's just that it's different from other beings stepping into dominion.

These second generation Jianmu are not very intelligent.

It is more due to the promotion of the nine realms of supernatural power and the nine origin elves.

Nine Realms, Origin Elves, and Second Generation Jianmu.

The three are already one.

Therefore, when the Nine Realms transformed and the original elves came to dominate, the second generation Jianmu ushered in a world-shaking great fortune....

But now, the second-generation building wood is rising in the wind, and the sky is shaking.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu also moved.

Slowly raise your hand,


With a shocking loud noise, he grabbed the second generation Jianmu's tree with one hand.


Just hearing the sound of the second-generation tree cracking, a ball of green light flew out.

Not just this one,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Breaking through the air one after another, the other second-generation Jianmu also shot out a ball of green light.

And just when this group of green light shot out, the aura of these second-generation Jianmu was greatly reduced.

Even the greenery has lost a bit.

However, this does not affect.

Weakness is short-term.

With the support of the Nine Realms, recovery is only a matter of time.

Just like now, I seemed to feel something. The spiritual energy from the nine realms actually gathered into a whirlpool and poured towards these nine second-generation trees.

In response to this, Yu Ziyu just raised his eyes, glanced at the nine origin elves standing in the sky of the nine realms, and whispered softly:;

"The second generation of Jianmu is left to you...."


Nodding slightly, many origin elves also bowed in unison and said:

"Farewell to the host"


In response, Yu Ziyu also waved his sleeves, rolled up nine groups of tree hearts, took the sacred tree to the sky, and rushed towards the Sun and Moon Cave....

Deep in the chaos, the sun and moon are in the sky.

As quiet as ever.

At this moment, his disciples Chunbai, Colorful Divine Flower, Thorns and others were all sent into the world of life among the nine realms.

Yu Ziyu was left alone, standing quietly in the sun and moon cave.

No, it’s not just Yu Ziyu.

There is also a figure arriving for the first time.

The sacred tree that reaches the sky is an old friend of Yu Ziyu. She has flowing black hair and her white dress sets off her proud fairy figure....

The skin is as white as if it were carved from suet-fat jade.

At a glance, she is no longer a mortal woman.

However, if you pay careful attention, you can definitely see that her cheeks are slightly red, and her eyes can't stop twinkling.

He seemed shy and curious.

A pair of beautiful eyes, even more brilliant

"This guy is really scary."

Sighing in her heart, the Tongtian Shenmu is also sizing up the Sun and Moon Cave.

She is the Tongtian Shenmu, and her knowledge is extremely extraordinary. Naturally, she can understand the mysteries of the Sun and Moon Cave at a glance.

This is a dojo.

Only those with great supernatural powers can be found in the chaos. A dojo can only be opened up.

And Yu Ziyu actually owns a dojo.

One can imagine what this means.

More than that...

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at the 'sun and moon' in the sky above the Sun Moon Cave. The sky-reaching sacred tree could not suppress the horror in his heart.

Japan time. , the moon is space.

As the sun and moon rotate, time and space alternate.

The entire Sun Moon Cave sky was hidden in the haze.

In a trance, Tongtian Shenmu felt the traces of the intersection of time and space.

"What you are carrying is..."

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Tongtian Shenmu was also a little unbelievable.

"Time and space are time and space...A rare supreme law."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu did not intend to hide this person.

There is no need.

There is no way to hide it.

This person's natural talent can be heard by heaven, not just talk about it.

Therefore, instead of hiding it, It’s better to be more thorough.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu already had a good idea in his mind.

Yes, it’s a very good idea.

"The same sacred tree...Waiting for the divine tree to reach the sky, the body will be reshaped and return to the realm of dominance...She and I can try and explore the Yin-Yang Avenue."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu did not shy away from this.

At this level of his, what he seeks is a great perfection.

And although his body is powerful, he has never experienced marriage and children, let alone the love between children. For a long time.

Now, he is invincible in the world.

For at least tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, it will be difficult to go further.

Therefore, during this period of time, he needs to use some methods to pass the time and polish his state of mind at the same time.

And looking for A Taoist companion with similar interests was a good choice.

Therefore, he turned his attention to the Tongtian Divine Tree.

This was also the reason why he took the initiative to awaken the Tongtian Divine Tree.

"The same sacred tree, the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree, is indeed the best choice for my body."

Muttering in her heart, Yu Ziyu has no personal relationship with her children, but more of a desire for the great road.

It is an expectation for further progress.

And now...

Sitting cross-legged above the cave sky, nine groups of green light flashed between heaven and earth.

There are countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures spurting out from Yu Ziyu's treasure house

"The sacred tree in the same sky, close your eyes and concentrate..."

With the gentle instructions, Yu Ziyu also began to use the body-shaping method of the great supernatural power to transform the three pure states into one, to shape the physical body for the sacred tree that reaches the sky.

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