
The entire starry sky was shaken.

The Demon Court actually unleashed the fury of thunder and suddenly attacked the Titans.

You know, the Titan God Clan is the royal family of their Demon Court.

But now, Yaoting, who has always had a gentle policy in dealing with things, is actually so ruthless and terrifying.... this...

However, before all races could be more shocked, a decree had already appeared in the starry sky.

"Today, the Titan royal family conspires to betray the Demon Court. Three generations of the Yi clan are trying to rectify the power of Heaven...."

It was a very simple declaration, but countless forces were shocked.

This is the response of Demon Court.

All those who rebel are from the Yi and Qi tribes.

However, for some reason, some forces still vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Yes, no

"The Demon Court in the past would never be so resolute...."

"Not to mention directly attacking the three tribes of Yi and Qi...."

In a very solemn voice, a senior leader of the force also started a discussion.

"Moreover, I heard that the imperial soldiers of the Titan Royal Family seem to have recognized the fifth divine beast of the Demon Court, the golden ant...."


With an exclamation, the expressions of countless strong men in this force changed drastically.


How can it be?

The legendary Titan heritage - the Titan Crown, actually recognizes a foreigner as its master? ? this...

Not to mention them, even some imperial soldiers felt a little weird after knowing about it.

As far as they know, the Titan Crown is a bloodline imperial soldier.

Non-Titans cannot control it.

But now...

"Is this the power of Lord Qinglong?"

Amidst the sudden condensation, the dragon clan's imperial weapon Dragon Crown also thought of the extremely terrifying Heavenly Law not long ago.

If he guessed correctly, Venerable Qinglong should have forcibly reversed the cause and effect, and then allowed the imperial weapon Titan to recognize the golden ant as its master..

But I don’t know what kind of methods he used.

On this point, even Dragon Crown is a little scared.

He can actually make the old stubborn Titan Crown recognize the master of a foreign race.......

What no one knew at this time was that this was just the beginning.

Just because, at this moment,

"Swish, swish...."

Accompanied by the terrifying sound of breaking through the sky, two streams of light tore through the starry sky and headed towards the star field where the Angel Clan was.

This is Kyuubi, and White Tiger.

There is a saying that goes well.

If you want to escape the outside world, you need to be at home inside.

Within the Demon Court, there are two very unstable factors.

One is naturally the Titans.

One is the angel royal family.

These two clans are both powerful clans with profound foundations.

But the Titans seem to be incompatible with each other, and this generation of Titan God-Kings wants to rebel....

Therefore, their Titan family, the royal family, suffered heavy losses, and Yu Ziyu even personally took action to capture the Imperial Weapon Titan Crown for the Golden Ant.

And now...It was the angel clan that Kyuubi and White Tiger rushed to.

However, unlike the Titan clan, there is only one master.

The angel clan is a bit scary.

On the surface, there are two masters. One is Lan, who carries the"speed" on his back. He is the"speedster" with the most terrifying speed under the starry sky.

It is said that her speed can catch up with time.

The second one is the Seraphim, the highest-ranking member of the angel family, known as the 'Head of Angels'.

But that's not all.

In addition to Lan and Seraphim, the angel clan also has an extremely terrifying legion.

Legion of Fallen Angels.

Its leader, the killing angel"Xila", and the resistance angel are both strong men at the dominance level.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary master.

In this way, we can also imagine the power of the angel family.

The current angel clan can be said without any hesitation to be"worthy of being a powerful clan".

However, the angel family has always kept a low profile.

Except for secretly attacking the hell world, he is usually dormant.

So many forces underestimated the power of this race.

However, everyone would underestimate it.

But Demon Court will never underestimate it.

Just because...

Slowly raising his hand, he took out a snow-white feather, and Kyuubi's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

This is the feather of the fifth Seraph, the king of the angel clan, and it is also his token.

Who would have thought that the legendary Fifth Seraph would also be her master?

"Master, there are too many clones...."

With a sigh, Kyuubi also smiled bitterly.

Until now, she has not found out the real owner.


During a period of silence, Bai Hu also lowered his head silently.

Right now, he doesn't want to know too much.

The more you know, the more trouble you get.

In the past, he was not in solitary confinement just because he knew too much.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, Bai Hu also smiled and said:

"Lan, it seems we haven’t seen each other for a long time, right?"


Nodding, Jiuwei also thought of this figure shrouded in white light.

Lan, the Dragon Envoy of the Demon Court.

She has a good relationship with the Demon Court. She can also be regarded as a staunch supporter of the Demon Court.

It can be said that with her, The possibility of the Angel Clan betraying the Demon Court is very low...

And shortly after that,

"We will pay our respects to the demon concubine of Demon Court and the Venerable White Tiger."

"We will pay our respects to the demon concubine of Demon Court and the Venerable White Tiger."...

Amidst the chorus of greetings, at some point, the angel army that had been waiting in the starry sky had all prostrate themselves.

Yes, the army of angels.

Looking up, I can see endless angels stretching out....

One hundred thousand, one million... even more...

Countless angels spread their wings...

Bathed in the most sacred light


During a period of silence, Nine-Tails and White Tiger also looked at each other.

This family of angels...

At this time, as if aware of the doubts of Nine Tails and White Tiger, Seraphim, a figure intertwined with light and shadow, slowly flew out and said:

"We have always supported Demon Court..."

"And not long ago, I had a premonition that you two were coming...."

"So come early to greet us."

Speaking of this, Seraphim even raised his right hand and said loudly:

"Now these millions of angel armies are all fighting for the Demon Court...."

"Among them, the Fallen Angel Legion is always ready...."

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