The Lei Ling Clan, an ancient remnant clan.

It is said that the Thunder Spirit Clan are all creatures of the Thunder Dao.

There is the purple sky divine thunder, there is the divine thunder of creation...

All thunder in the world can be found in the Thunder Spirit Clan.

Of course, bloodlines such as the Zixiao Divine Thunder and the Creation Divine Thunder, which are equivalent to the Dragon Clan and Dragon Ancestor level, are extremely rare.

Although, the Thunder Spirit Clan was very powerful in this era.

But only the Zixiao Divine Thunder was bred into spirit and transformed into the Zixiao Divine Thunder Envoy who moved the starry sky.

As for other...For example, the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Thunder, Taiqing Divine Thunder, Maojin Divine Thunder, Yimu Divine Thunder, Kuishui Divine Thunder, etc. are all missing.

And now...


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, the starry sky shook.

Amidst the horrified gazes of countless powerful men from the Thunder Spirit Clan, a cyan figure was approaching from the distant starry sky.

This cyan figure is extremely tall and straight.

A head of black hair, curled up in the sky

"Who are you?"

Amid the sudden exclamation, a figure also recognized Yu Ziyu's identity.

"Under the blue dragon crown..."

Amid the shocked call, several elders of the Lei Ling Clan were also moved.

Under the Qinglong crown, how could he come here suddenly?

Although, before, they asked Qinglong to take action to suppress that mysterious strong man.

But the problem is that the mysterious strong man has not come out yet. so...Under the Qinglong crown, there was no chance to take action.

But now, Qinglong Mianxia suddenly came here.


Amidst the long roar, Yu Ziyu’s voice echoed throughout the world.

"I took the liberty to come here in hopes of atonement."

With a very sincere voice, Yu Ziyu also slowly raised his hand and made a big salute.

However, at the moment when the ceremony was completed,


The sudden thunder resounded throughout the entire star field.

Immediately afterwards, countless strong men from the Thunder Spirit Clan felt their bodies sink.

Some strong men even made a 'pop' sound, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


With their eyes widened, the powerful men of the Thunder Spirit Clan one after another looked at the figures in the distance and couldn't help but be horrified.


Why, Qinglong crowned them with a salute, and they turned out to be like this...

But, this is just the beginning.

Just because, at this moment, Yu Ziyu said again:

"This time, I have something to ask for...I hope you will allow me."

As he said this, Yu Ziyu cupped his hands again and bent down.


In the sudden roar, as powerful as Zixiao, his expression also changed drastically.

Even my soul began to tremble

"no, do not want..."

Amidst the continuous exclamations, several powerful men from the Thunder Spirit Clan shot out to stop him immediately.

Don't wait for them to get close,


There was a loud noise, and when Yu Ziyu bent down, the bodies of these powerful men from the Thunder Spirit Clan began to disintegrate as if they had been hit hard.


One after another, the powerful men of the Thunder Spirit Clan were stunned.

At this time, what none of them noticed was that there was a sea of ​​thunder surging deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

He, with the body of a green dragon, controls the thunder.

Nowadays, Xingkong Leifa is the most powerful person.

As for the Thunder Spirit Clan, they are all creatures of the Thunder Path.

Although they have good innate talents, meeting someone like Yu Ziyu who controls the thunder is no less difficult than meeting the King of the Thunder Path.

Not to mention, Yu Ziyu is so powerful.

Therefore, the Lei Ling clan could not bear his salute.

Of course, the reason is not just this.

Also, he is the one who proactively recognizes the Emperor's Heavenly Dao Thunder Pond as its master.

He has long been the master of the Tiandao Thunder Pond.

As for the Lei Ling Clan, although they are powerful, they are the remnants of the Tiandao Emperor's soldiers who have been guarding them for generations.

To put it in simpler terms, the Thunder Spirit Clan are the servants of the Tiandao Emperor.

But there is no such thing as a master's master saluting his servants.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, Yu Ziyu's heavenly dragon body is a creature of heaven.

Heaven's way...Above all things. so...For these reasons one after another, these two great gifts from Yu Ziyu were enough to shock the entire Lei Ling Clan....

Visible to the naked eye,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thick dark clouds gathered above Yu Ziyu's head, drowning the starry sky.

Yu Ziyu stood alone under the dark clouds, as if he were followed by thousands of troops.

An earth-shattering momentum is also rising.

"That is..."

In the sudden exclamation, countless powerful men from the Thunder Spirit Clan noticed the lightning flashing deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

It was so bright, so dazzling.

Like two great suns, rising slowly...


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, the starry sky shook, and increasingly terrifying thunder continued to gather in this world.

At this time, if you look carefully, you can already find Yu Ziyu's human form, which has disappeared without knowing when.

And among the dark clouds, there is a terrifying figure that is constantly moving back and forth in the depths.

That's a dragon.

The cyan dragon.

Countless chains transformed from thunder were intertwined around his body.

The extremely majestic dragon eyes flashed with bright lightning.

It holds its head proudly deep in the dark clouds, like a king, looking down at the heaven and earth

"Is this Lord Qinglong?"

Amidst the disbelieving voices, countless powerful men from the Thunder Spirit Clan were dumbfounded.

Lord Qinglong, how could it be possible?

How could he have such attainments in the Thunder Way.

However, at this moment, something seemed to have occurred to him. The expression of an elder from the Thunder Spirit Clan suddenly changed.

"No, Qinglong wants to get his hands on the imperial soldiers...."

Amid the sudden exclamation, the elder of the Thunder Spirit Clan also immediately shot towards the depths of the clan.

Just don't wait for him to get close


In the sudden roar, between heaven and earth, there was a huge thunderbolt, falling from the starry sky, turning the elder of the Thunder Spirit Clan into dust all over the sky.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

The faint voice echoed between heaven and earth...But it made countless powerful people from the Thunder Spirit Clan tremble.

And at the next moment, the entire Thunder Spirit Clan was shocked....

Just because, at this time...The boundless thunder sea actually slowly rose from the star field.

And just in the depths of the Thunder Sea, an ancient stone pool slowly emerged.

The stone pool has mottled marks that are difficult to erase over time.

However, if you pay careful attention, you will see that they are knife marks, sword marks, and ax marks.

The knife marks were left by the Emperor's Tyrannical Jedi Blade.

The imperial soldiers that existed in legend have long disappeared in the years.

The sword marks are left by the Zhuxian Sword among the Four Swords of Zhuxian....

In the past, there was a collision between the Tiandao Thunder Pond and the Zhuxian Sword....

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