River, flowing.

Chaos rarely fell into silence.

As if feeling the arrival of the divine river...

However, at this time, no one knew that there was a figure swimming upstream in the Divine River alone.

Yes, swim against the current.

Just to find the true meaning of time

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

The waves are blooming, and Yu Ziyu is walking alone in the long river of time.

And this is what practitioners can do most of the time.

They can observe the past like the moon in the mirror.

However, Yu Ziyu is different from them in one thing.

That is...

Slowly raising his hand, Yu Ziyu felt his fingertips tremble.

Waves of ripples appeared on his fingertips, and an indescribable palpitation also surged in his heart.

"this feeling..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu understood that this was how terrifying he was.

He is not only able to observe the past.

It can also interfere to a certain extent.

And the reason for this is because he not only carries time, but also space.

Time and space merge into one, turning into time and space.

In other words, Yu Ziyu can travel between the past and the future to a certain extent....

Although, this is a taboo and heaven and earth will not allow it.

But I have to say that Yu Ziyu can do it.

This is the supreme law of time and space, the most taboo power.

It is also the most terrifying power

"I walk between eras, in the past and in the future, and understand the mysteries of time and space...."

"And this is my deep enlightenment..."

"Although it is just a time-travel of consciousness, I am now able to interfere with all kinds of things in the past...."

A flash of enlightenment arose in his heart, but Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

Just because, at this moment, a terrible coldness actually rose from behind him.

What does it mean to travel between the past and the future?

Nobody knows.

Even Yu Ziyu didn't know.

Could it be that like some parallel worlds, after he travels through the past and changes the past, a branch of time will open up, thus forming a so-called parallel world.

In this way, it will not have the slightest impact on his current world.

While thinking about it, Yu Ziyu felt that it was not that simple.

Moreover, at this time, he had a feeling that if he had really interfered in the past.

Then, he must bear huge consequences......

At this time, Yu Ziyu continued to swim upstream and was just watching the flowers.

Just, at this moment,

"Is this the calamity of the era?...Hahaha...."

"The starry sky is like a cage, I am just a bird in a cage...."...

A very shrill roar suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

This sound was deafening and shocking.

Subconsciously turned his eyes...Yu Ziyu also looked at this section of the river

"Could this be the end of an era?..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

The catastrophe of the era.

That was the most terrifying catastrophe in the world.

It was a catastrophe that swept everything.

All living beings, no one can escape.

Even the eternity that is so high above will fall into the clouds in the catastrophe of the era....

And that is the catastrophe of the era.

But now, Yu Ziyu actually heard such remarks during this period of time

"Such a voice, even if time passes, is difficult to erase...If I guess correctly, this person is at least half a step into eternity...Even an eternal existence in the true sense, an existence beyond time"

"No, it can't be eternity...Eternity has long been transcended, even the long river of time cannot accommodate his existence..."

"From this point of view, this person should be half-step eternity..."

After thinking again and again, Yu Ziyu also tentatively stretched out her right hand to this period of time.


In the sudden roar, the sky and the earth spun, and Yu Ziyu's entire figure turned into a drop of water and merged into the river of time.

And this is what Yu Ziyu said before - blending into heaven and earth...

It's just because he is burdened by the laws of space and time.

Therefore, what he integrated into was a period of time.

To put it simply, it means that Yu Ziyu has returned to the past, to that soul-stirring time.

Returning to that one, it was the end of an era that made countless strong men despair.

But if he can't get out, he'll never come back......

The Mechanical Era, an unrecorded era.

In this era, technology has reached its peak...

And now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu slowly opened his eyes.

He saw it...

I saw a very strange world. in this world...At the far end, there are countless magnificent battleships.

These battleships glowed with strange blue arcs, and terrifying energy tides continued to surge.

If you look closely, you can see that there are countless machines-like beings on these battleships.

No, this is not life.

Instead, he exists like a puppet.

Even if you die, you can regenerate.

They are just, partially conscious in these machines.

According to Yu Ziyu, there are living beings who remotely control these machines....It's like one player after another, controlling these terrifying life forms through neural transmission and other means.

At a glance, he saw the truth and falsehood.

But Yu Ziyu’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

"This is the so-called civilization-level force...."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also understood that he had not reached the end of the era.

Instead, it came to the final battle before the end of the era.

The legendary battle of civilizations.

And now...With his eyes focused, Yu Ziyu also tried to read more information.

【Race: Humanoid motor body. (The highest masterpiece of mechanical civilization, which perfectly integrates the consciousness of living beings with machines....Even if the machine is damaged, as long as the consciousness is intact, you can change to another container and continue fighting....It is the most terrifying fighting machine in the world, with combat experience that is unmatched by ordinary lives. )

Level: Extraordinary sixth level.

Talent: Position transformation - able to change position, defend or attack.


Energy intake: Ability to absorb surrounding energy at all times.

Destructive Wave: A wave that destroys everything.

Field expansion: expand the field instantly, suppressing all extraordinary powers...】

"this thing..."

In a rare shock, Yu Ziyu also noticed that this kind of machine was actually spread across countless battleships.

And this also means that the legendary sixth-order giant is walking all over the place.

And how is this possible?

Even the most extreme extraordinary civilization cannot have so many sixth-order giants. unless...

As if she thought of something, Yu Ziyu's expression also changed slightly.

"This is the charm of technology...Maybe there is no real master on the technology side...But they are able to mass-produce fifth-level demigods and sixth-level giants...."

"In this way, we can also understand why this mechanical civilization can dominate this era and stand at the top...."

"The cutting-edge combat power cannot be defeated, but the mid-level combat power is beyond the reach of every extraordinary civilization."... ps: - Please customize - for these mechas, you can imagine Gundam or Neon Genesis Evangelion...On this basis, we can also understand why these organisms are terrifying....

Exploding stars or something like that just depends on the amount of energy output.

Moreover, these machines are still large-scale, like an army, there are countless...

As far as Crimson's current thoughts...if this mechanical civilization came to the starry sky today, all the races in the starry sky would really be unable to do it....

A civilization-level force exists above all other forces.

In addition to these aircraft and battleships, there is also a civilizational heritage that can shock and even threaten the master....

Because the technology side will rarely be mentioned in the future, here I will briefly describe to you, in Crimson Heart, the power of the technology side that has multiplied to its peak....

At the same time, pick up the pace. strive to transcend time...

Don’t talk about Crimson Hydrology. Crimson is really working hard and speeding up the pace.....

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