This must be a joke?

There was a lot of disbelief in his heart, but the Butterfly Emperor's eyes froze when he looked at the pure white girl not far away.

Sometimes, facts speak louder than words.

This girl is enough to prove everything.

The most noble queen in their abyss, Elise, was really raped by this man....Bullied.

But, yes.

A woman as noble as the Queen of the Abyss would be a man who would want to bully her.

What's more, she really fell into the hands of this man.

So, everything is conceivable.

But thinking of this, Butterfly Emperor's face suddenly stiffened.

Just because, at this time, she realized the point.

Because, now she seems to have fallen into the hands of this man

"No way?"

Slowly raising her eyes, the Butterfly Emperor's beautiful eyes were full of fear and panic.

Even if she died, she would not let anyone desecrate her body.

Of course, the premise of all this is that she can stand in front of Yu Ziyu Death.

Now Yu Ziyu is in the eighth level of Tianmen, and his control over time and space is beyond imagination.

Even if the Butterfly Emperor commits suicide in front of him, he can instantly reverse time and space and resurrect him.

After too long, resurrection, Yu Ziyu does Less than.

But after dying in a few breaths, it is not difficult for Yu Ziyu to resurrect.

And this is how terrifying Yu Ziyu is now...

But now...Quietly watching the Butterfly Emperor's pretty face changing color again and again, the smile on Yu Ziyu's lips grew stronger.

In this way, it feels really good to tease people.

Sure enough, he is an out-and-out devil.

As always, I like to play with people's minds.

However, fortunately, the Queen of the Abyss's sister, Pure White, is a secret. Not many people in the Abyss know that the Queen of the Abyss has a sister.

Only then did Yu Ziyu frighten the Butterfly Emperor until his pretty face turned white and his face was full of panic.

No matter how many words you say, you can't defeat the 'Pure White One'.

The breath is about 70-80% similar.

Moreover, it is pure white, and at first glance, it seems that the bones are not very old.

At most more than a hundred years.

And this also made the suspicion in Butterfly Emperor's heart more and more confirmed.

However, what she didn't know was that today's pure white body came from a thousand years ago.

It was Yu Ziyu who did not hesitate to reverse time and space to summon it.

Therefore, pure white bones will naturally not be very old.

Of course, if what Yu Ziyu said now reaches the ears of the Queen of the Abyss, Na Nizi, I'm afraid it will be sarcastic again.

Even the Queen of the Abyss can't help feeling ashamed and angry.

She, the majestic queen, was actually slandered like this.

Even the children came out.

With such an insult, the Queen of the Abyss would most likely fight against Yu Ziyu due to her arrogant temperament.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also decided to stop on this topic.

He could not guarantee whether the Butterfly Emperor would meet the Queen of the Abyss in the future.

So, it’s better not to tease.

However, Yu Ziyu would not explain specifically.

There's no need for that.

He never took the initiative to explain anything to anyone.

And now...

With a smile flashing deep in his eyes, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"So, you have to listen to me carefully. If you don't listen, I can't guarantee that I won't force you to do anything?"

"Of course, if you are obedient, I can also promise not to bully you...."

A very simple threat, but it made the Butterfly Emperor's expression change again and again.

Until the end, she finally succumbed to Yu Ziyu's threat

"I see."

In the voice full of grievances, the Butterfly Emperor also felt that her head was still a little confused.

A second ago, she was the Butterfly Emperor respected by thousands of people in the abyss.

But now, she has become a prisoner.

Moreover, she doesn't know this. Who is the person who imprisoned her?

And this, the gap is so big, it is really no less than falling from heaven to hell.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu does not care about the feelings of the Butterfly Emperor. When he slowly raised his eyes, Yu Ziyu's eyes were also It fell on an oncoming figure not far away.

This figure was slender and beautiful.

Walking from a distance, there was a faint fragrance floating in it.

And this was the colorful divine flower Mengxi.

"She is left to you, teach her how to do things well."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand casually.


With a roar, countless formations appeared in an instant, and they continued to rush towards the body of the Butterfly Emperor.

Just for a moment, under the disbelief eyes of the Butterfly Emperor, her strength was almost sealed.


His eyes widened, and the Butterfly Emperor's expression also changed drastically.

"you what you...Is it possible that you still expect prisoners to have human rights?"

With a chuckle, the colorful divine flower Mengxi looked at the Butterfly Emperor's eyes, also full of curiosity.

This is a master.

A real master.

Now, it has fallen into her hands.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that, She is still a butterfly.

And she herself is a divine flower.

As the saying goes, butterflies and flowers do not belong to different families.

Perhaps, this butterfly emperor can help her become enlightened.

With this thought, Mengxi, the colorful divine flower, looked at Yu Ziyu , and also feel a touch more grateful

"Thank you, master, for your help"

"Fulfill what?"

With a silence, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand and ordered:

"You can take it back by yourself and teach it well. I won't worry about the rest."

As he said this, Yu Ziyu's figure gradually turned into an illusion and disappeared in front of the colorful divine flower Mengxi.

However, at this time, no one noticed the look of expectation flashing deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Why? He didn't kill the Butterfly Emperor?

This wasn't because the Butterfly Emperor was an auxiliary master.

After all, Yu Ziyu wouldn't care about an auxiliary master.

There was only one real reason why he didn't kill the Butterfly Emperor, and that was to fulfill the dream of the colorful divine flower. Xi.

This girl, in the past, was willing to sacrifice herself in order to help him achieve enlightenment.

This is something Yu Ziyu will remember all his life.

Therefore, after realizing that the butterfly emperor's body is an illusory butterfly, Yu Ziyu's heart also moved.

Butterfly, divine flower , regardless of family.

Perhaps, the Butterfly Emperor can help the five-colored sacred flowers to achieve the right path.

And this is not just what Yu Ziyu said.

Just because the sacred flowers and sacred trees most need to be accompanied by the heaven and earth and spiritual beasts to grow together.

Of course, Yu Ziyu is an exception.

However, it can also be said that he has a companion spirit beast.

All the ten major beasts of the Demon Court are his companion beasts.

The Demon Court God's Guards also exist to protect his existence.

Compared with ordinary spirit flowers There may be a lot of spiritual creatures and his accompanying spiritual beasts.

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