"Develop magical powers? The fruit of condensed elements?"

The voice was full of surprise, and Yu Ziyu was also slightly stunned.

He didn't understand the fruit of the elements.

But the word supernatural power is not a word that can be mentioned easily.

Especially in today's extraordinary era, the word"supernatural power" is even more , adding a touch of indescribable mystery

"Not to mention other things, if the magical power I have cultivated can have one or two points of the power in my memory, it will be enough for me to dominate this world."

As he murmured, a blazing heat flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

In some ancient classics, there are thirty-six great magical powers in the world.

These thirty-six great powers directly point to the origin of all things and govern everything. Everything is in it.

Ordinary people can reach a magical state if they have one of them and practice it perfectly, enough to be called a 'immortal god'.

And before, Qing'er talked about a 'tide of spiritual power'. It was in the Age of Ending Dharma before.

In this way, the more ancient era must have had a‘The splendid era when immortals and gods appeared as saints.

If this is true, then the theory of 'supernatural powers' recorded in these ancient books also has a certain degree of authenticity.

Even now that I think about it, it’s not bad.

For example, the flower blooming moment among the thirty-six magical powers allows flowers to bloom or wither instantly, and even allows all plants or grains to grow quickly and bear fruit.

This magical power is somewhat similar to his current natural talent - super regeneration.

Of course, today's super regeneration is far from being called a magical power. If we use the words of the ancients, it is just a trail.


Taking a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Regardless of the magical power, is it what he thinks?

The most important thing now is to cultivate magical powers.

Only by cultivating magical powers can he get rid of the petrified posture that seems to be a 'seal' now. Only by cultivating magical powers can he make further progress, and even hope to reach the top of the second level and aspire to the third level.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's consciousness also sank into his body and began to pursue the illusory supernatural powers......

Time flies, and three days have passed.

During these three days, the Misty Mountain has become the center of attention.

Even the mist could not hide the shadow of the giant tree and the blooming tree crown.

People from several surrounding cities witnessed it with their own eyes.

As a result, rumors can't help but spread.

Some people say: 'It is the opening of ancient ruins with amazing heritage. '

Some people say: 'It is the spiritual tree that achieves enlightenment. If you can find it, you will definitely become extraordinary.’...

Of course, there are many theories, but the most reliable ones are the opening of the ruins and the enlightenment of the spiritual tree.

The reason why the ruins were opened is because the theory of 'spiritual power tide' proposed by a certain professor has gained momentum these days. Most people believe that there were 'immortals and gods' in the past era, and the higher-ups also acquiesce in such a theory.

Just because this theory has given countless human beings hope,

‘"Immortal God" is the most illusory word, but it is the most touching word.

Whether it is immortality or immeasurable magical powers, it is enough to give countless people hope.

Compared with the pessimistic 'doomsday theory'’,‘The words"cataclysm" and"spiritual power tide" are even more inspiring.

In this way, most people have begun to believe that there are 'ancient ruins' in this world, and the status of 'archaeologists' and even 'gravediggers' has been improved.

Not to mention, someone really got something good in an ancient imperial tomb. I heard it was a stone sword. If you cut it with one sword, even if it is as hard as granite, it is as fragile as tofu, revealing a smooth and mirror-like cut surface.

And this also greatly increases the persuasiveness of the 'spiritual tide' theory.

As for the enlightenment of the spiritual tree, to be precise, it is a mutant plant that has advanced.

However, no matter how advanced the mutant plant is, it will still be a plant.

As a plant, it is estimated that its whole body is full of treasures.

In this way, some people directly call it the 'spiritual tree', and its profound meaning is naturally self-evident.......

At this time, on a hillside not far from the misty mountain,

"I said, it's been three days, why hasn't anyone come out yet?"

Raising his eyes and looking at the misty mountains not far away, a middle-aged man couldn't help but wonder.

Three days, a full three days.

At least, there were one or two thousand people who came to the edge of the misty mountains.

This is because the government has Under martial law, non-extraordinary people are not allowed to leave the city.

Otherwise, it is estimated that tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people will come.

I don't blame others, just because the vision of"the shadow of the giant tree and the canopy blooming with colors" that night was too much It’s astonishing and attracts too many human beings.

And human beings?

The most curious people.

What’s more, there may be great opportunities here, and who is willing to miss them?

However, what is strange is that these two thousand people Among them, at least half of them poured into the Misty Mountain, but not many people actually came out.

Even if some people came out, they didn't know anything when asked.

And the common explanation is that they turned around in the Misty Mountain Circle, and finally return to the same place.

Fog, fog...

There is something strange about the mist in the Misty Mountains. There have been rumors for a long time, but now it has been confirmed.

And this also convinced most people of what these people said and gave up further questioning.

However, in this way, another thing worth pondering appears.

‘What about those who go deep into the misty mountains? '

Could it be said that no one goes deep into the misty mountains?

Are you kidding me?

There are at least nearly a thousand extraordinary people who have entered. Although most of them have just entered the lower ranks, occasionally some are in the middle ranks, and there are only a few who are strong in the upper ranks.

But no matter how close to a thousand people were, wouldn’t all of them have entered the depths of the misty mountains?

At this time, he seemed to notice the middle-aged man's doubts, and a voice that sounded like an explanation suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Don't forget the Misty Mountains, but there is a prehistoric giant crocodile. The government has repeatedly warned that entering the Misty Mountains is at your own risk. You can imagine the dangers involved."

"This, too."

Nodding, the middle-aged man also recognized it.

Not to mention the extraordinary creature - the prehistoric giant crocodile, the mutated beasts hidden in this misty mountain alone are a big danger.

Moreover, there are rumors that the misty mountain seems to What fog beast life is there?

If the rumors are true, this foggy mountain is really not an ordinary danger.

It can even be compared to those red danger areas known as the 'highest'.

Of course, if everyone present dies, I guess this misty mountain will be called a 'forbidden area'.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man also burst into laughter.

How is it possible?

Every forbidden area has real terror.

Although the misty mountain is terrifying, it certainly cannot reach it. The level of 'forbidden land'.

Otherwise, the fun will be great._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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