
With a loud shout, his body continued to twist and turn, and Yu Ziyu also thrust out his purple dragon claws.


The dragon's claws cover the sky, like a boundless black curtain pressing down.

However, it is a pity that Yu Ziyu is facing the dragon of the time, a great dragon whose size is not inferior to him. so...

"Breathe the wind..."

Between the soft murmurs, a storm suddenly broke out.

It's like something came out of nothing, but it's huge.

Even the dragon claws that Yu Ziyu stretched out were blocking him.

"The great supernatural power is really not ordinary and terrifying."

Looking deeply at the wind barrier that was like an absolute defense, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes.

However, his methods were more than just that.


The six wings behind him fiercely stirred up, and countless divine texts appeared in an instant, turning into circles of light that enveloped Yu Ziyu.

This is the Six Wings of the Void.

Known as the 'Forbidden Imperial Soldier'.

Now, as the wings spread, all the sacred words symbolizing 'freedom' are revived. free...

Unstoppable, unstoppable

"Nine heavens and ten earths, I control myself..."

There was a long roar, but seeing Yu Ziyu's figure accelerate suddenly, he actually crossed the wind barrier and was pulled in front of the dragon of time.

"this...How can it be?"

Somewhat stunned, but more surprised, the Concubine of the Void couldn't hide the astonishment on her face.

The Lord of the Void actually crossed the wind barrier.

However, before she could be more surprised, Yu Ziyu was already Take action.

The dragon's claws tear apart the sky, and the purple brilliance drowns everything.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

Amidst the continuous roar, the cracks in the depths of the world were trembling uncontrollably, as if they could not withstand the power of Yu Ziyu and the Timely Dragon.

But, this is just the beginning.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu spread her wings and once again pounced on the Dragon of Time....

But now, looking from a distance, the two behemoths, which are big enough to occupy the galaxy, are entangled in the depths of the world.

They seemed like the most primitive confrontation.

Or claws, or breath...

But it tells the true meaning of exhausting one's strength.

With their size, some magical powers are of little use.

Even some energy attacks can be ignored.

After all, dragons have natural resistance to various spells.

As the ancestor of the dragon clan, the Timely Dragon, and the noble Lord of the Void, Yu Ziyu, have reached the ultimate level of resistance to spells.

In addition to the top small magical powers and the extraordinary great magical powers, the other magical powers are really not enough.

Therefore, the most primitive attack is even more effective.

And now...

Looking up, he could see Yu Ziyu's figure. As it kept winding, the entire body of the Timely Dragon was wrapped around it.... from the tail...to body...Even the wings are a constraint


With a shocking dragon roar, Yu Ziyu opened his mouth and bit hard at the neck of the timely dragon.


There was just a crisp sound, and an unimaginable force poured into Yu Ziyu's mouth.


The shrill screams echoed in the depths of the world.

Vaguely, it can be seen that golden dragon blood is sprinkled to the sky.

Every drop of dragon blood is enough to shatter mountains and rivers.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a rain of blood falling.

There is an unspeakable horror.

And compared to this...What's even more terrifying is Yu Ziyu's impermanent strangulation. fighting...

Not loved by Yu Ziyu.

However, he was able to bring his fighting skills to the extreme.

Now, a strangulation actually caused the Dragon of Time to scream in agony.

And this is also due to Yu Ziyu's body, which is too terrifying under the blessing of the supreme infinite law.

Whether it's physical defense, spell resistance, or other...Yu Ziyu repeatedly breaks through the limits.

It turned out that most of the magical powers of the Dragon of Time were useless.

And close combat...How could the always delicate Dragon of Time be able to defeat Yu Ziyu, an extremely violent and ferocious dragon?......

The battle still continues.

It shook all the worlds. The two gigantic things that entrenched the galaxy clashed. Even a simple collision was like a muffled thunder exploding in the hearts of all the creatures in the world.

As for the aftermath, if it spreads to all realms, it will be like the end of the world.

It's like a world not far from the battlefield - the earth is cracking, the rivers are rolling back, and countless water columns like tornadoes are rising from the ground, rushing straight into the nine heavens

"Call for rain..."

A sweet shout, as if the words follow the law...The rain, which was enough to overturn half of the starry sky, swept in like Wang Yang.

Every drop of rain is like the water of the Nine Netherworlds, enough to break everything.

But now, countless rains are sweeping across, making even as powerful as Yu Ziyu's body tremble again and again.

However, even so, Yu Ziyu will not change the current constraints.

"Click, click..."

One after another, Yu Ziyu's entanglement became tighter and tighter.

This is the Dragon of Time.

If it were an ordinary person's body, it would break apart at the moment of contact....

But at this time, looking at Yu Ziyu who relied on her body to resist the great supernatural power, but still refused to give up her restraints, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the Timely Dragon.

"You are looking for death..."

Amidst the sudden angry rebuke, Yu Ziyu's body shook violently.

"This is?"

Amid surprise, Yu Ziyu also discovered that in the depths of the world, everything was suddenly changing.

It seemed to be upside down, and it seemed to be overturned.

There was something indescribably terrifying.

Together with him and the dragon of time, under the figure , there is a vast phantom of yin and yang rising.

And this is the great supernatural power that reverses yin and yang

【Confusing yin and yang - can cause the heaven and earth to lose their order, the sun and the moon to lose their normal order, just like confusing right and wrong, confusing black and white. The so-called Divine Prison and Heavenly Tribulation is the reverse journey of all things, turning the world upside down. (Here yin and yang are the opposites of things, not the power of yin and yang)]

The great supernatural power that reverses yin and yang is the most bizarre great supernatural power, and it is very mysterious.

Not many people in the world know its power.

But now, Yu Ziyu knows...


There was a sudden shrill scream, and Yu Ziyu couldn't help but let out a scream.

Pain, unimaginable pain, hit his body in an instant.

It was as if all the bones in his body were broken.

And this was actually the force that Yu Ziyu used to strangle the Dragon of Time, acting on him.

"Reverse yin and yang...injury conversion..."

In the very cold voice, he saw the dragon of time twisting his figure, turning from defense to attack. Yu Ziyu's figure was entangled....

Use defense as offense.

Use offense as defense.

It’s not just a reversal of the situation, it’s not just a reversal of the order....The great supernatural power can reverse yin and yang, and even the injuries can be reversed....

This already involves the mysterious power of cause and effect.

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