
The dragon's roar shook the sky, and the void shook.

Visible to the naked eye, the waves of sound spread in all directions.

That was the call from the Lord of the Void.

It is a more intimidating call than the void war horn.

And at the moment when the dragon roar sounded,...Original Sin of the Void Seventy-Two Kings...They turned into purple streams of light and tore the sky apart.

The seventy-two kings of the original sin of the void.

The Void Empire has the most powerful seventy-two kings.

Each one is a famous sixth-order giant.

Among them, the single-digit sequence is the most terrifying existence second only to the Overlord.

In addition to these seventy-two people, the existence of the Split Earth King

"Swish, swish..."

One after another, the one hundred and eight generals of the void who rose up not long ago also cut through the void.

They are a newly rising force in the void.

In terms of personal strength, they are not even inferior to the seventy-two kings of the Original Sin of the Void.

However, the military exploits were not as good as they were.

However, even so, they still enjoy a very high status in the void.

And now, under the dragon's roar, in the void, all the most powerful combat power burst out of the sky.

However, compared to these.

What is even more terrifying is the figures standing in the void.

The Protector of the Void.

Each and every one of them is a terrifying existence comparable to the Overlord.

They are the guardians of the void.

He is also the most staunch follower of Tongtian Purple Dragon.

As long as there are them, the entire Void Empire will remain stable as always....

And now,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by the earth-shaking loud noise, among the guardian kings, the most terrifying one was the divine artifact that fell into the void.’——World Tree has also taken steps

"I don’t know what the Lord of the Void suddenly summoned us to do."

"have no idea."

In the sudden response, there was a purple shadow passing by silently.

This is Ziyan, one of the Void Protector Heavenly Kings.

However, now that he is about to step into the Dominion, his aura is extremely unstable.

If Why wouldn't he come out unless his master called him?

"Let’s go take a look first and then talk."

The moment the words fell, ripples appeared in the void, but it was the most mysterious king in the void, the Void Walker.


In the chorus of responses, Zi Lian and others also accelerated and rushed towards the deepest part of the void....

And not long after that, the deepest hall in the void

"Let’s meet the Lord of the Void"

"Let’s meet the Lord of the Void..."...

There were only a few hundred people shouting in unison, but they erupted with a momentum that was several times, or even dozens of times, more terrifying than that of thousands of troops.

However, even so, the entire hall was extremely depressing.

Like the last calm before the storm.


Yes, suffocate. until...

""Gulu" swallowed his saliva, and the third king, who was burdened with jealousy, glanced at the gloomy figure sitting high in the hall in a panic, then walked out and said:

"that...Lord of the Void, I don’t know why you summoned us.?"

"What's the matter?"

With a raised brow, Yu Ziyu, who had transformed into a figure in purple robe, also snorted coldly:

"There is such big news in the starry sky, don’t you all know about it?"


Slightly startled, many powerful Void men couldn't help but look at each other.

However, at this moment, as if they thought of something, a Void Emperor who was relatively unfamiliar to Yu Ziyu suddenly stood up and said:

"Lord of the Void, are you talking about the news that Starry Sky has just spread that there is another void?"

He is the Void Emperor who carries 'hatred'. He likes to wander in the starry sky most.

Just now, he has received a message from the starry sky.

However, he took this message as a joke..

How could there be another void?

Moreover, there is a master-level existence.

Are you kidding me?

But now that I think about it, I looked at the extremely gloomy face of the Lord of the Void on the throne. This Emperor of the Void also has a gloomy face. Change

"It seems that you know something."

With a cold look on his face, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"Please introduce it to others."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu, who controlled the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon, was also lost in thought.

Another void.

If the guess is correct, it should be the one he originally thought of. The heavenly void, the place of silent protection.

Even if he is I didn't notice the mysterious place.

I didn't expect that there really was such a place.

Thinking about this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but tighten his fists.

"Click, click..."

The void seemed to be crushed, and an indescribable terror shrouded the entire hall.

Void Heaven... snort...

With a cold snort in his heart, Yu Ziyu completely lost his favorable impression of these heavenly ways.

It's no wonder that every cultivator wants to replace the way of heaven.

How dare you scheme against him like this.

Before, he thought that Void Will, that is, Void Heaven, favored him, and only then did he truly recognize him.

But now that I think about it, he is just a pawn used by the will of the void to attack all races in the starry sky.

It can even be said to be cannon fodder.

If he hadn't been so powerful, he would have died in the conspiracy long ago...

Moreover, the more important thing is to plot against him, that's all.

It actually hides another void. what is this?

Wait until one day to replace him and take away all his fruits of voidness....

That is to say, Yu Ziyu now does not dare to shout about the way of heaven...otherwise...

His face became more and more gloomy, but Yu Ziyu suppressed the anger in his heart.

The most important thing now is not to consider the will of the void.

The will of the void is calculated against him.

But they couldn't take action against him, so they had to resort to external forces.

So the threat is not big.

On the contrary, if Yu Ziyu's body as a purple dragon loses the protection from the void, it would be a bit unsightly.

So, there's no rush for this.

What's urgent is...Another entrance to the void was discovered first by all races.

Moreover, they seemed to have mastered the entrance.

This is not good news for Yu Ziyu.

You know, Yu Ziyu’s goal is the entire void.

If another void falls into the hands of all races, it will be devastating to Yu Ziyu's future plans.

And don't say it, fall into it.

It is only through another void that all races have gained insight into some of the secrets of the void.

It is also an invisible dimensionality-reducing blow to Yu Ziyu's empty plan.

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