With plans in mind, Yu Ziyu also had a smile on her lips.

Wait until the golden monkey, nine tails, and the daughter of thorns all set foot on the master.

Then his lineage is one of six masters.

Although looking at all eras, it can only be regarded as average.

But at the beginning of this era, it is enough to make a name for itself throughout the ages.

Just because this is the beginning of the era.

Kyuubi, Orochi and others still have great potential, waiting to be explored.

Perhaps, one day, digital half-step eternity will be enough to be famous throughout the ages.

However, thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Thinking too much.

He must be overthinking it.

Even he can't guarantee that he can take half a step into eternity?

Not to mention, Golden Monkey Nine Tails and others.

This is beyond the specification.

In other words, beyond the control, no one else can interfere.

Only the eternal existence that is indestructible and immortal can influence one or two things.

To know...

In the most ancient era, that one created seven saints and ruled the entire prehistoric era, and it has been passed down to this day.

As for the saint?...It can be regarded as an existence with 'eternal combat power' but no eternal realm.

Although there is no eternal realm, the combat power is close to eternity. It is conceivable how tyrannical it is.

"I really don’t know what state the man who replaced the way of heaven has reached...."

With a murmur, there was also an indescribable heat in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

If he remembers it well, the name of that person seems to be 'Hong'.

Legendary people can be called some of the most tyrannical beings in every era.

It is also currently the only known existence that has truly stolen the power of heaven....

However, at this time, it seems that this is not the time to pay attention to these things.

With his eyes slightly narrowed, Yu Ziyu also raised his steps.

"Let's go."

With a narration, Yu Ziyu also took the Nine Tails, the Golden Monkey, and the Girl of Thorns and walked towards the outside world.

What should be said has been said.

What should be done, Yu Ziyu will not fall behind.

The rest depends on each of them. Good luck

"Master, then I'm going to say goodbye to all my old friends...."

With a narration, Thorns took the lead in choosing to leave.


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also watched Thorns leave.

Presumably, after this farewell, it will be difficult for the daughter of Thorns to meet the powerful men of the Demon Court.

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu also suppressed some thoughts. There is no such thing in the world. The never-ending feast, and separation now, is the best choice for the daughter of thorns.

Just because the current Demon Court is not suitable for her.

And in the endless sea of ​​blood, she can get the best treatment.

In Then, with Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood, she will be like the brightest pearl in the endless sea of ​​blood, destined to be gorgeous.

But here, even the pearl will be covered in dust....

And shortly after the daughter of thorns left Yu Ziyu...solar system, saturn...This planet is much larger than the Blue Star.

Still as deserted as ever.

However, if you look carefully, you can see that there are already pavilions rising from the ground in many corners.

One hundred and eight cities of Saturn are the iconic buildings of Saturn.

Every city is extremely huge.

They are connected end to end, turning into a continuous formation that spreads across the planet....

Very good.

And this main city of Saturn, the deepest...In a palace, a middle-aged man who looked very honest and honest had his hands behind his back.

At first glance, there is an indescribable sense of stability

"ancestors...The Demon King has left seclusion again..."


Sudden excitement, changing from the previous calmness, this middle-aged man also showed a look of ecstasy on his face.

He is Qing Fan, the first human to follow Yu Ziyu.

He did not hesitate to give up his human body and became an elemental clan.

However, After all, his qualifications are dull, and now he is only at the peak of the fifth level.

He has failed to live up to the expectations of many people....

And now...After decades, he heard news from the 'master' again.

However, at the next moment, I seemed to think of something. This guy who followed Yu Ziyu and seemed a bit careless now has an indescribable sense of stability.

"I am ashamed of my master."

With a sigh and looking up at the sky, Qingfan also felt unspeakable guilt.

However, the moment he finished speaking,...A charming voice like a silver bell suddenly echoed in the world

"Why, before a person grows old, his heart becomes old first?"


Suddenly startled, Qingfan was also stunned.

This voice, this voice, can't it?

With a look of disbelief on his face, Qingfan also widened his eyes.

And the next moment, the fragrance lingered, and there were dots of blood red, and a figure with a graceful figure and a very enchanting figure...He has already stepped on the bloody demonic dragon, which has entered Qingfan’s eyes.

"Who are you?"

The whole person was stunned, and there was an indescribable sparkle in the corners of Qingfan's eyes.

The Daughter of Thorns...

Their trio in the past...Now they have not seen each other for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years?

That's a few mortal lifetimes.


"Long time no see, Qingfan."

With a smile on her lips, the daughter of thorns also looked at Qingfan today.

Compared with before, Qingfan looked much older.

In the past, he was a young man who looked rough and dirty.

Now, he has become a A middle-aged man, his whole person has an indescribable sense of stability.

"It seems that you have suffered a lot over the years...."

With a cry of helplessness, the daughter of thorns also said bluntly

"No... really not."

While talking repeatedly, Qingfan shook his head violently and explained:

"It's because I'm stupid in nature, failed to attack the sixth level, and lost a lot of vitality, so I did this..."

"You should be looking for the owner"

"Master, time is precious, how dare I delay Master?"

With a very sincere voice, Qing Fan also understood that for this kind of thing, he only needed to find the master.

For him, it was a big deal.

But for the master, it was a piece of cake.

However, he didn't want to.

He didn't want to. He didn't even dare. He was unworthy of his master's expectations.

After leaving his master, he lived in a state of intoxication and playfulness.

The family prospered just as he thought.

But he personally was at the peak of the fifth level.

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