"I am here to defend the land and open up borders, wipe out the four barbarians, and establish the foundation of our imperial dynasty for eternity!"

"Even if I die, I will turn into a dragon soul to protect my imperial dynasty forever...."...

One sound after another resounded through the starry sky, but it also moved all races.

Just because this voice is like a god standing above the nine heavens, with an indescribable majesty.

Individual, weak creatures could not help but prostrate themselves on the ground....

My body is shaking uncontrollably

"What exactly is this?"

Amidst the shock, countless powerful men noticed that at the end of the starry sky, there were thousands of armies coming towards them.

However, compared to the army of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, this army was really too impressive. Amazing

"Step, step, step..."

The uniform steps, like thunder, echoed in the starry sky.

The shocking military power soared into the sky


The sudden roar was visible to the naked eye. Above this huge army, there was actually a giant beast transformed into clouds and mist, looking up to the sky and roaring.

That is the spirit of the military.

Only an army that has fought a hundred battles can gather the terrifying military spirit.

Can marshal the strength of an entire army.

Many against one.

To put it simply, an ordinary army has no room to struggle in front of a strong one.

But if you have a military spirit, everything will be different.

Just because the military soul is one of the few ways the army can compete with the strong.

"Is there such an army in this world?"

Amid the exclamations, every strong man couldn't help but be shocked.

Such a warrior who has fought a hundred battles actually appeared here?

How is it possible?

Such an army is not something that a force can possess.

However, at this time, many strong men did not wait. The reaction of the spectators was another scene that caught the eyes of all the powerful men.

That was a guard of honor....

Under the starry sky, the most gorgeous and respectful ceremony.

Just looking at it, it overflows with dignity.

And in this ceremony, countless powerful men noticed a figure. together...Indescribable majestic figure...

"The undefeated empire...Eternal legend..."

Suddenly murmuring, a knowledgeable and powerful man has recognized this force.

This is an undefeated imperial dynasty.

A lineage of the human race.

According to legend, this imperial dynasty was invincible and achieved hundreds of victories in every battle.

It is the human race, the most ancient force.

Even, according to legend, in the previous era, when heaven ruled the sky, this undefeated imperial dynasty transformed into ten thousand dynasties and ruled the earth....

In this way, it is conceivable how terrifying this force is.

And now...

That majestic figure slowly stood up and shouted:

"I have met you all..."

The moment the words fell, an earth-shaking momentum shot up into the sky.

Vaguely, a seven-clawed golden dragon could be seen swooping up.

That is the aura of the Human Emperor.

In other words, this majestic figure is following the 'path of the ancient emperor'.

Another terrible word.

No less than the God of War and the Destroyer...

Not to mention anything else, you can tell just by feeling the momentum of this majestic figure.

Domination level momentum...

It makes countless strong people unable to help but remain silent even in the void.

"With the blessing of the imperial dynasty's fortune, his strength has reached the level of dominance...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but shrink his pupils. dominate...

This is no ordinary level.

Logically speaking, it is difficult to achieve with the help of external objects.

However, the path of the Human Emperor is different.

This is a rare side channel.

Being able to bless the destiny of the imperial dynasty to oneself, the broader the territory of the imperial dynasty, the more terrifying the power of blessing.

There are even rumors that a generation of human emperors relied on the fortune of the imperial dynasty to use their half-step eternity to compete with true eternity without defeat.

In this way, we can also imagine how terrifying the road to the human emperor is....

Under the starry sky, there are not many roads that can reach the half-step eternity level.

Not to mention, the direct path to eternity...

And like the Human Emperor, those who can compete with the eternal path are even rarer among the rare.

As far as side paths are concerned, the Road of the Human Emperor is second, and no other path dares to be second.

And now...In the undefeated imperial dynasty, this extremely mysterious Human Emperor finally emerged.


A soft drink shook the sky.

But he saw thousands of figures coming through the air.

That is the knight army in the undefeated dynasty...

Holding a dragon blood spear, he controls a pure blood dragon horse with dragon blood flowing through it.

Just an ordinary knight is a fifth-level life form.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying this knight corps is.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, the starry sky shook.

But it was this legion of knights who took the lead and charged straight into the battlefield....

Mighty and mighty, like a black torrent.

Vaguely, you can hear the trumpet blowing from ancient times.

The Dragon Blood Knights, the undefeated imperial dynasty, eternal glory.

Now, in the witness of all races, that glorious legend will be created again...

At the same time, the Human Emperor who arrived also slowly walked out


There was a dragon cry, but it was the shadow of a seven-clawed golden dragon, roaring towards the end of the starry sky.

Then, with one palm shot

‘With a loud bang, a giant palm covering the sky and the sun actually crossed the galaxy and fell towards the tens of thousands of void troops.


"don't want..."...

Countless screams echoed in the starry sky, shocking all races.

That's the cry of the void...

It is also the lamentation of the weak.

However, the moment this giant palm covering the sky and the sun fell,... far away..


Suddenly snorted, it was Yu Ziyu who controlled and abandoned the Dragon Emperor and Kun Pengzi, and slapped the Human Emperor from the air.


As the applause fell, the stars trembled.

However, what is fortunate is that the army of the void is still intact.

Only a few unfortunate void creatures were involved in the aftermath....

"That's interesting......"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also knew that he needed to retreat.

The sudden appearance of the undefeated imperial dynasty broke the balance of the battlefield.

If he stays here for a long time, his void army will inevitably be defeated....

Therefore, at this time, Void, who has taken advantage of some advantages, retreats is the best choice.

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