The moment when purple fills the starry sky, the moment when the trumpet from ancient times sounds at the end of the starry sky....

The whole starry sky is clear...Here they come.

Yes, they.

That indescribable existence.

The void is known as the"most chaotic and evil" exotic creature.

Yes, void.

And now, they're here.

Mighty and mighty, like a tide.

It was like a purple torrent, flooding towards the entire starry sky

"I am invincible"

"I am invincible..."...

Shouting in unison, the Titan clan's army gathered into a human wall, guarding the barrier in the starry sky.

Beating the chest, the impact of power is vividly reflected.

One after another, the pure-blooded Titans all showed fighting intent, staring deeply at the indescribable creatures one after another.

Most of them appear purple, shrouded in purple void power.

Vaguely, you can see all kinds of strange appearances.

However, what makes the Titan clan most solemn is the figure that moves like a giant mountain in the purple torrent.

This is the Void Fear Clan, a terrifying race that relies on devouring and growing continuously.

However, what is shocking is that their growth seems to have no end.

The more it is devoured, the stronger it becomes.

It is said that their ancestor, the most ancient 'Fear of the Void', seemed to have died in the hands of the Lord of the Void.

And the descendants of that one have multiplied this very terrifying branch in the void.

As for this race, all races in the starry sky like to call it 'big bug'.

As greedy as a bug, and disgusting.

But now, hundreds of 'big bugs' with a height of ten thousand feet are like war horses, leading the vast torrent and charging towards them.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by terrifying roars and weird roars, they all echoed in the starry sky.

The Titan clan's army was all a little numb.

And at this moment,

"My Lord will protect you"

"My Lord will protect you"...

Praying in unison, countless angels rose from behind the Titans.

When the wings are spread out, the holy light shines.

One power after another is constantly blessing the Titan army.

Aura of Courage, Aura of Healing...

This is the army of angels, the main auxiliary.

If the Titan clan is the strongest shield of the Demon Court, then the Angel clan is the 'auxiliary' of the Demon Court.

These two demon court royal families are now indispensable elements of the demon court.


With a long roar, the third divine pillar of the Titan clan, the half-step master of Devouring Star, no longer hesitated.


Hearing a roar, he actually took the lead and crashed into the purple torrent.


With a loud noise, the purple torrent split into two.

Vaguely, it could be seen that a huge humanoid figure was fighting with a ferocious purple insect.

On the other side, the Dragon Clan is not to be outdone.

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

With the continuous dragon chanting sword, countless dragons roared out.

True dragon, ancient dragon, giant dragon...

The three major branches of the Dragon Clan all sent out legions.

But for this, the Poison Dragon King was already prepared

"Today is the day when we will make great achievements."

With a burst of laughter, the Poison Dragon King suddenly transformed into a


The roar shook the sky, but under the horrified gazes of all races, a purple dragon tens of thousands of feet long appeared in the void army.

"what is that?"

"Dragon? ?"

"Are you kidding me?"...

With one exclamation after another, countless starry sky experts discovered the existence of the Poison Dragon King.

This is the first time the Poison Dragon King has revealed his true form after falling into the void.

The effect is very good.

It greatly shocked all ethnic groups.

However, the most important thing is that the momentum of the Poison Dragon King is rising endlessly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, a purple vortex swept through half of the starry sky and gathered above the head of the Poison Dragon King.

"Poison Dragon's Cave.."

In a very simple chant, the extremely terrifying poison was already gathering in the depths of the whirlpool.

Vaguely, you can see countless purple poisonous dragons transformed into energy. They are constantly struggling from the whirlpool, seeming to be trying their best to break free.

"Is this the Poison Dragon King?"

With eyes wide open, a strong man from the Phoenix tribe also showed an incredible look on his face.

How is this possible?

Didn't the Poison Dragon King disappear?

How could he appear here, and he is even more an enemy of them.

Moreover, What the hell is this aura of the Poison Dragon King?

Why is it so terrifying?...

However, before all the races in the starry sky are confused,

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

In the continuous roar of the dragon, countless poisonous energy transformed into the appearance of the Poison Dragon King and swooped towards the starry sky. one, two...

There are actually countless of them. At a glance, there may be thousands of them.

And this is the ultimate move of the Poison Dragon King - Poison Dragon Lair

【Poisonous Dragon Cave - Call out, and thousands of poisonous dragons roar out, like clones, attacking and killing all enemies. ]

Such a big move is most suitable for use on the battlefield.




Amidst the sudden screams, one could see that a strong dragon man rushing at the front collided with the poisonous dragon transformed from venom.

He didn't even have time to react, and a pool of poisonous blood had already appeared in the starry sky.

Accompanying it is the majestic dragon bone, standing upright in the starry sky


There was a moment of silence, and the dragon warriors who fought against the Poison Dragon King's army all felt a chill in their backs.

This is the poisonous path.

The way to poison.

It's a very tricky and scary one.

Especially on the battlefield, the existence of this kind of poisonous path close to Xiao Cheng is as terrifying as a nightmare.

Just like now, with the Poison Dragon King as the center, countless poisonous mist has spread.

And in the poisonous mist, one after another poisonous dragons turned into poisons shot out in all directions.

Countless powerful people looked at it with numb scalps.

With the power of one person, he can scare most of the dragon clan.

This is today's Poison Dragon King.

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