What is worth mentioning here is that Baihuapu is a list that records various beauties.

The beauties here are more than just good looks and figures.

It also has cultivation, bloodline, and background.

The True Ancestor of the Vampire Clan is that kind of woman who is cold but has an excellent temperament. Her appearance and figure are naturally impeccable.

As for cultivation and bloodline,...

It probably goes without saying much.

As the true ancestor of the blood clan, her bloodline is not inferior to the ancestor-level bloodline of the dragon clan.

You can tell just by looking at the silver cross hanging around her neck.

That silver-white cross is the famous treasure of the angel clan - the stigmata.

It can greatly suppress the power of evil spirits, and it can also eliminate filth....

As a vampire, we are afraid of falling short of this kind of treasure.

But Zhu Ran, the true ancestor of the blood race, actually did the opposite and wore such a sacred object around his neck.

This shows how powerful her bloodline is.

Even the holy mark, the treasure of the angel clan, cannot be suppressed.

Moreover, if Yu Ziyu's guess is correct, this holy mark should be a seventh-level artifact lost by the angel clan hundreds of years ago.

Although it was only a low-grade seventh-level artifact, it still caused quite a stir among the angel clan.

As the person behind the scenes of the Angel Clan, Yu Ziyu naturally heard about it.

"It was probably the vampires who took action."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also had some guesses.

The blood clan and the angel clan have never dealt with each other. It is not an exaggeration to call them 'dead enemies'.

Moreover, it is not only the blood clan, but also the werewolf clan, ghost clan, etc. One after another, darkness All races are enemies of angels.

And this is also because the angel race is called the 'sacred race'.

It is their mission to 'suppress darkness and eliminate filth'...

However, at this time, when he was not paying attention to these things, he slowly raised his eyes. In the eyes of Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood and the eyes of many senior officials of the Shura clan, this one was wearing silver clothes and had an indescribable elegance and nobility. The woman also came to the main hall

"I'm here, Zhu Ran has met Venerable Blood River."

During the visit again, the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan looked at everything around him curiously.

It must be said that the Shura Clan is truly as powerful as a cloud.

There were dozens of sixth-order giants present.

Among them, the most famous goddess of war - Rakshasa...

I think back then, it was this one who controlled the Emperor's Shura Soul Armor, fighting one against four, fighting furiously in the starry sky.

It was also because of that battle that everyone in the world knew about the Shura clan, a very dazzling woman.

At the same time, she is also regarded as the seventeenth most mysterious one on the 'Hundred Flowers List'.

Yes, seventeenth.

And the reason why she is said to be mysterious is because few people have actually seen her face.

However, the women of the Shura clan have always been famous for their beauty.

Moreover, as the level of life continues to transform, the appearance will become more and more brilliant.

Come to think of it, this war goddess of the Shura clan has a pretty face.

Therefore, the Hundred Flowers List also ranked her seventeenth.

What is worth mentioning here is that the Hundred Flowers List is a starry sky list, which does not distinguish between good and evil, good or bad.

Just look at the woman's appearance, figure, bloodline, background, etc.

According to the Tianji clan, some beauty transcends good and evil.

Just like some witches among the demon clan, even if she stands quietly in front of you, you can't feel the slightest bit of hostility....

"Please get up."

With a response, Yu Ziyu, who was sitting high on the throne, also ordered the members of the Shura clan to entertain the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan.

This should be the first time that the Shura clan has had a distinguished guest visit since they came out.

Therefore, the Shura clan is also extremely enthusiastic.

Even the Goddess of War of the Shura clan personally receives them.

Naturally, Yu Ziyu does not care too much about these. What he really cares about is why this true ancestor is here. ?

It’s just a pity.

It seems that he is not the time to care about this now.

Feeling the increasingly boiling spiritual power in his body, Yu Ziyu did not hesitate and said directly:

"I have just made a breakthrough and my cultivation is not yet stable....It still needs some time to settle..."

"Please forgive me for the poor hospitality."...

Listening quietly, Zhu Ran, the true ancestor of the blood clan, also responded immediately:

"It is enough for you all to have the Shura clan. I also ask the Venerable Blood River to practice well."


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood no longer maintains the human form.


As the bloody waves rolled up in the sky, Yu Ziyu's entire body of the sea of ​​blood was integrated into the boundless sea of ​​blood.

The boundless sea of ​​blood is his real body.

And this human body posture is just transformed by his spiritual power.

It only has its shape, but not its spirit.

Moreover, more importantly, as the area covered by Yu Ziyu's boundless sea of ​​blood becomes larger and larger, it is difficult for his body in the sea of ​​blood to transform into a real human form like before.

This is a very high requirement for his physical strength and control of his body.

Simply put, it’s thankless.

After all, what if the boundless sea of ​​blood were shrunk into one body and turned into a human form.

It would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive for Yu Ziyu to once again transform into a boundless sea of ​​blood and cover several asteroid belts.

And this can be regarded as a drawback of having a body that is too large.

And for this, it is clear when you think about it.

Too big means clumsy.

What's more, Yu Ziyu has such a terrifying body that envelopes several asteroid belts.

Therefore, for now, Yu Ziyu will almost never shrink the boundless sea of ​​blood and truly turn into a human form....

And now...

Whether it is Zhu Ran, the true ancestor of the Blood Clan, or the Shura Clan, they are both in his body.

Every time he thinks of this, Yu Ziyu can't help laughing.

"From the perspective of my blood-sea body, they are really as indistinct as dust."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also slowly sank into the sea of ​​blood....The final precipitation began. ps:----------Ask for customization----------

Zhu Ran, the true ancestor of the blood clan, has his original form, Chiye Mengxiang...If you don’t have a sense of pictures, you can look up Li Mengxiang...O(∩_∩)0

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