However, it is worth mentioning that mechas will never reach the level of elegance.

According to Tianci, the supreme commander of the Demon Court's Science and Technology Department, the mecha's highest combat power is only level six.

At least, based on Yaoting's current technology.

Level 6 already has its limit.

Even with a higher breakthrough, it would be difficult for the mecha's individual combat capabilities to break through to level seven.

The seventh level is a threshold.

An insurmountable threshold.

Therefore, for now, Yaoting is more inclined to mass-produce mechas.

Instead of blindly pursuing his combat power.

But that's enough.

If mechas can be mass-produced, it will definitely increase the strength of Demon Court's legion by several levels.

In particular, mechas can be constantly updated and improved.

I believe that after dozens of generations of development, the performance of mechas will be greatly improved.

At that time, it was not even ruled out that man and machine could become one, thus greatly increasing the strength of Demon Court.

Yes, Demon Court.

Rather than the human race.

Only humans from the Demon Court can control mechas.

In the future, the Heavenly Magnetic Master will also inject unique genes into the human race of Demon Court.

Only with this gene can the mecha's power be maximized.

Of course, this gene is also a poison.

If something unexpected happens, Yaoting will never mind...

And this is also the top secret of the Demon Court.

To facilitate the Demon Court’s better rule...

However, this is not the time to mention this.

Because, not long after that, several more legions came.


The dragon screamed, and the vast dragon army, also surrounded by the starry sky, rushed towards

"Die to me."

During the violent drinking, one after another giant dragons had a spiritual light locked in their throats.

"Boom, boom...."

Amidst the continuous roars, the dragon clan's most terrifying magical power was used. The dragon's breath also shot towards the void army with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

However this is not the end.

Just because, at this time, the mysterious dragon language was already singing in the world.

Dragon language magic, this is the mysterious power flowing deep in the dragon bloodline.

It is said that a strong man from the Dragon Clan engraved the formation in the depths of his blood and called it in dragon language, thus communicating with the mysterious formation.

And the reason for saying this.

It can be seen very clearly...In the starry sky, one after another five-pointed star magic arrays are constantly opening.

Along with it, vast magic power also surges

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the terrifying roar, the heaven and earth shook...

Fire tornado, storm coming, thunder raging...

One after another extremely powerful magics also came overwhelmingly....


He snorted softly, and from afar, the Poison Dragon King, who was watching the legion in the deepest part of the starry sky, could no longer hold back.

The Dragon Clan regards it as a shame.

And it doesn't have a good impression of the Dragon Clan.


"go ahead"

"Yes, my lord."

Amid the chorus of responses, at the Poison Dragon King, the giant dragon in the void that stood quietly rose up from the sky fiercely. It was two or three times larger than the ordinary dragon.

One pair after another, they were even bigger. meat wings...

And those indescribable purple vertical pupils.

Void Dragon Clan...After the Star Dragon Clan, the Abyss Demonic Dragon, and the Bone Dragon, another dragon family...Will resound throughout the starry sky...

At the same time, the King of Knights also looked back behind him.

There, on top of a stone pillar reaching the sky, there was a figure in silver armor, bound there.


After the God of War of the Three-Eyed Clan, there is the inheritance of the God of War.

Its combat power is even more shocking.

Even the King of Knights would find it difficult to defeat him immediately.

However, under the Third King's plan, the Knight King and the Poison Dragon King also teamed up to trap him here, and even used the power of the void to continuously erode his body.

Just to assimilate his power and make him fall into the void.

It's a pity that this man has a strong mind. Even though his thick black hair is dyed half purple, he still doesn't change his past.

"He is truly an outstanding person."

Admiring softly, the King of Knights also did not hide the admiration on his face.

This kind of person is probably second only to the genius of the era, and belongs to the first-class genius under the starry sky.

However, at this moment, Yu Shizhu Above, the silver-armored figure bound by countless void chains suddenly raised his eyes and looked deeply at each other with the King of Knights.

"You do not belong to the void...Why do you help the evildoer?"

The sudden question pointed directly to the depths of his soul, and it also made the King of Knights' eyes flicker.


With a sigh, the King of Knights, this indifferent figure who was as delicate as a lolita, also said bluntly:

"Without the Lord of the Void, there would be no me..."

As he said that, the King of Knights did not mind revealing more to this talented person from the three-eyed clan:

"Moreover, you don't understand at all, what kind of existence are you facing?"

While smiling bitterly, the King of Knights also thought of the Demon Emperor, who was regarded as the number one person by all races under the starry sky.

The Demon Emperor, the Lord of the Void...

How many people can know this shocking secret?

That one already had the power to unify the starry sky and even the void.

However, he wanted more.

So, he is still waiting...wait...

The current starry sky, no, is not just the starry sky, even if the void is added, even the ancient and powerful forces.

For example, Dao Sect, or the Abyss Clan...

All these forces combined...I'm afraid it's hard to compete with that one.....

"You are nothing more than a plaything in his palm."

With a sigh, the King of Knights also said the words that made Saburo's pupils shrink.

He, who is he?

A plaything in the palm of his hand?

What does that mean?

For some reason, just hearing these, Saburo felt a chill in his back.

Faintly There was an indescribable coldness rising from the soles of his feet.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Saburo's ears:

"After a while, I will cut off the chains for you..."

"Who are you?"

The sudden inquiry made Sanlang's eyebrows tremble.

Then, in his gaze, he actually saw a black dragon flying towards him in the distance.

The black dragon was like the end.

It symbolized the end. , the end of all things.

Wherever he passes, everything ends, but he will last forever.

And this is the unparalleled genius of the Dragon Clan - the Dragon of Ending, also known as the 'Dragon of Ending'.

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