"I am the universe, the universe is me..."

This is a supreme secret.

It was also Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​​​blood, who understood the world in the underworld and created the secret method that was most suitable for him.

Just to make him incarnate into the universe and control the heaven and earth.

But now, along with Yu Ziyu's murmur, an indescribable mystery has arisen.

Mysterious and mysterious, it is the Tao.

At this time, if you pay attention to Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood, you will definitely be able to see that the boundless sea of ​​blood that his body of the sea of ​​blood has turned into is already surging with waves of blood, rolling into the sky.

And, this is just the beginning

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

As the blood waves beat, it was visible to the naked eye that the boundless sea of ​​blood extended in all directions.

This is transformation.

Another transformation of the body of the sea of ​​blood.

After completely refining the flesh and blood body of the Yuanzu dragon in the sea of ​​blood, he has understood all kinds of things and finally created this unique secret method.

"If I incarnate into the universe, I can create all things...."

As he murmured, Yu Ziyu's blood waves continued to roll, and actually changed into various shapes under the horrified eyes of one Shura clansman after another.

Sometimes he transforms into a member of the Shura clan, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Sometimes he turns into a vampire creature, which is weird and unparalleled.

However, the most shocking thing was that among the countless blood waves, a giant bloody dragon rising up that covered the sky and the sun.

And that was the ancestral dragon that Yu Ziyu's body was swallowed by the sea of ​​blood.

If you swallow it, you will definitely gain something.

Although I dare not say everything, Yu Ziyu is also able to exert 60% to 70% of the innate abilities of the Yuanzu Dragon during his lifetime.

For example, the elemental immunity of the Yuanzu Dragon, and for example, the scorching dragon breath of the Yuanzu Dragon...

All the bloody dragons created by Yu Ziyu can be used.

And this is Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood, the real terror

"If I could devour all races...So...What's the difficulty in being able to incarnate all races?..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also clarified the future path of his body in the sea of ​​blood.

The body of the sea of ​​blood is different from the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon.

It is also different from the ontology.

If we say that the body of the purple dragon reaches the sky, it is the ultimate evolution of the individual.

The main body walks through the world of incarnation...

Then, the body of the sea of ​​blood turns into the universe and incarnates all races....

And these are Yu Ziyu's three major clones.

Each has his or her own path.

In the end, everyone will be able to dominate one side.

In addition, Yu Ziyu also has a fourth body - the Dragon of Heaven...

Naturally, there is no need to say anything about the dragon of heaven.

What it steals is the way of heaven.

He is following the path of the supreme heaven.

If this is accomplished, it will definitely be a supreme road....

"The four major bodies all have paths to heaven....If everyone succeeds..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

He wanted more than eternity.

Even more detached. is beyond everything...Extreme state.

However, that day is too far away for him now.

All he can do is work hard to lay the groundwork for the future.

If you don’t ask for anything, everything will reach heaven.

But please, there is a way ahead.

With this thought, Yu Ziyu's mind sank deep into the sea of ​​blood.

Now, for him, the most important thing is that the body of the sea of ​​blood breaks through the Tianmen......

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed.

In the past few months, the three-eyed tribe has also faced the most difficult period.

The countless void clans seemed to be endless, coming like a tide.

They retreated again and again, but to the despair of the Three-Eyed Clan, the Void Clan was like tigers and wolves, coming in an endless stream.

Until now, one-third of the Three-Eyed Clan's star field has fallen.

You know, this is one-third of the territory of the Three-Eyed Clan.

If you change it to race, I'm afraid it can be called 'genocide'.

However, just when the entire three-eyed clan was in despair, the dawn of hope finally appeared at the end of the starry sky.

"Fight for the Demon Court"

"Fight for the Demon Court...."

The mighty sound resounded through the starry sky.

Looking for the sound, there was actually a black torrent coming from the end of the starry sky.

There seemed to be only a thousand steel warships.

But in fact, every warship has its own unique characteristics.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

With one blast after another, the fighter planes soaring in the sky on the Blue Star spewed out like locusts.

Between the stars, the fire was shining.

It actually illuminates a whole starry sky

"what is that?"

In shock, countless strong men from the Three-Eyed Clan noticed this legion flying the Demon Court flag.

"That's Battleship Galactica...The Demon Court is the most terrifying legion."

With an explanation, one after another the strong men of the Three-Eyed Clan also expressed surprise.


Really supported.

Support from the first force in the starry sky.

And now, in the surprised eyes of countless strong men of the Three-Eyed Clan , the galactic battleship is already standing across the sky.

There are also countless fighter planes, shining like little stars.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There were roars one after another, and a corner of the starry sky was submerged in the terrible interweaving of firepower.

Accompanied by this, the wails of countless void creatures resounded throughout the area.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

"whimper, whimper..."

It seemed like a cry, but it was also a howl... and this was the steel torrent of Demon Court.

As a famous legion in the starry sky, Demon Court's Steel Torrent can definitely be regarded as the most terrifying legion.

Simply because this is a legion born for attack.

Every design and every component is for better attack.

There is a main gun on it, which can annihilate waves in the void and destroy the sky and the earth.

There are countless secondary guns below, drowning everything.

And on that deck, there are countless fighter planes full of science fiction texture, waiting for a long time...

"I have to say that the torrent of steel in Demon Court is really terrifying."

With a sigh, countless strong men from the Three-Eyed Clan looked horrified.

As powerful as the Void Clan, they all fell into weakness at the first moment....

This shows how terrifying this demon court’s army is.

You know, the previous three-eyed clan army faced the invasion of the Void clan, but was defeated like a mountain.

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