"Don't let me down..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu looked at the big snake not far away, which was already preparing to leave, with expectation in his eyes.

Orochi, one of the three masters of Demon Court.

Together with Kun Pengzi, they both belong to the Demon Court and are supreme.

The Three Supreme Beings, this is the Demon Court, replacing the existence of the three gods of the Demon Court in the past.

However, compared to the Demon Emperor Yu Ziyu and the Imperial Master Kun Pengzi who are always walking outside, the Demon Court Serpent is undoubtedly extremely mysterious.

Moreover, he has lived in the dream world and shadow world for a long time.

They are all worlds where reality and fiction are intertwined.

Therefore, his mystery also needs to be improved by one or two levels.

As of now, if he really wants to infiltrate a force, it would be difficult for that force to discover him.

In this way, Yu Ziyu naturally has some confidence.

"However, as a force with a civilized heritage, one still needs to be careful."

With a sigh in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also cautious.

If something was really exposed, Yu Ziyu would definitely take the first step.......

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu also chose to discuss with Golden Monkey.

The Golden Monkey is a polymath.

Astronomy, geography, everything.

He also knows many secrets, which can greatly expand Yu Ziyu's understanding.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu also likes to talk to the Golden Monkey.

However, at this moment,

"Master, Imperial Master Kun Pengzi wants to see you."


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu and Jin Hou took the initiative to stand up and chose to greet this one.

Kun Pengzi, although he joined the Demon Court very late, is another Supreme of the Demon Court.

And his strength has even reached The realm of domination is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Therefore, even if he is the Demon King, he still needs to welcome him

"My subordinate Kun Pengzi has met his eldest brother and paid homage to the Golden Monkey Brother."


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu and Jin Hou also looked at each other and smiled. It is rare for them to get together.

However, now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also asked directly:

"what happened?"

"Brother, I am here this time to discuss the high goblin clan with you...."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile.

It seems that Kunpengzi is also worried about this mysterious race.

"It's better to come by chance than by chance. We are also discussing this race."

With a chuckle, the golden monkey did not care about Kun Pengzi's identity and introduced him into the bamboo forest.

Although the three of them have different identities, they are more like close friends when there is no one around them.

Kunpengzi regards Yu Ziyu as his elder brother. He also regards the Golden Monkey as his mentor.

And the relationship between Yu Ziyu and the Golden Monkey goes without saying.


"Let's go."

With a slight raise of the corners of their mouths, the three of them were already walking towards the depths of the bamboo forest together....

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu, Kun Pengzi and Jin Hou also discussed a lot after the 'higher goblin clan'.

However, everything needs to wait for the return of the big snake

"If the big snake doesn't come back for a day, it won't be easy for me to make a decision."


Nodding, Kun Pengzi also understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

Now, just looking at the high-level goblins, another hidden cultural heritage is whether it is fire.

If it is fire, it will definitely threaten the foundation of Demon Court.

And at that time, regardless of No matter what, they also have to take action against the high-level goblin clan.

This is like the relationship between the God Clan and the God-killing Clan.

How could the God Clan allow the God-killing Clan to grow.

And the Demon Court, now relying on the vast torrent of steel, how could it watch helplessly 'The high goblin clan has the heritage of civilization' fire’

"It's just a pity that today we cannot do without the torrent of steel."

With a sigh, Golden Monkey was also a little helpless.

"There is no way around it."

With a wry smile, Kun Pengzi also said truthfully:

"Our demon court has a weak foundation. If it were not supplemented by technology, it would be difficult to compete with those forces that have inherited from ancient times."

"Like the Dragon Clan, there are no less than a hundred ways to train Tao soldiers."

"As for the Phoenix Clan, they also have many formations."

"But what about our Demon Court?..."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also nodded. really.

Today's Demon Court is inseparable from the torrent of steel and technology.

Although, their Demon Court now has one sect and three masters.

But the top combat power will ultimately determine the local battlefield.

Like under the vast starry sky, it is the so-called legion that really determines the direction of the war.

And there is another point, the defense also requires a strong legion.

Take the current situation as an example, even if the three masters of Yu Ziyu, Kun Pengzi, and Orochi dominate the world, so what?

If there are not enough legions to sit in command, the conquered mountains and rivers will be like castles in the air, empty and superficial.

After all, the power of Yu Ziyu, Kun Pengzi, and Orochi is limited.

Whether it's guarding or extracting resources, it's not as efficient as having a legion....

But even Yu Ziyu and others did not expect...Just after they vigorously developed technology and even created the"Star Fleet" that shook the starry sky, the"Higher Goblin Clan" actually appeared.

Moreover, their clan is very likely to master the so-called 'fire'’

"What a headache."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu looked at Kun Pengzi not far away.

Then, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also said with a hint of playfulness:

"Second brother..."

"Brother, what's wrong?..."

In response, Kun Pengzi felt a sudden change in his heart when he saw the playfulness on Yu Ziyu's face.

For some reason, a very ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"If the high goblin clan is sitting on the fire of civilization, I wonder if you would be willing to team up with me and help them...punish...destroy..."

In the faint voice, a murderous intention that made people's hearts tremble actually emerged.


With a sound of astonishment, Kun Pengzi also widened his eyes.



Is this what his elder brother said?

Are you kidding me? His eldest brother has always been kind, isn't he a well-known benevolent emperor in the starry sky?

But now, he actually said the words 'Kill the clan' with a smile. this...

Amidst the rare stiffness, Kun Pengzi also noticed a smile flashing across the face of the golden monkey not far away.

"Owner...Never a good person...Don't be fooled by his appearance..."

In the sudden reminder, Golden Monkey also unceremoniously pointed out the real him hidden under Yu Ziyu's appearance. ps:------------Ask for customization------------

Yesterday, the rank of Orochi was wrong, please forgive me.

Then let me tell you some good news. On the 29th, Scarlet Hong went to Chongqing to get engaged....(*^▽^*)hey-hey...

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