"what happened?"

In the sudden shock, a void creature looked far away with a drastic change in its expression.

It was so frightened that there was no trace of 'blood'.

Its liver and gallbladder were split, and its soul was scattered.

At the same time, its pupils were shrunk. Reached the tip of the needle.

What did he see?... an asteroid belt...A vast asteroid belt turned into a flat surface in a ray of light falling from the sky.

It's like a three-dimensional world turned into a picture.

But now, this fifth-level void creature can be seen vaguely. A vast picture of the starry sky floats slowly.

""Report, Ice Demon Star, left, right, front and rear, no enemies were detected...."

"Okay, let’s explore again..."

The faint voice still echoed in the starry sky, but it made this fifth-level void creature even more horrified.

"Lord Ice Demon, didn't you find anything?"

In the midst of growing disbelief, this fifth-level void creature also noticed an ice-blue figure deep in the vast scroll, slowly standing up...

But, so what if he stood up.

He Still didn't notice anything.

Is this a deep use of space?

No, it's not like that.

The use of space is definitely not so scary.

And if it's not space, what could it be?

Carefully recall the words from the scroll.--‘Report, Ice Demon Star, left, right, front and rear, no enemies were detected...’

In a daze, the creatures in the scroll lost their perception of 'up and down'.

And this is a mysterious and mysterious dimensional power. dimensional power...The high-level goblins, whose technology has reached its end, have reached a high level of power.

It's hard to describe.

It's also hard to explain.

However, one thing is certain, that is, this kind of power is several times, even dozens of times more terrifying than the so-called 'space'.

Simply because it is invisible and erases the perception of living beings.

The perception of 'up and down'.

Just because of left and right, not knowing up and down, living in a two-dimensional world forever...

"This is the cultural heritage of the high goblin clan - dimensionality reduction strike..."

Deeply shocked, the eyes of a spy from the Dragon Clan were dull.

They are always paying attention to the high goblins.

Just because this race is too mysterious and too terrifying.

But now, the tip of the iceberg has been revealed, which has truly changed the faces of countless people.

Dimensionality reduction strike - the legendary power.

Now, it is actually revealed in the starry sky.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that once revealed, millions of void creatures were silently wiped out.

Even the terrifying Ice Demon King disappeared. this...

Not to mention this dragon clan spy, even the spies from other forces couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

On the other side, suppressing the twitching of the corners of his eyes, a spy who luckily escaped the dimensionality reduction strike also recorded this scene.

Under the starry sky, the scrolls are flying.

But it makes my scalp numb...

"Have you heard about it? The goblins have used their civilizational heritage..."

"Civilization heritage, what is that?"

"I don’t know, but I heard that it is more terrifying than the imperial soldiers. It is a terrifying existence that only civilization-level forces can leave behind....It might be imperial soldiers that suppress luck, it might be technology beyond comprehension, or it might be an unimaginable secret treasure...."

"Wouldn't that be terrible?"

"It was more than just terrifying. Millions of void creatures disappeared in an instant. Even the Ice Demon King with Sequence No. 19 was unable to resist...."

"Moreover, I also heard that this civilization's foundation is called a dimensionality reduction attack. Even if the master faces it, his scalp will be numb."...

There was discussion one after another, and the starry sky shook.


Existences beyond understanding and cognition are finally revealed in the starry sky.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that it was revealed as a sacrifice of millions of void creatures.

You know, those are void creatures.

Moreover, it is the void army commanded by the Ice Demon King No. 19.

Except for some pressure from transcendent forces such as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Demon Court, the other forces are all invincible.

It is the void army with a terrible reputation in the starry sky.

But now...Under the impact of this dimensionality reduction of civilization, it is so fragile


Taking a deep breath, one after another the strong men couldn't help but look at each other.

"I guess it would be difficult for ordinary imperial soldiers to deal with this kind of civilization...."

"Not on the same level."

In response, an elder from the Tianji clan also came out and explained:

"The heritage of civilization is the hard work of a civilization force. It is a symbol of civilization and its carrier....Most of the imperial soldiers are used for personal protection and attack."

"One is for a clan or a force, and the other is for an individual...How can the two be compared?"

Speaking of this, the elder of the Tianji clan couldn't help but sigh:

"It's just that even I didn't expect that the high goblins would actually have a civilization...."


During a period of silence, countless powerful men from the Tianji clan could not help but remain silent.

Indeed, no one thought that the high-level goblins would actually have the foundation of civilization?

Moreover, it was even used.

Not to mention the Void Clan, even all the Starry Sky Clan were shocked....

At this time, the deepest part of the void...

"My lord, this is all I see..."

As he said this, this fifth-level void creature dug out his right eye.

Accompanied by this, there was a loud bang, and a picture emerged.

It was a quiet starry sky.

Extremely quiet.

But at this moment, among the pupils of many Void Emperors, an illusory light suddenly fell down, without any sound or aftermath.

Some are just as quiet as death.

However, in this quietness, the vast asteroid belt was changing quietly.

Then, point by point, it turned into a vast picture, floating in the starry sky.

If you look carefully, you can even see countless void creatures in the picture, acting as usual.

They found nothing.

Still living in 'their own world'. ps:-------------Ask for customization------------

Recommend new books to friends——NBA:I can watch videos and become stronger. It’s my first time writing a book for a newbie. It’s quite interesting.

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