"Now, all I have left is the last stone tablet..."

The sudden condensation made Yu Ziyu's consciousness return to his original body again, and his eyes couldn't stop flashing.

Yes, only the last stone tablet is missing.

Now, he has reached the sixth level of the seventh level of the state where the great supernatural power can transform the three pure states with one energy. However, the only stone tablet recording the seventh level of the secret method of transforming the three pure states with one energy has not yet been found.

However, it should be soon.

That piece is in the darkest place in the starry sky. If you give Yu Ziyu some time, he can find it.

Just, before that...

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at a silver-haired figure not far away, and Yu Ziyu also had a change of consciousness. then,


Just hearing a sound piercing the air, Yu Ziyu's elf body suddenly turned into a silver stream of light and shot towards the Tree of Life not far away.

The Tree of Life, a sacred object of the elves.

There is something very magical about the elves.

Just like now, even if the body transforms again and again and turns into the supreme body, Yu Zi's body can still be nourished by the tree of life.

And now...


The master of swallowing, Yu Ziyu’s elf body has already been coiled in the crown of the tree of life, and has begun to practice alone....

"Hum hum..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it

"I hope to be able to reach the seventh level soon..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's body also turned into a human form and took steps again.


Just hearing a roar, time and space intertwined, and Yu Ziyu's figure truly left this time and space and returned to Tongtian Star......

Yu Ziyu, who returned to Tongtianxing again, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Just because, in just a few years, Tongtianxing has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Pavilions and pavilions stand high in the sky, fairy palaces and flying goddesses are flying in the sky, and one after another, there are jade pools and phoenix terraces, as if they have been baptized by the years.

And this is today's Babel Star.

It's like a real fairyland, really dazzling.

However, this is also conceivable.

After all, today's Tongtianxing has the tendency to become the center of all races.

Countless powerful people gathered here.

There are also big forces stationed here one after another.

In the words of Yu Ziyu,"This is a starry sky that has shrunk countless times."’...

There are really thousands of ethnic groups.

In this way, prosperity is also conceivable...

Moreover, not only prosperity, but also the culture of all ethnic groups bloomed in Babel Star.

In the true sense, hundreds of flowers are blooming and competing for their beauty.

Just like the Demon Court's sphere of influence, there are fewer fairy palaces, but there are more skyscrapers with a modern feel.

And when it comes to architecture...The city designed by the humans of Blue Star is uniquely beautiful.

So much so that it attracted the attention of countless forces....

And now...Demon Court established nine cities in Tongtianxing.

Every city is different, but it vividly displays the heritage of Demon Court.

And this... is what Ling'er has taken care of again and again.

Regarding this point, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but secretly praise it.

Ling'er, in this regard, really has nothing to say. Even if he is not around, he can still manage the Demon Court in an orderly manner....

But now...It's better not to care about these things...

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also raised her eyes and looked at the stars...

"Now it's time to get the last stone tablet..."

However, before that, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, making an imperceptible arc. Yu Ziyu also turned his consciousness and pulled it to the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon.

Then, as the Lord of the Void with the 'body of a sky-reaching purple dragon', he ordered:

"Let's start the invasion..."

"Yes, master."

In response, it was Zi'er, the origin spirit of the Void, who slowly walked out of the palace.

Now, as a saint of the Void clan, she will issue the order of the Lord of the Void.

At that time, the Void will be the real wreaking havoc on the starry sky...

In other words, Yu Ziyu is already preparing for the final finishing touches.

There will be a true full-scale invasion, forcing all races to......

"Launch a general attack...

With a command, the cold voice continued to spread through the void....

And at the same time,


A high-pitched dragon roar suddenly sounded in the depths of the void.

Looking for the reputation, at some point, a purple dragon with no end in sight was already winding its way through the void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The terrifying figure, just meandering, shook the void, causing the entire void to roar continuously.

However, what is even more terrifying is that the six purple wings that cover the sky and the sun slowly spread out behind the purple dragon.


The dragon's roar became louder and louder, shaking the heaven and earth, and it actually spread thousands of miles away.

As a result, countless void creatures, centered on the Heavenly Purple Dragon, were boiling with excitement.

And these, or the vast majority of Void, marched into Void under the leadership of Void Original Sin.

Otherwise, just the boiling of countless void creatures will shake the entire void......

And at the same time

"Lord of the Void..."

There was a call, and in the distance, a giant purple tree that covered the sky and sun slowly rose from the ground.

This is the world tree.

However, in the past few years, it finally fell into the void and turned into the Void World Tree.

And now...


The right leg formed by the intertwining of countless tree roots suddenly lifted up, as if it crushed the entire void, making the entire void tremble.

"Step, step, step...

Step after step, the World Tree was already heading towards the sky-reaching purple dragon that Yu Ziyu had transformed into.

It is a follower of the Lord of the Void.

But now, I hold the stars in my hands and step on the void with my feet....This terrifying powerhouse also has an unrivaled posture, ready to truly march into the starry sky. world Tree...The true seventh-level life form, in terms of physical body alone, is more terrifying than the original Lord of Heaven.

And when this kind of monster walks out of the void...

""Tsk, tsk"

Just thinking about it, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but grin, with a hint of expectation rising...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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