"No need to panic...We are still not sure whether the Lord of the Void has the ability to corrupt the sacred tree....Still has the ability to corrupt any existence..."

"This can only be judged...Only then can we prevent"...

Listening quietly to the words"Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of the Palm", what this half-Buddha said, many powerful Buddhists also nodded one by one.

Indeed, the World Tree fell into the void, and it was still in a row after all.

There is not enough evidence to show that this void master has the ability to forcibly fall into other sacred trees. certainly...It is also possible that not only other sacred trees can be corrupted, but even powerful men from all races can be corrupted....

And for this...Apart from being on guard, we don’t have a good way to deal with it....

"well...catastrophe, will...All races are in danger...This should be a test for all our races...."

Speaking softly, the half-Buddha sitting high on the lotus platform also showed compassion in his eyes.

Catastrophe of all races...No one can take it off.

And the Void Clan...We need to make plans in advance... and now...He also intends to take a trip to the God Clan...If we can convince the gods to join forces,...At that time, the three top forces of the God Clan, Buddhism, and Demon Court will be combined....It is possible to truly encircle and suppress the Void Clan.......

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know that the news that the God Clan had suffered heavy losses to the Void Clan had spread throughout the starry sky.

However, think about it...

The God Clan, with such a powerful force, suffered heavy losses, which is really terrible.

If it were any other ordinary force, they would probably be wiped out.

And at this time...The deepest part of the void...A vast continent floating in the void...

But, just the next moment,

"Boom, boom..."

Accompanied by the extremely terrifying roar, in the horrified gazes of countless powerful people in the Gods and Demons Continent, from far away, a figure that seemed to be too big to be accommodated in the void was stepping forward.


One step fell, and the void trembled.

The terrifying force caused ripples.

Its terrifying shock waves turned into storm winds and swept through the entire void....

And at this time...If you observe carefully, you can even find that the Gods and Demons Continent, which has expanded several times in the void, can be said to be 'insignificant' in front of this figure.’...

Vast, huge, indescribable...

What can make the powerful people in the Gods and Demons Continent think of is that there are only two words——‘fear'. real horror......

Just, at this moment...A voice suddenly echoed in the void:

"Just take root here"

"Yes, Lord..."

In the sudden response,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With a terrible roar, this one is enough to support a tree...They are all rooted in the void.

Countless tree roots sweep across the void...One root sank into the depths of the void.

And the thick tree trunk is constantly extending, as if weaving... it won't take long...If you measure it again, you will see a vast and huge world...Pan Xu is already deep in the void. mountains, rivers...all looming...

There are countless creatures living on it....

And this is the World Tree...

The terrifying divine tree that is enough to support a world, as for the countless creatures, most of the people of the God race.

It’s just that it’s not the Protoss.

The gods are sparsely populated.

Most of them are subordinate races.

And these races, rooted in the World Tree, thrive and thrive... have become one with the World Tree.

If you look carefully, you can even find the gathering place of these creatures....They are all protected by an invisible light shield....

And this is also the protection of the World Tree.

They are not a race of gods.

If we really want to say that... we can say that they are the people of World Tree, equivalent to the cells of World Tree's body, or even smaller existences....

It's just a pity...This creature is too small, there are only a few in the fourth level.

On the contrary, it is not enough to become a fighting force...

Otherwise, Void may need another batch of new troops.......

"Your body is really huge..."

Staring blankly, even Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

The real body of the World Tree Rahil is afraid that he will catch up with his sky-reaching purple dragon body..


Grinning, Yggdrasil also said frankly:

"My clan is truly terrifying..."

Speaking of this, World Tree changed the topic and said with a smile:

"However, the master is more terrifying...He actually has such a terrifying body...Talking about all races...The master's physique is probably worthy of being number one."

"Ha ha..."

There was a chuckle, but Yu Ziyu couldn't deny it. really.

His body of a sky-reaching purple dragon is also very terrifying.

Now, transformed into a sky-reaching purple dragon, he looked at all races with eyes like a god looking down at ants, with an added touch of indescribable indifference.

Being a life form that was not on the same level at all made his mentality become more and more detached. if not...

Now he needs to plunder more resources in order to prove the eternal road...I'm afraid he doesn't even bother to take action against these little ant-like guys.......

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu's eyes fell on his right arm....

There, there is a cross brand that shines with eternal red luster, flickering slightly....

Faintly, Yu Ziyu felt waves of stinging pain

"gun of destiny..."

With a murmur, a cold light surged in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes...

This imperial weapon is really terrifying....

It turns out that there are such almost immortal marks left on his body of the Heavenly Purple Dragon....

And more than that...Even someone as strong as Yu Ziyu would not be able to erase this mark.

In a trance, this brand seems to be immortal

"trace of fate...This spear of destiny leaves a mark of destiny...If the Lord approaches...it will sense..."

"Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that...This brand will strengthen the power of the Spear of Destiny. If it attacks the Lord next time, it will be even more terrifying...."

Speaking one after another, World Tree also showed a look of worry on his face. gun of destiny...It has always been the most terrifying Imperial Soldier.

Looking at all the Imperial Soldiers, it can be ranked at the forefront.

If it hadn't been for breaking the long river of destiny and changing the fate of the gods, the sacrifice would have been too huge....Its power even rivals that of the Xiantian Emperor's soldiers.... in this way...It can also be imagined how terrifying it was in its heyday. certainly...It's different now...It’s pretty good to have the power of a mid-grade imperial weapon.... otherwise...It's not as simple as leaving a mark on Yu Ziyu...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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