Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, several months have passed.

But during these few months, the starry sky was calm without any ripples.

However, occasionally there are reports of void creatures invading the starry sky....

However, most of these void creatures are only one or two, not large-scale, and the most they can destroy is a city or a town, which is harmless.

This also makes some forces, mostly a little wary.

After all, Buddhism is a lesson learned from the past.

As powerful as Buddhism, they suffered heavy losses, and many Buddhist treasures were lost... This is not an ordinary terror.... so...The Void Clan is like a thorn piercing the hearts of all races.

Be alert, beware... it is necessary...

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that in a corner of the Eastern Star Territory... there were several purple vortexes slowly emerging.

As the purple spirit fills the air, every corner of the starry sky is eroded.

The endless purple meaning is profound and impenetrable, but it makes people feel a little frightened.

But at this time, he slowly raised his eyes and was surprised to find that three figures emerged from these three whirlpools.

The jealous third king, Qi and Jiu...The Void is the most terrifying force, a member of Original Sin.

And now...Under the orders of the boss, the Lord of the Void,...They need to find something in a small clan.

A stone tablet several feet high but indestructible

"Find it at all costs..."

Vaguely remembering the cold voice, the three people couldn't help but look at each other with firm eyes.

This is the first time they have performed a mission alone, and they will never allow failure....

Think of this...Ur, also known as Qi, who had short black hair and an extremely slender figure, suddenly shot towards a corner of the starry sky in an instant.

"Separate operations, I'll go here to search"


With a slight nod, the blond beauty Jiu with a stunning figure also pursed her lips and smiled, and rushed in the other direction....

As for the jealous third king, he is too proud and difficult to get along with, so I just let it go....

What is worth mentioning here is that...The location where the three of them are now is just because the barrier between the void and the starry sky is too fragile and easy to pass through, so they descended from here.

That small tribe...The place is not here.

And this requires them to work hard to find it.

The starry sky is too vast after all...Even someone as strong as Yu could determine the general location and then drop the three of them...

Like Buddhism...It is too dazzling, and it has the coordinate of the Holy Son of Buddhism....Pretty sure.

And like other forces, even...Even if you know the approximate location, it still takes a long time to search to get the exact coordinates......

However, on the fifth day, a piece of news that shocked the entire Eastern Star Territory came out.

In the Nanyu Star Territory, a star territory located in a remote corner of the Eastern Star Territory, three humanoid void creatures suddenly arrived.

The indigenous race of this star field, the Yiren clan, suffered heavy losses, with no less than 10 million casualties. Several members of its core leadership, the Eighteen Wings Council, are still missing....

Sensation, complete sensation...

The entire Eastern Star Territory was in an uproar.

One force after another and even races, upon hearing this news, all changed their colors in shock.

And among them, the Dragon Clan, the most powerful force in the Eastern Star Territory, has several sixth-order giants coming in person.

"It is indeed the breath of the Void Clan...Moreover, it was also confirmed that it was the humanoid Void. If I guessed correctly, it should be the original sin among the Void clan...."

Speaking softly, the majestic figure transformed into a golden dragon also looked cold.

"snort...These Void Clan are really brave and dare to go wild with the forces under our Dragon Clan."

With a cold snort, a Red Sky True Dragon was also furious.

"Their courage has always been great. Don’t forget how the Buddhist world was severely damaged...."

As a reminder, the golden dragon also took a deep breath...

The silent invasion of this void clan is really terrifying.

It comes and goes without a trace, so it is really impossible to guard against it.

However, there is no way.

Who allowed their clan to have the supreme master of the void?

It is really not easy to discover such existences in advance when they open up the world gate.

However, this incident is indeed a reminder.

Void clan...After all, an out-and-out threat......

And at this time...In the void, three figures also carried a huge stone tablet and rushed towards the deepest part of the void.

"This Yiren clan is not famous, but their strength is quite good."

Telling softly, Ranye's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just because at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to find that there is a hole as big as a fist in his chest.

And through this hole, you can clearly see the world behind him..This is an injury caused by the fierce battle between him and the strong men of the Yiren clan, but because what he was carrying was nothingness, it was not serious. He only needed to wait for it to heal slowly.

However, it has to be said that Yi The strong men of the human race cannot be underestimated.

Especially, they claim to be the first wing of the Eighteen Wings Council members, a girl with white wings....

Compared to the angel clan, this girl's white wings are only the size of two palms.

At first glance, one even doubts whether these wings can support the girl's body.

However, if you really underestimate them like this, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

This is simply because the Yiren clan is a being with the attribute of space and has an extraordinary understanding of space.

In contrast, their speed is also quite terrifying.

As for Ran, it was an accident that left him injured.

Of course, injuries are injuries, and the rewards are gratifying.

Not only did they find a stone tablet they were looking for, but they also captured the two powerful men of the Yiren clan, the First Wing and the Seventh Wing....

According to Lady Avril of the fallen angel clan, it would be a pity to kill a strong man from all races.

After bringing the captives back, using the void to corrode them is the most valuable thing.

So...These two were naturally brought back without ceremony. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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