
With a soft call, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

This girl is becoming more and more charming....That kind of temperament like an orchid in an empty valley...Really amazing..


Suddenly stunned, the void origin elf who had been sitting here for decades was also startled.

Then, as if he had discovered something, those deep eyes, like purple gems, burst out with a burst of brilliance.


The soft call was full of excitement. Zi'er also stood up suddenly and stared blankly at the figure emerging from the ripples not far away.

He has a slender figure and silver-grey hair that is as crystal clear as jade.

The whole person is like jade, impeccable.

It has a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

And this is the Lord of the Nine Realms and her true master...

"Thank you for your hard work these years..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also felt a rare apology.

It's not just Zi'er, it's like ice and snow. It's also like the elf from the source of light....Each one of them is silently guarding the treasures conceived in the nine realms, just waiting for his arrival.

But he... forgot about it...

"It's my fault."

Muttered in his heart, Yu Ziyu also understood his fault....

After all, he was so obsessed with himself that he neglected some things... but, it's okay...

Time, to them, is now just a number.

Set foot on the sixth level giant...Their already long lifespans were extended again.

Compared to their entire lives, these decades are only a few days....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel relieved. certainly...Making up for it is definitely something that needs to be done.

After he has finished dealing with the body of the purple dragon in the void,...He wanted to find an opportunity to get together with the nine origin elves....

These, the lives nurtured by the nine realms...not bad.

At least, he wasn't disappointed.

Nowadays, every one of them is at the sixth level of Transcendence.

The strength is quite terrifying.

Especially, Zi'er in front of me...It is even more outstanding.

Even Yu Ziyu couldn't help but marvel...

Just because, this girl seems to be born with"void", and she is burdened with"void"’...

Simply put, she is like a child of heaven...

It's just her heavenly way...It's just the 'way of heaven' deep in the void. so...Her return should be void.

When Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon reaches the sky and becomes the Lord of the Void... this girl should also be qualified to become a saint of the Void clan.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu arranged this girl's future.

However, at this time, it is not the time to care

"Zi'er, I came here this time to take away the Purple Lotus of the Void...

He simply stated his intention, and Yu Ziyu also said directly.


Nodding, Zi'er was also happy.

However, at the next moment, Zi'er seemed to have thought of something and said bluntly:

"Owner...This empty purple lotus is not yet mature, and its quality has not yet reached the seventh level....Are you sure you want to take it out now?"


In response, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"This purple lotus in the void is of great use to me...It's too late to wait for it to mature... Moreover, a spiritual flower of this level cannot mature without thousands of years. I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult...."


Listening to Yu Ziyu's words, Zi'er also agreed.

The seventh-level spirit flower...After all, the most precious treasure in heaven and earth...Extraordinary treasures can be compared, and the maturity period is long, which is understandable.

Like the legendary flat peach fairy tree, it takes three thousand years to bloom and three thousand years to bear fruit...

After thinking about this, Zi'er also smiled and said:"If the master wants to take it away, just take it away."..."


In response, Yu Ziyu also raised his right hand slightly


With the gathering of purple light in the palm of his hand, a purple lotus blossomed leisurely in Yu Ziyu's palm.

This lotus is not big, just the size of a palm.

The jade-like petals glow with a deep purple glow.

The petals sometimes open and sometimes gather...It seemed like he was swallowing something.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are wisps of faint purple spiritual energy falling over Zixi....

Void Purple Lotus...This is the gift given by Kong Xiaoshi to Yu Ziyu...

It condenses the origin of the void and has the consciousness of a small world... and this is also the reason why this spiritual flower is of such a high level.

And now...Yuzi also took it away..

"Come on, I'll take you to a good place."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also raised his right foot, leading Zi'er towards the deepest part of the void....


With one kick, time and space were reversed, and the mirror-like world spun under Yu Ziyu's feet.

Then, when Zi'er reacted...A vast and empty world has come into her eyes.


From time to time, cracks in the void open.

And the crack in the void, opening and closing, is like a monster's mouth...

It makes the entire land of void look a little more gloomy and strange. void...It's not the land after all.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu was not taking Zi'er to visit the land of void.

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu grabbed Zi'er's arm. then,


Along with the terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's entire figure turned into a flash of purple light, penetrating the void.

The vastness and momentum swept across the vast void.

The breath of the master of space that transcends everything is fully displayed..

"Roar, roar..."

"Yin, Yin..."

Roar, roar...All void creatures who felt this terrifying aura couldn't help but let out a mournful cry to show their submission.

But now, looking up, Yu Ziyu transformed into purple light. Wherever it passed, countless void creatures were crawling for it....Even the most proud emperors of the void...It was also at this moment that he lowered his proud head.

It's as if the king has returned and all living beings are prostrate...

"Is this the Lord in the deepest part of the void?"

"It's really scary. Just the breath makes me tremble."

"Tsk tsk...As expected, it is imaginary and most unfathomable...."

The exclamations came one after another, but they were the most sincere sighs issued by the Emperor of the Void who felt Yu Ziyu's breath from afar.......

But at this time, Yu Ziyu didn’t care so much...

In the void, he has no scruples...

In this way, he naturally returns in the most domineering manner


The six wings that were extended behind him suddenly spread out.

The terrifying void turbulence rolls back wantonly, with the tendency to spread hundreds of thousands, or even millions of miles around....

And even under such earth-shattering momentum, Yu Ziyu turned into a stream of light and went straight to the deepest part of the void where the sky-reaching purple dragon was. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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