After meeting the newly promoted Void Emperors - Qi and Jiu, Yu Ziyu also chose to retreat.

As for Ran and Jiu, it was the fallen angel Avril who made them familiar with the rules and arranged palaces for them.

As sixth-level Void Emperors, their status in the Gods and Demons Continent is still quite high.

Almost all of them are inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Therefore, the treatment is appropriate.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu thought that the void was too boring, so she also arranged a lot of starry sky things in the Gods and Demons Continent.

Like Blue Star's chess and cards, and some networks, they are also grafted in the Void Continent... and there are all kinds of weird spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits....

These seemingly ordinary things in the starry sky can be said to be real treasures in this land of void.

Many void creatures fought because of this... certainly...It is also because of this that it attracts many void creatures from more distant places....

According to the fallen angel Avril, she wants to make the entire continent of gods and demons the most prosperous center of the void.

In this way, there is no need to summon, but there are countless strong men in the void joining.

For this, Yu Ziyu also agrees.

Rather than trying to conquer them, it's better to attract them. and attract...It's naturally not difficult to get them to join.......

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also stared at the Gods and Demons Continent for a moment.

Compared with the desolation of the past, the current Gods and Demons Continent can be called prosperous.

There are many cities and longing figures.

A new void civilization has been conceived.

And this is all based on the fallen angel Avril, the King of Knights and others...

It is precisely because of them that these chaotic and disordered voids of void life from the starry sky can be led.

However, at this time, it seems that this is not the time to pay attention to these things.

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also found a quiet area and escaped into another time and space.

In this time and space, he will sink into cultivation again

"Now I have briefly entered the bottleneck period..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

After setting foot on the Dominion, his cultivation was as slow as a turtle.

But there is no way around it. dominate...It's not something that can be compared.

The depth of his cultivation is indescribable even with the ocean.

If we say that the cultivation level of a giant is like a river...

Then the master's cultivation is probably comparable to the vast ocean, and even more terrifying...

In this way, it is natural for the cultivation to slow down after being promoted to master.

No, it cannot be said that the improvement of cultivation is slowing down.

Rather, it should be said that the cultivation level is so profound that it feels like progress.

Just like in the past, tens of thousands of spiritual energy accumulation was a big improvement for Yu Ziyu.

But now, even if hundreds of thousands or even millions of spiritual powers are accumulated, it is just like that for Yu Ziyu...

"Nowadays, in addition to the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, other way...The only thing left is to rely on the accumulation of time..."

"It takes hundreds of years and thousands of years to see significant progress...."

He murmured one after another, but Yu Ziyu had a clear attitude...

But well... even like this, Yu Ziyu couldn't stop practicing.

Traveling is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

The same goes for cultivation.

If he doesn't practice for a day, something strange will arise in Yu Ziyu... Thinking of this, exhaling deeply, Yu Ziyu will also transform into his original form.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's tree roots one after another looked up to the sky and roared like a real dragon, constantly taking root in the depths of time and space.

At the same time, his branches that were like divine chains also poured into deeper space and time one after another.

He carries the"Supreme Chaotic Sea of ​​Time and Space" on his back, and his practice also relies on the ubiquitous time and space.

In other words...Now he is rooted at the edge of time and space, stealing the power of time and space to achieve his own success


A sudden roar echoed in this place in time and space.

Looking up, Yu Ziyu's branches and even the roots of the tree are actually spreading, rushing deeper into time and space.

And accompanying it is... those wisps of silver-gray power that looks like silver but not silver, looks like gray but not gray, and continues to spread along the roots and even branches towards Yu Ziyu's body.

At this time, looking at Yu Ziyu...You can definitely see that his entire figure is getting blurry....The accompanying layer of haziness is all worn on the body.

In the past, he was clothed in starlight.

Now he is wearing time and space...

Although the difference is only"two words", it is the constant change of Yu Ziyu's life level and the increasingly terrifying performance....

There is no time to practice...Several months have passed.

However, on this day, Yu Ziyu woke up from practice.

Just because, at this moment, a kind of enlightenment from somewhere awakened him

"Master of Buddhism, would you like to invite me to talk?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also learned something through the spiritual leaf he gave Jiuwei....

But there's no rush

"Tell him that I am practicing and it is inconvenient now..."

With the help of some mysterious feeling, Yu Ziyu also sent the news back.

It's just a sixth-level person who can see you as soon as you meet him. Doesn't that mean he's downgraded?

It's okay to let him wait for a while.

Moreover, more importantly, Yu Ziyu's cultivation has indeed entered a critical moment.

It's not his true nature.

It's Yu Ziyu's other body - the Tongtian Purple Dragon...

This body has been settling for a long time, and has reached a critical point under the guidance of the supreme discovery of infinity.

Whether it is physical strength or spiritual power accumulation, there is a tendency to transcend the realm itself.

What does it mean to transcend the realm itself?

That is, it is obviously the sixth level, but the physical strength and spiritual power accumulation are far beyond this level.

And this is the terror of the supreme infinite law.

To put it simply, it is the supreme infinite law. There is no need to overcome tribulations, let alone carry the supreme sea of ​​chaos....

And this is also the terrifying aspect of the supreme infinite law.

If we say that the laws of time and space of Yu Ziyu's body still need to be guided by herself.

Then, the supreme and infinite law guides the living thing itself... which is equivalent to the infinite and supreme law actively turning him into a part of itself.

This is very mysterious and cannot be explained clearly.

But it is the most terrifying aspect of the infinite supreme law.

Growing silently, carrying the name of infinity, growing more and more terrifying in the depths of the void... until...One day, a monster from the deepest part of the void walked out, already under the starry sky...The most terrifying existence...

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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