And at this time...Yu Ziyu didn’t know that this master of the Buddhist world had planned the entire land of void...

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know.

With Yu Ziyu's current state of mind, he had already guessed

"The void has already stretched out its fangs, and it has severely damaged many races and orthodox traditions. Thinking about it this way, it is very likely that Buddhism will join forces vertically and horizontally... to form an alliance against the 'void force'..."

"And in such an alliance...Be respected by the Demon King of Demon Court’"

"After all, his strength is the most terrifying, and he is also the only being who can possibly deal with the Lord of the Void....Even if the Demon King doesn’t want to...He will also try every means to push the Demon King to the top of this alliance...Thus...As the 'alliance leader', the Demon King must take action...This is the leader's obligation and responsibility..."...

Whispering one after another, Yu Ziyu also began to think as a 'third party', and even took an overview of the chess game.

And at this time, if you look not far away from him, you will definitely be able to see... he used his spiritual power as a guide to outline a vast chessboard.

And on this chessboard...There is a clear distinction between the Void Clan and the Ten Thousand Clan.

However, most of the forces of the Void Clan are hidden in the mist...Only the six giants of original sin and a void master are the clearest....

And all races...It is the dragon, phoenix clan, demon court and other major forces that restrain each other..

These are the divisions of the forces....

This is also a big game played by Yu Ziyu...

However, this big game of chess has only one player until now....

Yes, chess player.

Moreover, the only chess player.

And the reason why I say this is just because the king of the Void clan and the king of all clans are actually the same person....And that is Yu Ziyu... so...This is Yu Yu’s chess game alone...

"It’s not that I don’t want to find someone to play chess with....But now...No one is qualified to play a game of chess with me..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be filled with emotion...

Hundreds of years, countless opportunities...He finally reached this point...using all living beings as chess pieces and heaven and earth as chessboards... only...It's a pity... I found that this chess game he played was an accident....It will be beyond redemption...

Not that anything will happen to him.

Rather, Demon Court...

If others know that the Demon Emperor of the 'Demon Court' is the king of the Void Clan - the mysterious Lord of the Void...

Then, even if the Demon Court already has the tendency to 'suppress for eternity', it will be wiped out in an instant. after all...A large clan such as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and Demon Court can still handle it.

But the unity of all races...At once....

"so...This identity of mine is an absolute secret... and cannot be exposed under any circumstances."

Muttered, Yu Ziyu also understood...

This is not a matter of his life or death.

It is about the survival of Demon Court, the safety of Jiuwei, Di Ji Ling'er and others.......

However, at this moment, the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly...

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

And now...That's what he did.

If so, his dual identity will not be exposed...Then the space for him to play is terrifying.

On the one hand, you can use your identity as the 'Lord of the Void' to unscrupulously plunder the resources of all races.

And on the other side...he can also take advantage of the situation and become...The 'leader' of the alliance of all races, thus using power for personal gain...

As for how to become the leader of the 'All Races Alliance'...Then naturally he is like this.

Constantly invading all races as the 'Lord of the Void', thus making all races feel threatened, until they finally had to unite...

What can unite internally is often external pressure.

The Void Clan is the pressure from the unity of all races.

The more terrifying the pressure, the greater the possibility of unity among all races.

And now...Buddhism should have the idea of ​​joining forces with other forces to fight against the Void Clan.

As for other forces, Yu Ziyu is not sure yet.

However, the impact is not big...

If you don't want to join forces, just take a few more trips as the 'Lord of the Void'... It's just that...

"How can he legitimately use his identity as the 'Demon Emperor' to become the leader of the alliance?"

Muttered, Yu Ziyu also fell into thinking... according to his thoughts...Go with the flow.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Yu Ziyu could not guarantee whether the Demon Emperor could successfully become the leader of the alliance.

Therefore, this point remains to be discussed...

"But there's no rush...There is a long time, enough for me to plan..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's eyes, sitting high on the throne, became deeper and deeper.

Like a deep ancient pool, unfathomable......

However, not long after this


There was a sudden roar, and a very terrifying aura rose into the sky.

Looking for the sound, there was actually a void storm rolling up in the distant void.

And this storm continued to expand, affecting hundreds of thousands of miles in radius....

Along with a touch of depressive breath, there was also

"So soon, someone broke through to the sixth level of extraordinary and became the Emperor of the Void...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also delighted.

Sure enough, war is the best way to select the strong.

After a fight with Buddhism, a sixth-level extraordinary Void Emperor was born.

No..more than one.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, and Yu Ziyu also looked in another direction.

Over there...There was actually a void storm that was no weaker than before....

"Congratulations to the boss, congratulations to the boss...Happy to gain the fighting power of two void emperors..."

Along with this sound...Avril, the fallen angel with six wings on her back, also slowly appeared in front of Yu Ziyu

"Do you know where these two people come from?

After asking, Yu Ziyu also said with interest.

"these two..."

While pondering, Avril also stared at these two directions for a moment.... then...She also said bluntly:

"If I guess the concubine's side is good,...These two newly promoted Void Emperors, one is from the legion under Ziyan....One is from the Gods and Demons Continent..."


Nodding slightly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also turned up slightly...

It seems that there will be several more large-scale invasions....

Once, two void emperors were exchanged.

Come a few more times...His dream of a big void empire - hundreds of void emperors is not far away, I'm afraid.... certainly...This is just what Yu Yu takes for granted.

The birth of every Void Emperor is quite difficult.

As for these two, it can only be said that they have accumulated a lot of experience and the opportunity has come.... in other words...Bad luck..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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