
The roar of the dragon is full of heartiness...

When raising her paw, Yu Ziyu seemed to have grasped a space of ten thousand meters, and then...In an instant, the entire space was crushed.

Along with it, there was a splash of blood.

And all this is because Yu Ziyu destroyed more than just space.

It even crushed all life in that space.

"Ding, you have killed a fifth-level life form..."

"Ding, you have killed a fourth-level life form...."...

The long-lost system prompt sounded in his ears, but it made the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth rise even more subtly....

He actually wanted to use the Demon King to deal with his other identity - the Lord of the Void.

Then, be prepared to bear Yu Ziyu’s wrath....


A sudden roar resounded through the northeast corner of the Buddhist world...

Looking up, he saw large areas of purple fire rain spurting out, falling on the mountains and rivers, turning them into ravines.

Falling in the river. The river is evaporated.

However...What's even more terrifying is that the air wave sweeping everything continues to spread like a shock wave....He actually wiped out every living being in the Buddhist world one after another. but...It's not important. What's important is...The purple fire rain in this ruined land seems to be just the flaming rain dripping from time to time from that figure hovering in the sky.

He didn't even look at it.

Just a small reveal can ruin the country.

And this is the master from the deepest part of the void...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thunderclouds surged, and the continuous purple dark clouds actually flooded the sky, casting a shadow over most of the Buddhist world.

But at this moment


Thick lightning broke through the space and illuminated a corner.

What caught the eyes of countless Buddhas was a head as big as a city suddenly lifted into the sky...

And the huge purple and deep dragon scales were constantly overflowing, eroding everything with purple dragon flames....


With a scream, a fifth-level Buddhist strongman let out the most miserable scream because he was contaminated with a little purple dragon flame.

And the next moment, he gritted his teeth and violently cut off his arm....

Just a little bit of dragon flame can cause a fifth-level life form to cut off an arm.

Who knows how terrifying this is... but what's even more terrifying is...This purple dragon, which was still exerting its strength, was still rising into the air, and it was rushing towards the imperial soldier hanging above the nine heavens - the Great Thunder Sound Temple.


It was like shattering the universe, but the dragon's claws actually tore apart the space and landed violently on the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple.


As powerful as the Imperial Soldier, the Great Thunder Sound Temple trembled violently.

But before he could do anything, this extremely terrifying evil dragon actually raised its head.


Long Yin Zhentian...But a purple beam of light burst out of the sky and shattered the earth, and hit the emperor's soldier Leiyin Temple hard.


There was another roar, and the imperial weapon Great Thunder Sound Temple, which was blocking the sky and the sun, almost turned over under the dragon's breath....

"this...It's really weird, right?..."

Holding back their palpitations, countless powerful men in the Buddhist world were dumbfounded when they looked at the purple evil dragon pressing down on the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple.

Are you kidding me?

Is this really what they saw?

Imperial Soldier...Is the family background being suppressed and beaten? certainly...This is because Dayin Temple is not good at attacking, so it is better to replace it with an imperial soldier...I'm afraid that the real dragon transformed by Yu Ziyu will fight until dawn.......

"This is really shocking..." an exclamation...Many powerful people in the Buddhist world know the big deal.

Even the Imperial Army’s Great Thunder Sound Temple could not suppress this monster that emerged from the depths of the void....How to play then?

However, thankfully...This is where the battlefield fell into a disadvantage.

The other battlefields opened up one after another are all dominated by Buddhism.

After all, it is a terrifying force that has been passed down for countless epochs.

Every eternal giant is not comparable to ordinary giants.

As powerful as a weapon, this Void Emperor is somewhat inferior to a monster who claims to be an immortal monk....

On the other side, the third king who is known as 'jealousy'...He was even besieged by several Arhats...

Among them, the offensive of 'Arhat Subduing the Dragon' is the most terrifying.

Not giving the third king, who is known as 'jealousy', any time to breathe....

"The cutting-edge combat power and quantity are completely different from each other."

Sighed in his heart, the fallen angel also understood...This time they were too generous.

All I can say is that it is worthy of Buddhism.

Sixth-level giants are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

This time they all came together, except for the master, there were only six eternal giants.

But Buddhism...But there are more than twenty statues.

There are more sixth-level experts on their way.

One to one...Born in the void is indeed half as strong.

But I can't stand the crowd.

Two fists are no match for four hands...Even the creatures in the void are extremely weird. It is difficult to deal with the powerful men from the Buddhist world who are coming like a tide.......


As if thinking of something, the fallen angel Avril also raised her eyebrows and looked towards the extreme east....

The terrifying existence from the deepest part of the void - the Tongtian Purple Dragon, has an overwhelming advantage...

Even if the Imperial Soldier Great Thunder Sound Temple is in front of it, it is like a living target and can be destroyed by it....

Terrible and horrifying. hard to imagine...Could the void breed such a terrifying existence?

Especially in the early stage of spiritual recovery...in this era...Such a monster was born...It is simply a disaster for all the races in the starry sky.

But, at this moment...

"Destroy the boundary gate first...Today, I want to keep them all here..."

In the sudden roar, like the angry eyes of King Kong...An old man wearing cassock stepped out suddenly

"boom..." one step down...Earthquake.

Visible to the naked eye, one after another the phantoms of the Buddhist kingdom are also spread out in the sky and the earth. ancient buddha...Lord of Buddhism...A being beyond imagination, even if it is not a master, it is not far behind.

And now...Can be seen with the naked eye...The Buddha flames soaring into the sky continue to rise, and the energy and spirit of this terrifying existence are also constantly rising....

And at this time, if you pay attention to his hands...What's more, he can find that a broken branch of the imperial weapon that Yu Ziyu is most afraid of - the Qibao Second Tree, is in his hand, flickering continuously....

It seems that this great power in the Buddhist world has used an incredible trump card again...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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