Push it away, it’s hell.

These six simple words were filled with blood, and you could vaguely see mountains of corpses and seas of bones....

This...Just because of the word"地" is not what Yu Ziyu simply thinks....but a fact


Take a deep breath, raise your head, and look at the gate to the sky that towers into the sky....Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed...There is a hint of expectation flashing through

"Hope you won't disappoint us."

Amidst the faint laughter, Yu Ziyu also raised her hands outward.


Accompanied by a roar, under the horrified and horrified eyes of countless Buddhists, this giant door that seemed to hold up the entire sky slowly opened.

"stop him"


There were exclamations one after another, and the powerful men from the Buddhist world rushed over and took action one after another.

Sanskrit sounds...Tao Yin Man.

There is also a terrifying intertwining of Buddha power.

However, what is shocking is that...These attacks were like a stone sinking into the sea, and he couldn't even get close to Yu Ziyu...

After all, he was a seventh-level master....Even if Yu Ziyu doesn't take action, these little guys can't shake him. so...It is inevitable that the door to the void will open.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also exerted her strength again.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, the towering portal slowly opened....Revealing a bizarre world

"Roar, roar..."

"Yin, Yin..."

Roar, roar...Thousands of strange sounds fill the world...But it is filled with unprecedented madness.

The vitality and vitality of the Buddhist world stimulate the nerves of every void creature.

However...Now, there is no call from Yu Ziyu...Even if these void creatures couldn't hold back, they stayed behind the door one by one....

Yu Ziyu’s words are everything.

Without Yu Ziyu’s instructions...Waiting is their only option...

And just then

"Step, step, step...

Following the footsteps, humanoid figures one after another slowly walked out of the giant purple door and came behind Yu Ziyu.

"This is the Buddhist world...What a land of immortals, much better than the angel clan before me...."

Feeling the extremely rich aura, the fallen angel Avril also said with envy

"No matter how good the place is, it will be reduced to ruins later. What is there to care about?.."

With a sneer, the cold young man transformed by jealousy spoke with disdain.

"The Buddhist world is no better than the trolls and dwarves...

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at the jealous third king and reminded:

"If you are careless, you will die."


His face was startled, and the cold young man also chose to remain silent.

He heard the concern in Yu Ziyu's words...

However, he was very confident in his own strength, but he didn't care much.

Just because he believes...Will not lose...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also saw the third king's thoughts.

This little guy is too stubborn and too proud...

This...There may be some hidden dangers.

But forget it.

He said everything that needed to be said.

The rest is up to him....

There is no shortage of strong men in the void...After he is gone, there will be a new existence to replace him... and this is how Yu Ziyu is about to create a rule in the void - the strong are respected, and the capable are promoted....

If someone is better than him and replaces him, what's the harm?...

A smile in my heart...Yu Zi also raised his eyes again and looked at the powerful people in the Buddhist world who turned into escaping light one after another and kept rushing here....

"It's almost time...You can start your carnival feast now..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's voice fell on the ears of countless void creatures.

Then, without waiting for Yu Ziyu to say anything else,

"Hoo, ho, ho...

"Yin, Yin, Yin...

An extremely loud roar, a terrifying roar... suddenly rose into the sky.

Seek prestige...When he arrived at the purple portal that seemed to be holding up the sky, there was actually a purple wave crashing in.

And look carefully.

That purple wave was actually the gathering of countless void creatures...

However, there are too many void creatures and they are too terrifying, so it looks like a purple wave.

"No..." sudden exclamation...The strong men of the first and fifth levels of the Buddhist world have been submerged by a purple wave, leaving not even their bones behind.

When the other fifth-level Buddhist masters saw this, their expressions changed greatly, and they retreated violently one by one.

Nowadays, the real strong man in the Buddhist world has not arrived yet...Naturally, it is important to save one's life... only...Just when these powerful men retreated violently...This purple wave spurting out from the Void Gate also spreads in all directions....

Countless void creatures looked up to the sky and roared, and pounced towards the Buddhist creatures one after another. kill, destroy, destroy...

The evil nature hidden deep in the bones of void creatures... besides...There is still desire’... void creature...A terrifying existence driven by the most primitive desires’..

The more terrifying the desire...The more terrifying they become......

But now, what caught the eyes of countless powerful people in the Buddhist world was that under the portal that seemed to hold up the sky, seven humanoid figures stood quietly, looking down on the world like gods.

And under their feet...Everything is a devouring purple wave that keeps gushing out and spreading in all directions....

This...It is the void that is the terrifying force—original sin.

Powerful as Buddhism...Under their invasion, they were unable to resist at first.

Thinking about it this way...The defeat of the dwarves and trolls is also natural.

However, at this moment...

If you look carefully at the middlemost figure among the seven humanoid figures, you will definitely be able to see his eyes, which are rare and solemn.

"Imperial Soldier...Moreover, it is just an imperial weapon..."

"More importantly...Another imperial weapon, the aura coming from it is extraordinary.."

My heart was slightly shaken, and Yu Ziyu's gaze seemed to span space and even time....Looking towards the deepest part of the Buddhist world...

The void invasion he launched this time...In the end, Buddhism, an extremely ancient force, was completely angered...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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