One city after another rises from the earth.

Every city is terrifying and extraordinary.

Like a city of steel, from a distance, the silver-gray metallic texture exudes an indescribable coldness.

Like a fortress, dark caves rise one after another around it.

The City of Steel, also known as the City of Science and Technology.

This is the barrier of steel and the kingdom of technology.

It is said that this city is the largest war fortress of Demon Court. If it is fully activated, it will be enough to destroy the world.

On the other side, the City of Elements was once the main city of the Elemental Clan, and its existence was just like the City of Angels in the Angel Clan.

In this way, one can imagine the horror of the City of Elements.

Now, in the City of Elements, elemental springs are gushing out from corner to corner. At a glance, the entire City of Elements looks like a fountain-like city.

However, what was shocking was that all he spurted out was spiritual energy that turned into liquid.

And what does this mean?

Of course there is no need to say more.

Perhaps, the gushing of a fountain is the annual mining volume of a super spiritual stone mine....

"Is this a joke?"

With his eyes widened, the Mountain Titan from the Titan clan, an old acquaintance of the Demon Court, also looked at the City of Elements blankly.

It was like the spiritual energy rushing in substance....It almost flooded the sky.

And this scene...In the eyes of those who fell into it, they were even more horrified.

Just because the strong see more than just spiritual energy...And that indescribable profound background......

However...In such a city, there are actually ten Demon Courts...


Taking a deep breath, the corners of Mountain Titan's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

"After decades of absence, the Demon Court seems to be even more terrifying."

With a sigh, the Mountain Titan couldn't help but sigh.

Under the starry sky, who can rise as fast as the Demon Court?

It has only been a hundred years...., Demon Court has already become a giant.

No... maybe, it has become a real Big Mac...

And just then...Not the mountain titan, but even a figure in the distance that looked extremely noble and even accompanied by a golden monkey stopped at this moment....

And his gaze was fixed on a building not far away, submerged in black mist....It looks like an extremely eerie city.

The city of the a city of death...Surrounded by countless breaths of death...

However, such a city should not appear in Demon Court.

This is the important city of the Ming clan and where Ming is located.

At this time, he seemed to notice the gaze of this figure... and introduced from the side:

"Lord Seraphim...It's the Demon Emperor's unexpected harvest....Today, this city is called the 'City of the Dead'’...One after another, strong men died in the Demon Court....Their bodies are immortal here...It will continue to sublimate...until the deceased truly returns one day..."

Listening quietly, Seraphim's expression also changed slightly.

With his wisdom, he naturally heard the hidden meaning of the golden monkey.

"Even the Nether Clan was quietly destroyed in the hands of Demon Court....No wonder, in the past few decades, I haven’t heard much movement from the Nether Clan...."

I sighed softly in my heart. Seraphim also knew about this king of angels. He underestimated the demon court....

He even underestimated this legendary demon king....

But, fortunately, Yaoting and them are not enemies...

At least not now......

And just when this Seraphim, the king of angels, was shocked...outside the solar system,


A long dragon roar suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

He raised his eyes and looked... there was a figure that looked like a snake but not a snake, not like a dragon but not a dragon, shooting at him very quickly.

And right behind him, a Dragon Court Guard belonging to the Dragon Clan... also came side by side....

Nine Nether Dragon Snake...A well-known strong man from the Dragon Clan.

But now, he has arrived with his personal guards, and his meaning is naturally self-evident...

"We, the Dragon Clan, are here to congratulate the Demon Emperor on his return...."

"I also wish the Demon King that he will become immortal in the future....Glory lasts forever..."

Before anyone arrived, the vast sound could already be heard from afar.

Even most of the heaven was shocked

"Did the Dragon Clan even send people?"

"The reputation of this demon court is really great...."

"Needless to say, you have to know that under the starry sky today, the Demon Emperor is the number one person..."... one sound after another...Several people couldn't help but talk about it.

Even, individually...They all became excited. after all...Being the first person under the starry sky in the Western Star Territory is also a very honorable thing for the entire Western Galaxy....

I'm proud of it, that's what I'm saying. only...More than just dragons...


The phoenix cries in the sky, and the Feng Clan, which has always been unwilling to lag behind the Dragon Clan, also sends people to come......

"Sometimes, I really doubt that the dragon and phoenix clans are one family..."

Amid the sudden voice, Yu Ziyu also looked at the stars and the approaching dragon and phoenix clan with a playful expression.

"Master, what do you say?"

A little surprised, Jiuwei was also puzzled.

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"You see, the dragon and phoenix clans are really inseparable....This one is in the East Star Region and the other is in the Beida Star Region...They all came almost at the same time..."


Stunned for a moment...Kyuubi couldn't help but feel dumbfounded... and then said casually

"Maybe it's a coincidence..."


A sound of suspicion...Di Ji Ling'er, who was not far away, narrowed her eyes slightly, and then said with deep meaning.:

"I don't think so..."

And the moment Ling'er finished speaking, the entire Demon Court Hall fell silent.

Some things don’t need to be explained clearly...

Just a few reminders, it is already clear...

I am afraid that the dragon and phoenix clans have negotiated...

In other words...Before Yao didn't know it, the top forces in the two major star regions had already come into contact.... and...This kind of contact is still for the Demon Court....

And this is not good news for Demon Court. ps:---------Seek determination----------

My relative is in the hospital...Go to the hospital to see him...I'm very sorry.. I've been traveling for so long. I'm a little sleepy and a little overwhelmed....Feeling bad...So there is some delay in coding...Adjusted the status for a while. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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