"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better if the master didn't show up?"

Listening to Bo Xun's narration, Kyuubi not far away also said bluntly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking,...Her expression couldn't help but change.

Just because, at this time, she also noticed something.

That is...Since the real purpose of Wanzu is to investigate the situation of the master, how can it be so simple to give up?

Moreover, if the master really does not show up for a long time,...Not to mention that his reputation has been damaged, but the suspicion of all races will increase day by day.

Even, it is not ruled out that they may do something to test the demon court, in order to force the master to show up....

Of course, most forces do not dare to do this openly.

But secretly...

That's hard to say.

Especially, the Protoss who have already had a gap with the Demon Court...heaven...He is also planning the Demon Court all the time....

"There is indeed some trouble."

With a sigh, Kyuubi was also silent.......

However, at this time, many figures in the hall did not notice that a figure had arrived from unknown time.

He slowly walked towards the highest throne.

That is the throne of the sacred tree.

For more than a hundred years, no one has sat down.

However, even so, this throne is spotless. From a distance, it looks like it is bathed in light....


Taking a step forward, no one noticed Yu Ziyu walking silently in another time and space.

And that's it

"Step, step, step...

Step after step, Yu Ziyu slowly walked along the steps and came to the throne.

His right hand caressed the deputy handle of the throne, as if looking for a familiar feeling.

At this time, Yu Ziyu's figure gradually slipped out of another time and space... until...


The sudden roar was like thunder.

When I looked up, I saw the golden monkey with his eyes closed all the time. He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst with divine light, and he looked in the direction of the throne.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Exclaimed one after another, many figures also looked at the golden monkey for the first time.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that there was an extra figure near the supreme throne.

A silver-gray head Her long hair fluttered in the wind.

Her slender figure stood quietly.

As her sleeves turned and danced, she actually had a real expression.

"Who are you?"

In sudden surprise, the golden monkey's body trembled.

Just because, at this time, he actually received a familiar yet extremely strange breath....

However, at this time, not only the golden monkey, but also everyone else saw this figure.

"you are the master..."

With an exclamation, as if she couldn't believe it, the girl with waist-length black hair and a very heroic look covered her mouth.

This is Shi, Yu Ziyu's third apprentice, now the Valkyrie of the Demon Court, whose combat power is terrifying to the extreme.

On the other side, Yu Ziyu’s eldest disciple Sarah seemed to recognize Yu Ziyu and also shouted


A call with endless concern...

"Ha ha..."

While chuckling, Yu Ziyu slowly turned around, and then looked at familiar figures one after another:

"Long time no see, everyone..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence.

However, if you look carefully, you will definitely find that Yu Ziyu’s eldest disciple and third disciple have blurry eyes with tears....

Women are, after all, the most emotional.

So, everything is left unsaid.

As for Jiuwei and Di Ji Ling'er, they have not been separated from Yu Ziyu for a long time, so naturally they won't be too excited.......

In the deathly silent hall, one figure after another focused on the figure near the throne.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu slowly sat down and landed on the throne beneath him.

"Subordinates pay homage to Demon King..."

"Subordinates pay homage to Demon King..."

Amid the chorus of calls, many figures immediately knelt on the ground with one knee...

For a moment, the entire hall seemed to have returned to a hundred years ago.

But, things are different now.

Today's figure is all transformed.

Even two of Yu Ziyu’s three apprentices...They have all stepped into the sixth level of extraordinary...


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"Free of charge"...

It had been a long time since it had been so formal, and Yu Ziyu was actually a little uncomfortable with it.

However, the most unaccustomed thing is the change in everyone.

Like the Golden Monkey, compared to the past, it is actually a bit more vicissitudes of life, and even the eyes are showing the vicissitudes of life.

Now, he is wearing a gray robe, looking like an old man who has escaped from the world.

On the other side, Immortal Laurel is still the transformed image of a cold beauty wearing a gorgeous silver robe. cold as the moon...

However, if you feel it carefully, you will definitely find that she is colder now than before.

That's not ordinary cold.

It is a kind of quiet coldness, which is the coldness revealed unintentionally when cultivating to a deeper level with the power of Taiyin....

Apart from them, the one with the most terrifying changes was Bo Xun.

His second disciple...Now with blood flying, evil intentions are fully revealed.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Bo Xun seems to be much more handsome now.

It's just that this kind of beauty is more feminine...

A kind of feminine beauty...

But this is the temperament of the path of six desires, which is gradually becoming more complete.

The six desires are the desires of all sentient beings....

Perhaps, when everyone looks at Bo Xun, they see something different.

All living things are like this.

What Yu Ziyu saw was Bo Xun's most feminine side...

Of course, this should also be what Bo Xun intended for Yu Ziyu to see...

After all, his most feminine side was also the person he truly respected. will be exposed.

As for others...What I hope for is his decisiveness in killing and the devilish nature of playing with people's hearts.... worldly people...They called Bo Xun the Little Demon King, and some even called him the Little Demon King.’...Not for nothing...

There is no magic in my bones...Bo Xun can now bear"such a title". _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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