"I don’t know if my Void Divine Weapon has a chance to activate its exclusive ability?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu has returned to the void, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

The exclusive ability of his Void Divine Weapon is to give... an ability that can be given to every being who truly falls into the void.

And after this being dies in battle, The ability after growth will return and counteract Yu Ziyu.

In the final analysis, it is just cultivating and even cultivating abilities through others.

However, the condition for his activation is to truly fall into the void.

Secondly, the strength must not be weak, otherwise just The baptism of the void cannot be endured.

As a result, the conditions for Yu Ziyu's ability to activate are extremely harsh.

At least, so far, Yu Ziyu has not had the chance to use this ability.


He sighed, but Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

After all, the exclusive ability of the Void Divine Weapon...To him, that's it.

Compared with this, one's own strength is particularly important...

And here, it is worth mentioning that...His goal of raiding the dwarves this time has been achieved.

Not only did he upgrade his void magic weapon, the Void Flying Knife, to the seventh level, but he also took more than a dozen rough prototypes of the magic weapon from the dwarves, and after a little polishing, he turned into a good magic weapon.

Such a harvest is enough to satisfy Yu Ziyu


But just at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked in one direction.

Looking across time and even space, Yu Ziyu saw... a hammer-shaped imperial soldier, hanging quietly in the air, which was indescribably terrifying.

Forged God's Hammer, the legendary imperial weapon...Don't become king by attacking, but become king by refining weapons. like now...This purple flying knife in his hand


As a flash of purple light flew by, a strange light that did not belong to the starry sky also flashed away.

But at this time, when he raised his eyes, he could suddenly see a flying knife inlaid with complicated patterns, but as thin as a cicada's wing, flipping on Yu Ziyu's fingertips.

Seventh-level extreme weapon - Blade of the Void...An extremely terrifying offensive weapon.

And this Ji Dao weapon was originally only a sixth-level spiritual weapon.

However, after the Imperial Weapon's Divine Hammer has been tempered several times, the lead has been washed away and it has completely transformed. In the blink of an eye, everything is cut....It also stimulates the exclusive ability of the Void Divine Weapon....

"Thank you very much."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu returned to the void with his original sin without looking back.

After all, he was not the same person.

Today, the emperor's soldiers forged the divine hammer. It was only because of his strength and the dwarves that they took action to forge the hammer of the void for him. blade...

There is no emotion between the two.

If so, when necessary, Yu Ziyu has no doubt that this Imperial Weapon Forging God Hammer will hit him with one hammer....

"If you threaten him this time, he will probably remember you."

The sudden laughter rang in Yu Ziyu's heart. It was a rare joke from the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.


With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care, and then responded:

"He and I are enemies...If you care about it, just care about it...."


With a sigh, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings were helpless.

However, this is Yu Ziyu!

Never care about other people's opinions...

As long as it benefits oneself...What's wrong with offending all races?......

At this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that the deepest part of the dwarf tribe was.....

"The Lord of the Void that transcends everything..."

In the midst of whispering, the Imperial Soldier Forged Divine Hammer looked at the disappearing void, full of fear.

It’s hard to imagine that at this time, there would be such amazing talent.

You know, the spiritual energy has only recovered now...There are only a few sixth level experts.

However, a master actually jumped out of the void?

Or is it suspected that he is the master of time and space?...

This is not good news...It can even be said to be a bolt from the blue.

And, more importantly,...Compared with other void creatures, this void master is disorderly and ignorant....But he seemed polite and well-founded in his advance and retreat.


Taking a deep breath, the Imperial Weapon Forged Divine Hammer also commented:

"If the starry sky is facing disaster...There must be his presence..."

After commenting, the Imperial Soldier Forged Divine Hammer did not want to say more.

Relying on the origin to refine the sixth-level spiritual soldiers also consumes a lot of money on him.

If he doesn't fall asleep in time, it will also have an impact on his recovery.

However, what needs to be explained must still be explained.

Thinking of this, the Imperial Soldier's Divine Hammer also pointed at the strong man of the dwarf clan not far away, and warned:

"Now that the void has become a trend, avoid it if you can..."

"grown ups..."

A sound of surprise...This strong man of the dwarf race was also dumbfounded.

Even the clan’s background, the Zhen clan’s imperial soldiers said so?


Swallowing his saliva, the strong man from the dwarf race also put down the wine bottle in his hand and looked at the disappearing void vortex in the starry sky with disbelief.......

And not long after this...After the Trolls, another big event that shook the starry sky spread.

"What? The dwarves also suffered from the original sin of the void.?"

"Didn't even the Imperial Soldier's Divine Hammer stop it?"

"Are you kidding me? Is this void crazy? Attack us one after another..."

"No, if you look carefully, you should be able to find that the trolls and dwarves are all races that rushed to the depths of the void not long ago....This is revenge, naked revenge..."

Countless discussions resounded throughout the starry sky, but they also shocked the other top power.

"If their guess is correct, the next force to be invaded by the Original Sin of the Void should be our Buddhist sect...."

With a sigh, above the Buddhist hall, countless ancient Buddhas were silent. for the void...They are afraid.

In particular, that one is suspected to be the King of the Void who has ascended to dominate?


His eyes were slightly cold, and an Arhat snorted coldly:

"If they come, we will definitely make it impossible for them to come back..."

The cold voice echoed in the main hall, but it made many ancient Buddhas and even Arhats slightly raise their mouths.

After all, they are Buddhists...An ancient force that has been passed down to this day from countless eras ago.

Its background is not just that of the dwarves, it can be compared with that of the trolls. ps:--------------Ask for customization-----------

Well, doesn’t Scarlet Red have a girlfriend?...I went to meet my future father-in-law for the first time in these days....So everyone understands...

However, the Crimson update has not fallen behind...I work overtime every day, and I will update four times steadily. Please rest assured...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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