I smiled in my heart, but Yu Ziyu survived the disaster safely....

However, in order to prevent accidents, Yu Ziyu still sacrificed the sixteen sacred wings of the imperial weapon and flew across the sky in the deepest part of the void.

If any outsiders really break in, they will be killed directly.......

Time passed slowly, and more than ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

And on this day...


There was a loud noise, and the deepest part of the void was violently shaken.

Immediately afterwards, in a piece of time and space invisible to outsiders, a sacred tree rose from the ground.

His branches are like divine chains, countless in number, glowing with green divine light. As they sway, ripples are created in the space.

His willow leaves flow through the sun, moon and stars, as if they are sacred, showing an extraordinary appearance.

However, the most terrifying thing is his tree roots....Like the wooden dragons, vigorous and ferocious, dazzling in brilliance...The black patterns swimming on the surface are like dragon scales, glowing with dazzling brilliance. wooden dragon...

And, not one, but two.

But there are hundreds of them...

The tree roots turned into dragons. Now, not only the main tree roots, but also Yu Ziyu's other branch roots turned into dragons. only...They turned into real dragons.

Rather, it is the Dragon of Time and Space that travels over time and space.


In the faint roar of dragons, thousands of wooden dragons roared in unison, making the entire space and time tremble.

You know, the space and time that Yu Ziyu has created now is not inferior to the ordinary small world in terms of intensity.

However, now, the roar of the dragon is actually shaking the world. From this, you can imagine how terrifying it is. but...This is Tzuyu.

If it were anyone else, the power of the roar of thousands of dragons alone would probably shake the entire void, and even everyone else would be alarmed.

However, Yu Ziyu...

Always cautious, at the moment when he truly shouldered the supreme law of time and space, he created a new time and space with a wave of his hand.

This piece of time and space does not exist in the world...

Looking at nothingness, not only the distance in space, but also the distance in time...

In this way, staying in this space and time, Yu Ziyu breaks through the vision, which is earth-shattering, and no one can detect it.

What is worth mentioning is that this time and space is extremely mysterious...

Even if an ordinary person's attack breaks through space, it will never be able to overcome the barrier of time....

And this is the real horror of the time and space of the Supreme Law.

Stranded on time, extended on space.

Just creating a new time and space is already an invincible position.

However, this does not mean absolute invincibility...

If Yu Ziyu takes action, time and space will still exist, and at that time, the attack will naturally fall on Yu Ziyu's body.

Moreover, more importantly, the time and space created by Yu Yu now...Tai, when faced with absolute power, it is still difficult to stop...

And there is no way to do this. No matter how weird the method is, it is difficult to defeat 'one force can break all methods', and the same is true for Yu Ziyu.

However, compared to others, Yu Ziyu now controls time and space...It can be said to be the most bizarre life form...

And this weirdness will become more terrifying as Yu Ziyu practices.

And now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the continuous roar, visible to the naked eye, the vast sea of ​​supreme chaos hovering above Yu Ziyu's head was actually like a tornado, rolling back on Yu Ziyu's head.

Then, along the tree crown that blocks out the sky and sun, it continues to merge into Yu Ziyu's body.

And this is the so-called 'law of carrying'...

Incorporate a sea of ​​laws into your body...

And when this supreme sea of ​​chaos completely pours into Yu Ziyu's body, Yu Ziyu will become the incarnation of time and space....

Under the starry sky, no one will be able to carry the way of time and space.

The supreme law is unique.

There is only the 'only' bearer.

And now, Yu Ziyu is carrying the supreme chaos sea of ​​time and space, completely cutting off the path of those who come after him....

"this power..."

In awe, Yu Ziyu also felt that his power became more and more terrifying.

Almost skyrocketing.

The more he blends into the Chaos Sea, the more his momentum rises.

Until now, the phoenix rolls around the remaining clouds, rolling back across the entire time and space.

Yu Ziyu's entire figure looks like a god or a demon....

As the branches swayed, the sky was filled with darkness.

When a branch falls, it is enough to kill a fifth-level life form... and this is just the beginning....His vast sea-like spiritual power is still constantly merging with the power of time and space, and then transformed into higher spiritual power......

Higher spiritual power...

This is the biggest reason why everyone under the ruler is an ant.

Spiritual power is changing qualitatively...

For a strong master, one point of spiritual power is equal to three or even five points of other people's spiritual power.

In this way, how can a master with terrifying spiritual power not be strong?

Not to mention, the laws carried by individual masters are so terrifying that the transformation of spiritual power is particularly advanced.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power and the power of time and space have transformed into the most top spiritual power in the world....’

He has an extraordinary affinity for time and space.

And this also means that Yu Ziyu uses this spiritual power to control time and space, and even time and space...Consumption will be greatly reduced...As for the power, it will be increased several times or even dozens of times.......

Overlord, the realm of extraordinary seventh-level domination, that is powerful enough to suppress a star field....

It's powerful beyond imagination.

Although Yu Ziyu's previous seven-turn body could rival the Overlord, in terms of power alone, it was far from as terrifying as the real Overlord.

Just because the real master can destroy the stars with a wave of his hand.

If he wants to, he can even drain the spiritual energy of a planet in a few breaths....

And this is the power that dominates the world.

As for the previous Yu Ziyu, she relied entirely on her terrifying body to push across the stars.

This is the difference between cultivating the law and cultivating the physical body.

The power of the law is astonishing, and when it moves, the starry sky shakes.

When cultivating the physical body, you are cultivating the individual and pursuing the immortality of the body....... ps:---------------Ask for customization--------------

Law, like a mage....The power and even destructive power of controlling the law are astonishing.

And by cultivating the physical body, the body becomes invincible...Although it does not have the exaggerated power of the cultivation law, its individual combat power, especially in close combat, is very exaggerated. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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