"Now, the most important thing is to pull the sea of ​​laws that symbolizes 'time'...If the sea of ​​laws cannot pull it down, how can we talk about fusion?..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also understood the moment


Taking a deep breath to calm down, Yu Ziyu also gave it a try.


With a roar, the world was shaken.

Looking up, a mysterious and mysterious aura rose around Yu Ziyu.

That was 'epiphany'’...The harmony of heaven and earth leads to the great road of enlightenment.

With the point of evolution, it is not difficult for Yu Ziyu to have an epiphany... even...Able to realize deeply and fall into a state of enlightenment......

Time passed slowly, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.

Several years are short for practitioners.

However, it is a retreat for the strong, or a nap of some ancient creatures.

And now...For Yu Ziyu, these past few years have been a lifetime of transformation.

Just because, on this day

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, a vast ocean emerged from nothingness....

And not far from this vast ocean, there is another vast ocean floating quietly.

Although, both of them are like the ocean.

But look carefully...It is all mysterious and mysterious.

One after another, there were ripples, and the endless interlayers of space flipped in it. Suddenly, the so-called space turned into reality, and one rhombus crystal after another was flashing.

This is the space in Yu Ziyu’s cognition.

He uses 'rhombus crystal' as the medium to carry space.

Therefore, the sea of ​​laws that he saw symbolizing 'space' was naturally made of endless diamond-shaped crystals.

And the same is true for another ocean.

Countless, countless illusory clocks are floating in the depths of the ocean... and scenes are flowing one after another.

Rather than saying it is the sea of ​​laws that symbolizes 'time', it is better to say that it is the 'river of time'...

It's just that it's too huge.

The huge sky-blocking sky covered half of the sky in the Nine Realms.

And now...One on the left and one on the left, one deep and one shallow, two vast and deep oceans are already floating above Yu Ziyu's head.

"It’s time to merge, then shoulder the supreme sea of ​​chaos and become the master...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also knew that he had spent too long.

This time may not be long for other practitioners.

Even, it’s considered broken.

But for him, a person who has only lived in this world for two hundred years is really too long.

In the past, even if I beat Yu Ziyu to death, I would not believe that he would spend hundreds of years in seclusion, let alone that he would sit idle for ten years, just for a breakthrough.



With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.

Then, each of them actually had a divine eye, which appeared.

The left eye is the eye of time...

The right eye is the eye of the sky...

As his eyes flashed, the vast sea of ​​laws floating above Yu Ziyu's head was filled with waves.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Like the roar of ocean waves, it resounded throughout the nine realms.

There is even a trend that spreads beyond the Nine Realms.

But now, if you are in the void outside the Nine Realms, you can faintly hear the roar of the waves.

However, this is just the beginning

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, the two vast oceans slowly approached under the horrified gazes of countless creatures from the nine realms.

Yes, close.

They are obviously only 10,000 meters apart, but it's like a natural chasm.

In the past ten years, these two oceans have never come closer.

But now...They moved, and as the waves rolled up, the two vast oceans, one deep and one shallow, kept getting closer.

Just, surprisingly...


One crisp sound after another, the sky between the two oceans seemed to be unable to bear anything, and it shattered in an instant....

Like a mirror, countless space fragments are emerging...


There was a roar, and the wind and waves rolled back, sweeping across the world.

Countless big trees were uprooted.

Along with this, the whole world began to tremble

"This is?"

"No, Master, the momentum of this breakthrough is too terrifying...."

"Are you kidding? It's a storm...."...

Exclaimed one after another, countless creatures from the nine realms changed their colors in horror.

Like the end of the world, terrible wind and waves swept everything.

Trees and mountains turned into dust in an instant.

And sweep up these dust...The howling storm came at a terrifying speed. , and even some fifth-level life forms had no time to react, and were instantly submerged in the roaring storm.

"Take action to stop the aftermath of this spread, otherwise the nine realms will be in danger...."

A loud shout resounded throughout the world...

A figure who came from nowhere had already given instructions.

"Yes, second brother."

The response in unison shocked the entire nine realms.

And just after that...

"Boom, boom, boom...

One roar after another, countless powerful auras rose into the sky.

That is, the strongest of the nine realms.

Each one is a terrifying existence that has reached the sixth level.

But now, under the instructions of the second bull demon, they all chose to take action


Like a dragon roaring, the ice dragon, a thousand-foot-long head, slender and beautiful body, is already flying in the small world of ice.

This is an ice dragon.

After reaching the sixth level, he transformed from a dragon into a dragon and became an ice-attributed dragon.

To cold, to cold, to cloudy...

At this time, looking at the terrifying storm coming from the end, she also let out a long and extremely long dragon roar. then...

"Ice Age..."

With a low cry, the coldness suddenly rolled back and turned into an ice-blue tsunami that could not be seen to the end, like the horizon, rushing towards the storm.

"Kaz, Kaz...

One crisp sound after another, the terrible storm that swept everything was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye....Solidified at the end of the sky...

"Ice Lord is really scary..."

"That is, even if you don’t look at it, this is the strongest person in our small ice world..."

With a sound of admiration, countless creatures in the small world of Jibing looked at the graceful figure dancing in the sky with admiration.

The Ice Dragon, also known as the Ice Lord, is a terrifying existence in the deepest part of the tiny ice world.

But at this time, it was not just the ice dragon.

In the other small worlds, the terrifying existences that stepped onto the sixth level one after another also took action one after another. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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