‘primitive and savage’...This is the power of rules.

And the so-called rules...It's like a law, but it's more abstract than a law.

It is the foundation of heaven and earth, the movement of...

A simple understanding is that the so-called law, wind, thunder, water and fire, is single.

The rules are diverse.

Like, primitive...Back to original...It’s the base point where everything returns to zero....

Indescribable, indescribable.

But it is extremely mysterious and even terrifying.

Compared with ordinary laws, rules are more mysterious and unpredictable...

And black gold, the two rules of contact today...are the two oldest rules...

Of course, this does not mean that rules are necessarily stronger than laws....

Just like the law of time, the law of space...These two top-level laws are no different from any other rules.......

And for the so-called 'rules'’...Yu Ziyu didn't really care.

After all, the power of rules is a test of understanding...It is abstract, vague, and difficult to grasp. Instead of working hard to master this power, Yu Ziyu might as well work hard to understand the power of laws all around.

If these powers are great, they are no worse than the rules.

However, relatively speaking, the application of the rules is even more mysterious. like black gold...Return to the primitive in one move, and return the world to the Stone Age...Such power is difficult for others to understand, even Yu Ziyu cannot understand it...

However, if you don’t understand, you don’t understand.

For Yu Ziyu, it was no problem.

Needless to say, Black Gold was originally his subordinate.

Yu Ziyu's confidence is simply to defeat all methods with force.

No matter how bizarre and elusive you are, I will break it all...

A smile in my heart...Yu Zi encouraged Heijin:

"Practice well...I look forward to seeing the day when you ascend to the top and dominate..."

"Thank you master."

In response, Heijin also saluted.

However, at this time, he looked at Yu Ziyu with more and more amazement. He thought that he would be able to see the master's back after stepping onto the sixth level.

But now, feeling the master's increasingly unpredictable breath...Black Gold couldn't help but feel shocked.

Even scarier than before.

Even more terrifying...

"Maybe, I was too weak before and didn’t even realize the true terror of my master..."

There was a sigh in his heart, and Black Gold was also silent for a while.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to think of something and said curiously:

"You just said that you have another form?"

"Yes Master...

Nodding, Heijin also said bluntly:

"Having mastered the power of barbarism, I can initiate an extremely violent and terrifying posture....In that posture, my combat power will increase several times or even ten times...."

Saying this, Heijin was also shocked.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Like thunder, it was visible to the naked eye that Black Gold's body began to swell, and even his eyes were overflowing with bloodshot eyes.

The violent and terrifying aura keeps rising

"Click, click...

The ground under your feet seemed unable to withstand the power of the black gold, and kept breaking, revealing lines like spider webs....

"this power..."

In shock and doubt, Yu Ziyu slowly backed away.

Just because, at this time, the red lightning all over the void became more and more violent, turning the entire area thousands of miles into a world of thunder.

And right in the center of this red thunder world...

An incredibly strong and huge creature that is hundreds of meters tall is already standing quietly.


Roaring one after another, this huge creature was beating its own chest with its powerful red fist.

"Boom, boom..."

Terrible roars resounded throughout the world, and with every punch landed, vast air waves spread....

Its chest seemed to be made of steel, indestructible.

And its fist was like a star. The moment it fell, it even cut through the space.

"It's really not an ordinary rage...."

Looking at this creature that looked like a giant red ape, with nowhere to express its power, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly....

This should be more than just 'barbaric power', but also 'primitive power'.

Returning oneself to the original state, thus initiating this unparalleled violent posture.

However, indeed...

Just as Heijin said, by activating this stance, his combat power increased exponentially.

It had only been a short while, but the violent aura had already reached the late stage of the sixth level....

Moreover, it is still rising... only...At this moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to notice something, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Can't control it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Ziyu saw the extremely violent red giant ape with red lightning wrapped around it. He actually raised his fist and smashed it at Jiuwei, Di Ji and others who were watching him quietly not far away...


With a reminder, looking at the fist as huge as a hill, Kyuubi took one step forward.

With a wave of her right hand, countless silver illusory chains poured out from the void, and then continued to weave in front of her, turning into a giant silver net, protecting her tightly....

However, just for a moment...


There was a loud noise, and the air waves rolled and turned into the most terrifying wind waves, spreading in all directions.

The huge rocks and trees on the ground were uprooted one after another.

In fact, even several mountains were razed to the ground in an instant... and at this time...Only in the sky, the fist of a violent giant ape landed steadily on the giant silver net that covered the sky and the sun.

"What a power this is..."

The pupils shrank slightly, and Kyuubi was also shocked by the power of black gold.

Just because the giant web woven by her sealing laws was actually very tight, and the overwhelming power continued to spread along the giant web.

Terrible and violent.

Like black gold...

However, this seems to be just the beginning

"Hoo, ho, ho...

Roaring one after another, the red giant ape seemed to be excited to meet his opponent.

He actually raised his fist again.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that...His other fist was also raised

"Boom, boom, boom...

Punch after punch...There is no order, all there is is a huge fist like a hill, falling like a red meteor shower....

Every punch landed, causing waves that swept thousands of miles.

Even the space could not bear it, and it was shattered in an instant...

"Really a monster...

With a sigh in his heart, Kyuubi became even more shocked.

Just because she, a strong person in the late sixth level, had a tendency to be unable to withstand the black gold that had just broken through to the sixth level....

But how is this possible?

You know, she is from the Tianhu clan, and she has surpassed the two small realms of black and gold.

Even if she is not good at strength, she should be able to withstand Black Gold's offensive!!

But now...

During a moment of silence, Jiuwei could see that her giant silver net condensed with the power of law showed signs of being broken..._

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