These four simple words are the true embodiment of Yu Ziyu’s ambition.

He has never been a person who lives in front of the scenes.

Behind the scenes is where he belongs.

Only behind the scenes can Yu Ziyu truly peek at all races, instead of being peered at by all races.

Now, what Yu Ziyu needs to do is to gather his confidants... and then go behind the scenes.

As for, an opportunity to return behind the scenes...

Kadar star field

"Master, let us go back, and we won’t be back for a short time...."

With a murmur, a golden, extraordinary-looking figure sitting high on the throne also narrowed his eyes.

"Yes...According to God's will, you adults can arrange successors to take your positions."

In response, this being from the depths of the Demon Court also looked at the figures sitting on the throne one after another with awe.

It resounded throughout the Western Star Territory, and the weak defeated the strong, which was called ' The golden ant that shakes the sky.

Sitting on the throne, with the head of a cow and the body of a bull. Behind it is a black vortex, a bull demon spinning like a black hole.

Also, with its wings folded, it is not angry and powerful, just one glance Looking at it, you can’t tell the difference between black and white, good and evil beast——Qiongqi...

This one, and the other, are all terrifying existences that shake the starry sky.

It was they who created the unparalleled reputation of the 'Demon Realm'.

Until now, the Demon Realm is recognized as the most terrifying dark force.

And anyone here who steps out will be enough to make every third-rate and second-rate force fearful.

However, few people know that these are also members of the Demon Court.

No, no one knows.

However, few forces dare to believe it.

Most of them only know about the Demon Realm and are related to the Demon Court.

But no force should have thought that the leaders of the Demon Realm are all core members of the Demon Court.......

At this time, listening to the message from the Demon Court, Golden Ant, Bull Demon and others couldn't help but look at each other.

"Are you looking for a successor to take your place?..."

While muttering, a rare smile appeared on the Bull Demon's face.

Just because he really trained a successor.

But now, it has come in handy.

Thinking of this, Niu Mo also said bluntly:

"Then I'll make arrangements."

As he said that, the Bull Demon got up and walked towards the palace where he was.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Hu's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Just because...He has always been a loner and seems to have no disciples. Even because of his moodiness, he doesn't even have a few close confidants.


There was silence for a while, but the white tiger looked at the golden ants not far away..

"Xiaowu, I remember you don’t have any disciples, right? Bai

Hu asked suddenly.

Because Niu Mo has disciples, he can still make arrangements. What is Xiao Wu going to do?

"Although I have no disciples, our ant clan has a genius, and I always keep him with me. Now he is also at the late fifth level, enough to take over my position...."


For a moment, Bai Hu was dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, he noticed that seventh brother Bingbing and eighth brother Kui Zhou were walking towards their respective palaces.


Full of astonishment, Bai Hu also exclaimed

"Third brother, second brother has long asked us to train our own successors....You didn't listen at the time..."

"Tsk tsk, stop talking. Look at Third Brother, he’s almost crying...."

Ridiculing one after another, the higher-ups of Demon Realm began to make arrangements one after another.

As for the white tiger....It is estimated that his position will be temporarily vacant......

At this time, not only the realm of monsters, but also the powerful planets in the Demon Court were shaken.

"From now on, Saturn will be handed over to you"

"Yes, great grandfather."

In response, a burly-looking figure who looked somewhat similar to Qing Fan also bowed down respectfully.

He is Qing Fan's great-grandson and the Qing Fan family, and is now the most famous genius.

He is only three years old. More than ten years old is already the fifth level of Extraordinary.

This kind of talent is really good.

As for why Qingfan has a great-grandson, this is because...After this guy became a member of the Saturn family, he lived a luxurious life and then had a child.

Then, the child spread his wings and actually established a very good family in Saturn.

Relying on Qingfan's reputation, even if you look at Yaoting, this family is ranked first.

After all, it has been a hundred years since the spiritual energy was revived....

A hundred years have already created a family....

"I feel relieved to have you take over my position."

With a loud laugh, Qing Fan, who had always been honest and honest, also had a strange look on his face. Of the original brothers, he seemed to be the only one who had a daughter-in-law.


With a sigh, Qingfan couldn't help but regret.

Just because, with family, there is concern.

To a certain extent, the family is indeed a drag...

However, now is not the time to consider these things. Since the master is calling, you should rush there as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Qingfen also took a step forward


In an instant, the earth shook, and an earthy yellow stone pillar rose from the ground, sending Qingfan into the starry sky....

And this is today's Qingfan, the embodiment of the earth.

The control over the earth has reached an incredible level.

Easily, a stone pillar can be lifted up that penetrates the starry sky.......

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

And during this little half month, the entire heaven was bustling with activity.

Just because, in this little half month, there is a breathtaking aura from time to time, passing through the sky, causing countless people to speculate.

And just then

"Swish, swish, swish...."

Suddenly, ten streaks of light burst through the sky, shooting from the depths of the starry sky.

Each one is like a god or a demon, exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

That breath seemed like it shouldn't exist in the human world.

It was extremely terrifying and at the same time, it cast a thick layer of cloud over the heaven.

If Di Ji and Master Jiuwei hadn't already told them not to panic in the past few days, there would probably be countless strong men in the heaven who would shoot out. Let's find out what's going on.

"Master, eldest sister, I'm back."

The sudden long smile shook the sky.

Looking for the sound, one of the ten streams of light was shot out first, and then, the whole thing rushed towards the deepest part of the heaven...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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