"All races are fighting hard, but you Buddhists are actually playing dirty tricks behind your back..."

A chuckle, with an indescribable looseness.

But just such a sound fell on the ears of the Buddhist saint, but it was like thunder, making his face change again and again.


His face gradually returned to calmness, and this Buddhist saint also called out.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but his voice was obviously different from just now.

As if suppressing something.

Just a little bit close.

If he was given some more time, he would be 40% sure that he would be able to transform the Tongtian Shenmu.

But now, everything is ruined.

And opportunities like the one just now...I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet again.

After all, all races are wary of him and will never give him a chance. in this way...Even this Buddhist holy son is mentally unbalanced... A pair of eyes are actually burning with Buddhist flames

"You Buddhists cultivate your mind...Is this what cultivation is all about?"

Seemingly disdainful, Yu Ziyu sneered unceremoniously.


Slightly startled, the Buddhist saint seemed to have realized something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Then, under Yu Ziyu's surprised gaze, he clasped his hands together and said:

"I'm fascinated..."

As he said this, the Buddhist saint also sighed::

"Some cannot force it...at this point...That's all, that's all.."

The successive sighs made Yu Ziyu narrow his eyes slightly.

What a Buddhist...He has actually cultivated to such an extent.

Ordinary people would be furious and eager to take action.

And this Buddhist saint, after pondering for a moment, has regained his composure.

"It’s no wonder that Buddhism can still be passed down to this day, which is still a bit scary."

He smiled in his heart, but Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

Then, with a move of his finger, amidst the twitching of the corners of countless strong men's eyes, the star that quietly circled, rotated, and burned in the starry sky, as if it were immortal, turned out to be Slowly flew back.

Then, on the way back, it continued to shrink.

In an instant, it turned into the size of a marble, smaller than the other eight....Once again, it was spinning quietly in Yu Ziyu's palm.

The great supernatural power - the nine realms of heaven, if it is the main attack, it will be like this, breaking the stars with a snap of the finger.

With one blow, a complete small world slammed down, dozens of times more terrifying than ordinary stars.

And this is the seventh turn of Yu Ziyu's physical body, and her power has reached a level that is shocking to the world.

Only then can he control the Nine Realms of the Great God and smash out the entire small world.

If it were any other person, it would be a struggle to lift up the small world.

But, the power...

Look at the twitching of the corners of the Xingkong's strong eyes, Yu Ziyu also understood that this should be a big surprise for them.

It seemed like a casual flick, but it caused all the emperor's soldiers to retreat violently....

Who knows how terrifying it would be to be hit.

It's just that, presumably, no one wants to try it....

"This seems to be a magical power..."

There was a murmur in the heart, and the old man Tianji not far away was also shocked when he looked at the nine stars held in Yu Ziyu's palm.

As the great elder of the Tianji clan, his eyesight is unparalleled by ordinary people.

Therefore, he was vaguely aware of the real terror of the nine stars held up in Yu Ziyu's palm.

Each star is like a small world.

When a star falls, it is no less than a complete small world falling down.

As for, what is the difference between the two?

Stars are just expressions of power.

But the small world contains the most terrifying way.

Just like the small world of flames that Yu Ziyu had just smashed out, it distorted the space with heat, and its temperature was no less than the legendary divine fire.

Even if you can block the small world, you still have to endure the extremely hot flames and continue to burn.

Burn the stars, boil the sea...

Maybe it’s not just talk.

And this is the real horror of the small world.

The more terrifying the small world is, the more terrifying the power of the impact will be.

And now, there are nine stars in Yu Ziyu’s palm...Even if the weakest small world is smashed down, it is enough to wipe out a late sixth level or even half-step master from the starry sky.

As for the small world of flames, such a terrifying small world, even the Buddhist saint who had sacrificed his imperial weapons was unwilling to resist....

"This is the strength of the Demon King..."

"Simply shocking...With a flick of his finger, he actually forced the resurrected imperial soldiers to retreat."

"And the imperial soldiers are the Great Leiyin Temple who are good at defense...."

One after another, the eyes of all people were focused on Yu Ziyu.

I have to say that Yu Ziyu's move was too terrifying.

So much so that the stars in the sky were silent.

Even the Dream Dragon and the Colorful Divine Phoenix were staring at Yu Ziyu....

At this time, as if aware of everyone's attention, Yu Ziyu also slowly stood up from the throne.


Taking a step forward, a circle of ripples appeared under his feet.

Then, the ripples spread at an extremely terrifying speed, but it was like the sound of Yu Ziyu's footsteps stepping on the hearts of the strong, making their hearts stop for a moment.

The momentum is already rising.

The pressure like a predator at the top of the food chain is pressing towards the stars.

Under the seven-revolution life form, all races are low-level beings.

Only the legendary half-step eternity and eternity can compete with Yu Ziyu's level of life.

And now, with this kind of pressure, Yu Ziyu once again stepped out


With a roar, the starry sky shook.

The extremely terrifying aura has reached its peak at this moment, and is pointing directly at the sacred tree that reaches the sky.

"Both are sacred trees....I'll send you away, okay?"

The faint voice echoed in the starry sky, but it had an indescribable coldness.


With a loud laugh, I saw that the billions of branches of the Divine Tree had rolled up.

And his tree body is constantly twisting...

"Boom. Boom, boom..."

The aura rises again and again. This heaven-reaching divine tree has abandoned all races....Focus on facing Yu Ziyu.

And this also shows how terrifying Yu Ziyu is at this time.

The threat to the Tongtian Shenmu from all races combined is not as great as the threat from him alone...


With each word, a bloody eye slowly opened between Yu Ziyu's eyebrows.


During the sudden roar, the starry sky froze...

And when I looked at it, I was surprised to find that the nine stars in Yu Ziyu's palm were slowly flying into the depths of Yu Ziyu's opened blood-colored eyes... and then, these nine stars slowly rotated....

And faster and faster, faster and faster... until...next moment...Blood filled the starry sky..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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