In today's era, titles symbolize fate and luck to a certain extent.

Ordinary people, if the title is too scary and they just carry it, they are likely to encounter a catastrophe.

The more powerful the title, the more difficult it is to change.

Just because what is changed is not the name, but the fate and destiny... so...If Yu Zi's name as the Demon King is recognized by all races, then what he will bear will be...There will be many, many...

Even after he attained eternity, it was difficult for him to shake off this title.

And now...

"Under the crown of the demon emperor..."

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor..."...

One after another, countless powerful people took the initiative to say hello to Yu Ziyu.

This is their recognition of Yu Ziyu's strength.

It is also a kind of respect.

Of course, bad intentions are inevitable.

After all, if Yu Ziyu can bear this title, his destiny is not strong enough to bear it....The consequences are disastrous. even...


With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu also felt like she was being plotted.

He wanted to keep a low profile.

But now it seems...It’s no longer allowed to be low-key.......

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards,


A roaring roar shook the world.

Looking up, the stars in the vast starry sky suddenly trembled.

Along with it, the stars and rivers are flowing, and endless spiritual power is swallowed up by it.

"This is?"

"This kind of power..."

"It actually covers most of the starry sky..."

"Oh My God..."

With one exclamation after another, countless powerful men raised their eyes and looked at the deepest part of the central star field.

What he saw, among the trembling stars, was a giant tree that covered the starry sky, with its branches swinging.

And just as his branches swayed, he pulled the endless galaxy.

It also wraps up hundreds of millions of spiritual energies

"I became enlightened a hundred years ago..."

"Born to uphold destiny..."

One after another, vast sounds echoed in the starry sky.

It seems to be whispering, but it also seems to be telling, but there is a kind of indescribable vicissitudes.

Then, there were ripples in the starry sky.

There was a spectacular scene of trees rising from the ground, breaking through the clouds, and reaching the stars.

Everyone knows that this is the life of Tongtian Shenmu.

And now, after half a lifetime of memories, I have gained a lot of insights...

Everything I do is just for...Open the sky

"I...Suppress the world and hold up the starry sky..."

He was still narrating, but the power of Tongtian God became more and more terrifying.

Vaguely, one could see the figures of the dragon and phoenix clans rising around him.

And this is the magical power of the Tongtian Shenmu

‘The power of all races', an extremely terrifying magical power.

The sacred tree that reaches the sky was born according to the destiny, so it can understand the secrets of all races.

And its fruit can condense the lives of dragons, winds, gods, and other races.

And this is also the reason why the Tongtian Sacred Tree is the most feared.

Just because, if this person really realizes eternity,...All races will fall under his control.

Everything is understood.

So what is the significance of the existence of all races?

He alone can give birth to all races. so...His presence is not allowed.

Not only will all races not allow it, but even Heaven will not allow it...

A tool is a tool after all.

If you have consciousness and want to attain enlightenment, then just disappear from the world.



There was an earth-shattering roar, and the starry sky shook.

Looking for the sound, I was surprised to find a thunderbolt that reached the sky and was hundreds of thousands of feet long. It fell from the deepest part of the starry sky and went straight to the sacred tree that reached the sky.


There was another roar, but behind the sky-reaching sacred tree, a true dragon phantom fiercely met the thunder.

In an instant, there were ripples and terrifying shock waves that wiped out countless stars.

The corners of their eyes twitched as they looked at one strong man after another.

This is the power of domination.

Dominating a star field, a powerful master can even easily overturn a star field.

Its terrifying strength is far beyond the imagination of the world...

And now...Such a terrible master was going through the tribulation in front of them, and he was even more ready to open the gate of heaven.......

"Click, click...

The roar continued, the starry sky trembled, and thunderbolts as thick as mountains struck down from the deepest part of the starry sky.

Under the swaying branches of the Tongtian Divine Tree, the phantoms of thousands of races continued to emerge.

The pupils of individual phantoms, the dreamy dragon, and the colorful divine phoenix shrank.

Just because, with such a figure, he resembles the dead genius of their clan..

"This is the unknown side of Tongtian Shenmu...All the geniuses who have died, if their souls are still alive,...He can pull it in, then condense it, turn it into fruit, and grow with it..."

In the faint voice, Old Man Tianji also sighed while stroking his beard.

This shouldn't be the case.

There is nothing wrong with the divine tree reaching the sky, and there is nothing wrong with all the races.

But...because of various...The strong men of all races have no choice but to become the"Tiantian Divine Tree Breaking the Heaven Gate".

And this is life......

And now...

Gaze carefully...Tianji Man also waved his hand and said:

"Everyone...It's OK to go out"

"Waiting for Venerable Tongtian to survive the thunder tribulation...When the gate of heaven opens...His spiritual energy will increase exponentially, and at that time...It's not something I can match...."

As he spoke one after another, Old Man Tianji's expression gradually became complicated.

As the great elder of the Tianji clan...He has seen through too many fates.

It was also like this, he realized...When the spiritual energy of the Tongtian Divine Tree was first revived, it was originally intended to protect all races.

Now, it's like this...It's life...

As for what is fate?

God's plan, who can escape.

Existences that intend to escape from the control of Heaven are all part of Heaven's calculations.

The Tianji clan didn't know too much, and that's why they ended up like this.......

And at this moment, I seemed to hear the voice of Old Man Tianji, and a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

"My Tianma clan is shocked that today we are coming to meet the famous Lord Tongtian."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white rainbow pierced the starry sky.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a human being with a horse head and wings on his back.

The Pegasus clan ranks low among all clans.

However, in this era, an astonishing talent has emerged. In just a hundred years, he has already reached the mid-to-late sixth level with the help of his clan's few resources.

And now, it's time for him to become famous among all races


With a neigh and a surge of spiritual power, the figure with a horse's head and human body turned into a snow-white horse with two wings on its back, stepping on the starry sky and rushing towards the sacred tree reaching the sky. ps:-----------Ask for customization----------

Crimson is on a business trip these two days....The time for coding seems to be a little later....Now go have a meal and code as soon as you come back, hehe. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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