In addition to the famous dragon and phoenix clans, as well as the god clan, etc... the others are hidden in the corners of the starry sky, and they also have extremely powerful auras....

Not only the top forces can breed truly strong people.

For example, some small forces or small ethnic groups will have great opportunities to become first-class strong men under the starry sky.

And most of these powerful people are alone, but they are all weird.

And in the Eastern Star Region...It is a famous one. At the far end of the starry sky, you can see the dream dragon rushing towards the central star field. The starry sky ferocious beast has nine heads on its body and carries wings that cover the sky.

At first glance, the face is ferocious and terrifying.

And this is the nine-headed bird in the Eastern Star Region, which makes the entire dragon clan particularly fearful.

It is obviously only at the late sixth level, and its talent is indeed extremely weird, so much so that few powerful dragon clan members have ever taken advantage of it.

It is said that even the second strongest dragon clan, the Last Dragon - Jergamund, suffered heavy losses at his hands.

And now, after staring for a long time...

This nine-headed bird also spreads its wings


In an instant, demon phoenixes appeared everywhere, and the starry sky was submerged

"The Heaven-Bearing Sacred Tree is a good thing."

While grinning, the nine-headed bird did not conceal the desire deep in its eyes.

Why does the crusade against the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree attract so many strong men?

Not only because the existence of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree will hinder cultivation.

But also because, The Tongtian Divine Tree is a treasure.

According to legend, among the imperial weapons, there is a very terrifying imperial weapon, which is made from the original body of the Tongtian Divine Tree...

And this can also be seen how precious the Tongtian Divine Tree is. Such... exist...No less than a masterless imperial soldier.

And, more importantly, it has not been refined yet and is extremely malleable.

In fact, its branches and even leaves are treasures...

And this is another reason why all the powerful people came here.

If you are lucky enough, you can capture the origin of the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree....The masters are all hopeful.

Therefore, not only the dreamy dragons of the dragon clan, the colorful divine phoenixes of the phoenix clan, but also the ferocious beasts like the nine-headed bird, which are always alone, want a piece of the pie....

Moreover, one thing worth mentioning is that...

The crusade against the Tongtian Sacred Tree is also a good opportunity to see the powerful people in the starry sky.

When the time comes, strong people will gather in the central star field.

There are even countless imperial soldiers flying across the sky.

Who can dominate one side and who can intimidate the others?...It can almost determine his status in the starry sky in the future.

I think back then, in the era of the gods, the King of the Gods was besieging the Tongtian Shenmu, and his heroic military exploits laid the foundation for the stable development of their god clan for thousands or even tens of thousands of years....

At that time, all the powerful people in the starry sky were afraid of the power of the God King, so much so that no one from the God Clan dared to provoke him in a short period of time.

And now...Suddenly, it’s time to conquer the sacred tree that reaches the sky again......


There was a sudden neighing, and another strong man shot towards the depths of the starry sky.

Looking for the reputation, this is another strange-looking creature.

His body is shaped like an ordinary fish but drags a snake's tail, and his head is like the head of a mandarin duck.

And this is the Tiger Dragon clan.

A race that is rare in number but extremely powerful in combat power.

However, I didn’t expect that this kind of race would also have extraordinary sixth-level warriors......

"There are really many strong people."

With a sudden sigh, Yu Ziyu, who was already walking in the starry sky, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because, at this moment, he had already noticed many powerful auras, passing by in a flash.

Among them, some of them, even if he They are all a little surprised.

Like, an extremely violent aura...Extraordinarily strong people can possess it.

It's also like a creature with black wings on its back, but it looks like a dog...

"That should be the Tengu clan."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also surprised that there is such a race in the Western Star Territory.

The Tengu clan is very famous.

Just because this race, Eclipse Moon, likes to devour the power of the Taiyin the most....

The power of the lunar yin and the power of the sun are intertwined to give birth to life.

If this race is allowed to swallow up all the power of the lunar sun, the entire planet may become extinct if the sun does not last long. so...This clan is quite notorious.

And just now...

A strong man from the Tengu clan in the mid-sixth level was shot out from an asteroid belt.

It's just a pity.

In the middle of the sixth level, Yu Ziyu thought it was still too weak.

Even though he passed by, he didn't notice anything.

"Ha ha..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu vibrated the wings behind her again


In an instant, the starry sky seemed to be still, and Yu Ziyu's entire figure turned into a golden stream of light.

At this time, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that it was not long after he left.

That strong man from the Tengu clan was suddenly stunned.

"Oh My God..."

Breathing heavily, this strong man of the Tengu clan turned pale to the point of losing all color.

Just now, an existence beyond his understanding passed him by.

The smell of this strong man is too terrifying.

Just by smelling it, this strong Tengu clan member felt suffocated.

If not, he pretended not to notice anything, and he was afraid that he might be slapped to death by this strong man.

And how terrifying is this strong man?

His speed alone was so fast that even a mid-sixth-order powerhouse couldn't see him.

As for the breath, it blends with the starry sky.

In other words, he is a member of the Tengu clan, and his nose can smell all kinds of smells.

Only then did he barely realize that a powerful man who reached the sky passed by him. otherwise...He is probably aware that there are such terrifying strong men in the Western Star Region.

"Who is that guy? How come his smell is so weird? It smells like angels, but it also has the fragrance of a sacred tree....What's even more distant is that I also smell a smell that doesn't belong to the starry sky..."

"Oh shit...What kind of monster is this?"

The face changed again and again. This strong man of the Tengu clan was also a little scared.

Such a terrifying strong man rushed to the central star field.

Then what else is he going to get involved with?

Is he going to deliver food?

And...If someone like this slaps him to death, he probably doesn't know why. so...Shen Yin Zai San, a strong man from the Tengu clan, also made what he thought was the right choice.

That is, decisively return to the asteroid belt...

If such a terrifying strong man is born, then...This was something he couldn't get involved with. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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