"Now, what does the Demon Court look like in your eyes?"

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu's face was full of amusement.


There was a moment of silence, and Shiki couldn't say anything.

Just because, at this time, she was truly shocked.

She thought she had seen most of the Demon Court.

But how could I have imagined that I would follow the teacher for a day?...Only then did she realize with horror... what she saw was just the tip of the iceberg of Demon Court....

The most mysterious Nine Heavens in Demon Court...The god-demon breeding farm deep in the void, as well as the tens of billions of Zerg mentioned by the master, the blood demon clan rooted in the Kadar Star Territory...as well as...

All of this will be shocking.

However, at this time, what Shi didn't know was that the powerful angel clan was also under Yu Ziyu's control.

Although it has not been completely conquered, it seems that it is only a matter of time before it is conquered.

After all, not long ago, Yu Ziyu had already made some arrangements for the angel clan in the form of the 'Fifth Seraph Wings'.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu didn't intend to say more about Shi.

Today's style...It can be considered that he understands 80% of the forces in the Demon Court.

As for more, let’s get in touch later.

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes, looked at Shi not far away, and said bluntly:

"Remember, this is the force you will protect when I am away from now on..."

Listening quietly, my posture was slightly shaken

"Master, are you not here?"

The sudden exclamation made Shiki puzzled.

This kind of words that seemed like last words really made people panic.

"Ha ha..."

Seemingly realizing the mistake in his words, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"What I mean is that I will be in seclusion from now on...."

"For practitioners like us, a single retreat can last as short as ten years or as long as thousands of years....So, you know..."

Hearing this, Shiki also suddenly understood...

However, Shiki also felt that her scalp was numb when she thought of the places her master had just taken her to.

"This is the real demon court..." a sigh....Shi Shi suppressed all the shock in his heart.

At this time, it is more important to...Listen to Master's teachings......

"Cultivation lies in two points, one is to cultivate the body, and the other is to cultivate the mind..."

"Because of Shenlong, your cultivation level already has a good foundation....However, your state of mind needs to be improved...."

Listening quietly, the posture is also enlightening...

Indeed, compared to others, she was like a child carrying a magic weapon.

Although the attack was terrifying.

But in terms of state of mind, he was lacking.

And this point is even more prominent when she faces some strong men who are good at mental power....

"Improving your mental state is what you must do now."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also made it clear about his future practice.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, Yu Ziyu continued:

"Now you, let me travel to every corner of the Demon Court with me...."

"Just now, I just showed you the hidden power of Demon Court...."

"And the next step is to take you to experience it for yourself..."

As he spoke one after another, Yu Ziyu's eyes showed a hint of thinking.

Not only Shi, but he also has to go to various forces to sit in charge for a period of time.

After all, it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re away for a long time.

And now, he must be the first to discover it before something goes wrong....

Of course, more importantly, Yu Ziyu's time is running out. now...There are more and more powerful people gathering in the central star field.

And wait until the time is ripe...The battle to conquer Tongtian Jianmu will almost begin.

And at that time...In the starry sky of Nuo Da, all the forces will be reorganized.

If we say now, the Demon Court is competing for the Western Star Region.

So after the crusade against Tongtian Jianmu, the entire starry sky is what the Demon Court is competing for....

"The Dragon Clan in the Eastern Star Region and the Phoenix Clan that have already risen...By the way, that god clan cannot be ignored either...."

There was a murmur in his heart, and Yu Ziyu was also thoughtful.

Today's starry sky is in chaos.

And now...

What Yu Ziyu can do is to train this disciple as soon as possible before the real troubled times come.

Wait for her to reach the mid-to-late sixth level...It must be able to protect the entire Demon Court.

No, not about protection.

Rather, it can become the sharpest sword in the Demon Court.

Wherever it goes, there is no stopping it.

At that time, the style was enough to be called the 'humanoid foundation'.

With a smile in her heart, the anticipation deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes became more and more intense.......

However, this is not the time to think about these things.

"Let's go, I will take you to the small world of life to practice for three months."

As soon as the words fell, time and space were reversed, like a dream.

Yu Ziyu had already brought Shi to the deepest part of the small world of life.

And just for a moment, without waiting for Shi's reaction,


With a roar, the whole small world of life was shaken.

Looking up, the earth and trees...

Everything...All of them have the purest ray of vitality rising.

Then, after hovering for a moment or two, these vitalities all surged toward the deepest part of her body.

"Master, this is?"

"This is a gift from the small world of vitality to you...Can greatly strengthen your body..."

The corner of her mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not say one thing, that is, this is not just a gift.

It's more of a kindness.

Just because this kind of reinforcement has no side effects.

And the reason why I say this is also because of this...What is consumed is the most fundamental vitality of countless creatures in the small world of vitality. ', the same existence as the origin.

But unfortunately, most of these creatures are weak and have not yet reached the stage of condensing their true nature.

And in this way, Shi also owes a share of cause and effect to countless creatures in the small world of vitality.

If in the future, thousands of creatures in this small world of life are in trouble...There is an obligation to take action...

This...It can be regarded as a means of restraint by Yu Ziyu....

For a girl like Shi, it is inevitable to repay her kindness.

Today, the small world of vitality has been kind to her, and she will give back to the small world of vitality in the future.... certainly...This is also a small transaction that Yu Ziyu, as the 'Lord of the World', made with countless creatures in the small world of life.

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also felt that her plans were becoming more thoughtful.

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