After all, Void, as the enemy of all races, is not just talk.

Today, it's not obvious.

But the greed, tyranny of the Void clan, and the unparalleled corrosiveness of the power of the Void...They are all destined to push the Void Clan to the opposite side of all races.

No race can tolerate the existence of the Void Clan.

And the Void Clan has always regarded all races as food.... so...If it is discovered that Zilong is carrying the Supreme Law...So it is estimated that Zilong will be the second one among all races after the Tongtian Sacred Tree, and they need to join forces to conquer it....

And this is what Yu Ziyu doesn’t want to see

"Are they gods?..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Now, thinking about it, only the unfathomable Gods have such means.

Moreover, only the Gods have this motive.

After all, not long ago, his purple dragon body suppressed the body of Badsa, the God of Light.

"It seems that the first thing to do when returning to the Demon Court is to deal with the divine body of Badsa, the God of Light."

With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu also had a slightly cold face.

The Gods are indeed a threat to him.

Not only this unknown method, but also from the prying eyes from hundreds of millions of miles away.

There is also the Destiny of the top-grade imperial soldiers that suppress the foundation of the Gods. gun.......

Not long after, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly while looking at the starry field that looked like a Milky Way flowing through.

Galaxy Star Territory, the base camp of Demon Court.

Today, the Western Star Region is one of the top ten star regions.

Its prosperity and prosperity shocked countless people.

Looking up, he saw all kinds of starry battleships flying through the starry sky.

The planets are like lights, twinkling in the starry sky.

And that is all nurtured by civilization.

Demon Court's technology can't be said to be the best, but it can still be said to be at the forefront.

And under the guidance of Demon Court again and again, the entire galaxy star field is like an endless sea.

The planets turned into islands, and the star battleships were just like the previous ships.

For everyone in Blue Star, this is another great progress in civilization.

From the planet to the starry sky.

From one clan to hundreds of clans...

And this is also called the 'Great Galaxy Era'.

Yes, the Great Galaxy Era.

Under the starry sky, the strong are respected.

If you are strong enough, you can control a battleship and travel through the stars.

The star field is too vast, with endless wealth and resources waiting for people to discover it.

Therefore, every day, every moment, there are fourth-level or even fifth-level strong men driving battleships and sailing towards the stars.

And this point became even more obvious after the appearance of the Summon the Dragon game.

Just because, countless people are driving battleships, searching for 'wishing beads' everywhere.

Every time the wishing bead appears, it can cause a sensation in the galaxy star field.

Even blood flowed like a river.

However, this also means that there is a higher chance that strong people will emerge.

To this day, one strong person after another has become famous in the galaxy.

Some of the top ones are even known as 'Emperors'.

The Seven Emperors of the Galaxy are all fifth-level peak powerhouses.

Everyone at the same level will die with one block.

It's so terrible that it's not enough for outsiders to understand.

In addition to the Seven Emperors of the Galaxy, the geniuses who emerged from the behemoth Demon Court are also famous in the stars.

Among them, the most terrifying one is Huang Ji

"As long as it is alive, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you to see...."

This sentence alone established her absolute status among the younger generation.

Some people even call her 'the first person in the fifth level'.

Even the Seven Emperors of the Galaxy did not dare to compete with him.

In addition to Huang Ji Shi, the other geniuses of Demon Court are also powerful and terrifying.

However, these geniuses are all hidden under Huang Ji's style, and are rarely mentioned by others....

And just then,


With his wings spread, Yu Ziyu was already flying across the starry sky.

Even some fifth-level experts were unaware of its terrifying speed.

I just vaguely saw a streak of light disappearing in the starry sky.

When I looked up again, there was no one there

"Is it an illusion?"

In a trance, a man with long ice-blue hair and a gourd in his hand also frowned and looked at the deep starry sky.

He is one of the Seven Emperors of the Galaxy. He came from the Galaxy Star Territory, a desolate asteroid Take out...

If it weren't for the 'Summon the Dragon Game', he wouldn't be able to control a battleship....Born out of nowhere


Sighing again, the Ice Tribe man with ice-blue hair didn't care much.

Now, he just wants to find the nine wishing beads and resurrect his sister...

Nothing else to ask for.

However, not only him, but all the powerful men with famous names in the Galaxy Star Territory are looking for the wishing beads.

In particular, even he was very wary of the guys who were the Seventh Emperor of the Galaxy with him.

Of course, at this time, this Ice Clan member selectively ignored the genius who came out of Demon Court....

They are not on the same level and there is no need to compare.

Even though they are extremely talented.

But compared to Demon Court, there is still a gap between this monster that emerged from the monster.

Nowadays, it is recognized that only the Seven Emperors of the Galaxy can compete with the geniuses of Demon Court.

And this is just competing for ordinary geniuses.

Like Huang Ji, who is known as 'the first person of the fifth level'...It is estimated that the seven emperors of the Galaxy combined are not enough for her to fight.

And this is the Demon Court.

An extremely terrifying force.

Perched at the pinnacle of the starry sky.

The younger generation alone can overwhelm countless people and make them breathless.

Not to mention, the older generation, the top ten mythical beasts, the three great geniuses, and the elemental warriors...And the three gods who are above everything’......

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that the existence they were most in awe of had truly returned.

"Meet the master"

"Meet the master."

Amid the chorus of calls, in the deepest part of the heaven, figures like gods and demons appeared one after another, all kneeling on the ground.

Looking up...Not many people.

Just a few dozen people.

However, these dozens of people are in charge of the entire Demon Court.

Di Ji Linger, the first divine beast Nine Tails, the fourth divine beast Emperor Crocodile...

One after another, the powerful men who made the entire sky trembled with fear, just knelt down on one knee.

And it is worth mentioning that...Even Emperor Crocodile, the guy least good at the art of transformation, temporarily transformed into a human form.

The art of change is a small way.

It won't increase combat power, but it's very convenient.

Like now, dozens of humanoid figures are kneeling on one knee, which is much better looking than the real bodies of Nine Tails, Emperor Crocodile and others lying on the ground.

Therefore, when Yu Ziyu was away, Jiuwei also ordered everyone to simply practice the art of transformation.

Just to make it look better when I meet the owner....

And, indeed, the real body of Emperor Crocodile is now tens of thousands of feet tall...It is estimated that the Demon Palace cannot be filled.

Even after practicing magical powers, Ruyi turned into a two or three-meter-long golden crocodile, and it was very strange to be in the main hall.

Rather than like this, it would be better to change into human form...

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