Relying on the absolute evolution of his natural talent and simulating the body of a void elf, Yu Ziyu is already sitting on the throne in the deepest part of the Demon Palace.

The throne is not big, but it is like the dragon chair of the Blue Star Human Emperor, with golden dragons circling on the armrests.

Sitting on it, even Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because looking at this angle, he felt like he was sitting on the ninth level of the sky, looking down at the sky.

For a moment, it was like swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and there was an indescribable sense of joy.

"It's a really good feeling."

Praising secretly in his heart, Yu Ziyu did not waste time, but waved his right hand

"Boom, boom……"

Accompanied by loud noises one after another, several whirlpools that flickered on and off opened up in the hall. then,

"Step, step, step……"

Footsteps sounded, but figures walked out in an orderly manner.

And these are naturally the Elf Queen, Mermaid Queen, and Thorns who returned with Yu Ziyu.

As for others, such as the Bull Demon, White Tiger, Golden Ant, etc., they took the initiative to stay in the Kadar Star Territory.

While secretly supporting the Blood Demon Clan, they faced the prying eyes of heaven.

On the other hand, it is to develop the realm of demons to establish a shelter for some of the most ferocious mutated beasts in the demon court.

After all, Demon Court is not for everyone.

An existence like Bai Hu who relies on killing is not suitable to stay in the Demon Court.

As for Thorns, although she relied on blood to practice, as the master of the tree world, Yu Ziyu needed her.

Therefore, Jingji followed Yu Ziyu back

"I've met before, eldest sister, fourth brother……"

Calling in unison, the elf queen, mermaid queen, thorns and other beings who came out from the depths of the nine realms all bowed slightly and saluted the nine tails and others.


Nodding slightly, seeing these familiar figures, Nine Tails and Emperor Crocodile were also a little excited.

However, this is not the time to reminisce about the past.


Taking a deep breath, Kyuubi stepped forward and said:

"Master, I have informed the big snake who is in charge of Canglan and the spirit turtle who is in charge of Blue Star... If nothing happens, they will return tomorrow."

As he said that, Kyuubi added:

"In addition, we also sent messages to Di Ji Ling'er, the Red Dragon Queen, and the Zerg Queen who were exploring the Star Territory.……"

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was slightly startled.

"Exploring the Starfield?"

"Yes, explore the universe."

Nodding, Jiuwei also said truthfully:"Although the Milky Way where our Demon Court is located is not large and can only be regarded as a medium-sized star field, it is not far from the center of the universe and is extremely rich in materials. Therefore, Di Ji just Start exploring the surrounding area with your fleet……"

"Is that so?……"

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also understood.

No wonder, when he returned to heaven, he didn't see Ling'er.

It turned out that I went outside to explore the star field.


And at this moment,


The golden monkey not far away also stepped forward, cupped his hands and said:"Master, my subordinates have also notified many princes outside. I believe they will return one after another in the near future."

The princes, also known as - the Lord of the Stars.

He is also the Demon Court, the master of one realm in the thirty-third heaven.

In addition to the first heaven, Blue Star, the second heaven, Canglan, the third heaven, Heaven Realm, and the highest ninth heaven, Nine Realms, Demon Court has developed the seventh heaven in the past ten years.

And this seventh heaven corresponds to the seven major planets in the solar system except Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars...

Each star is guarded by a strong man at the level of a fifth-order true god.

The person guarded by Saturn is Qingfan, the son of the earth.

As an earth elemental being, it is understandable that he guards Saturn.

The lord of Pluto is the ice dragon.

Having the blood of the dragon clan and becoming an elemental life with the attribute of ice, the ice dragon can now be said to be the incarnation of extreme ice. It silently occupies the deepest part of Pluto, and its terrifying chill freezes the entire Pluto.

And the Lord of Jupiter is the colorful spiritual flower.

As one of the highest-status beings in the Demon Court, it is normal for the most fertile Jupiter to be given to her.

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly.

It seems that in the past few days, the strong men who are outside will all return one after another.

Even so, it somewhat delayed their time.

But considering that he hadn't seen them for a long time, Yu Ziyu also missed them a little.

Especially old acquaintances like Di Ji Linger and Qing Fan.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Then wait for another half month and hold the Demon Court Ceremony to make sure they all come back."

"Yes, master." responded in unison, Nine Tails, Emperor Crocodile and others also looked forward to it.

It has been a long, long time since they were truly reunited.

But at this moment, one after another stars appeared not far from the heaven.

"Boom, boom, boom……"

Along with the loud noises one after another, countless powerful auras rose into the sky.

They are all like gods and demons, shaking the starry sky


With a soft call, above Pluto, there was an ice dragon thousands of feet high, rising into the sky.

The ice dragon penetrated straight into the starry sky, and the intense coldness froze the surrounding area.

And when he looked up, he could even see that the ice dragon had set off a monstrous cold wave deep in the starry sky.

And that is the elemental ice dragon, the most terrifying incarnation of extreme ice.

It's just that compared to the ice dragon, from the other direction, it doesn't show any weakness at all.


A dragon roar was heard, but a humanoid figure covered in red armor suddenly turned into a meteor and shot out from Mars.

Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous sea of ​​fire, and a girl could be vaguely seen walking slowly in the sea of ​​fire.

Mars Gemini!

A young dragon, a human boy with the body of Habos, the fire dragon soul.

The other is the daughter of the fire element, Asia.

The earliest elemental apostle under Yu Ziyu swallowed the fire element flower given by Yu Ziyu and became a fire element life.

Now, with the help of the innate advantages of the elemental clan and the resources of Demon Court, he has reached the fifth level of transcendence.

As for why Mars is guarded by two fifth-level powerhouses.

Naturally, it was because the two of them had entered the fifth level for the first time and were evenly matched.

As the temporary master of the Demon Court, Kyuubi was not easy to arrange, so he directly arranged for them both.

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