Seeing Sun Ce hit by an arrow, the surrounding Wu soldiers panicked. They immediately raised their shields and guarded Sun Ce.

"Lord! Lord, are you okay?"

"Shield protects the lord!"

Under the protection of Wu Jun, Sun Ce was dragged aside.

Sun Ce shook off the sergeant who was trying to drag him and said,"Don't worry about me, just keep charging."

At this time, one of the assistant generals said: 'My lord, the enemy is at a high place and has a favorable location.……’

This general wanted to say that the enemy was at a high altitude and had a repeating crossbow with arrows that were like locusts, so they couldn't attack him at all.

However, when the words came to his lips, they were blocked by Sun Ce again.

"Attack with the shield!"

Sun Ce said coldly.

Sun Ce, like Sun Jian, is not only brave, but also very reckless.

In this regard, Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Zhou Cheng and others are similar. But Lu Bu is slightly lacking. Although he is brave, he does not dare to be reckless.

"Give me the shield!"Sun Ce personally held up the shield and threw the spear aside. After pulling out his sword, he rushed forward again, regardless of his own injuries. The

Wu army, under the leadership of Sun Ce, launched another offensive.

Liu Bei frowned and held the double-stranded sword tightly with both hands.

And Zhuge Liang realized for the first time the importance of a person's"bravery" in the battle formation.

Maybe sometimes strategy is not as good as bravery?

Zhuge Liang shook his head gently. Feather Fan, looking in the direction of Sun Ce, flashed a cold light.

Advisors and generals will never cherish each other.

Wisdom and bravery each go to extremes.

"kill!"Sun Ce raised the shield in his left hand and the sword in his right hand. Wherever he passed, Liu Beijun fell down one after another.

The killing process was really too brave and domineering... he cut down three people at the same time with one sword, and then killed them with one kick. The two men kicked over their shields together.

The soldiers holding repeating crossbows hurriedly retreated.

Only a few dozen people had already rushed to the top of the mountain.

However, Liu Bei did not have any available generals around him.

Although Liu Bei's force value was not low, he just Compared with Sun Ce, there is still a gap

"Why."Zhuge Liang had to sigh when he saw this situation. He had already calculated this battle.

He calculated that Sun Yi would pursue him into the valley and Zhou Yu would come out. He stopped temporarily, and he also calculated that Sun Ce would divide his troops to make a surprise attack.

Zhuge Liang even thought about it. Shooting Sun Ce Liu Bei rose up and became the king.

But... no matter what the reason was, he could eventually kill Sun Ce.

"Lord, give the order to withdraw the troops."

Zhuge Liang said to Liu Bei.

Withdrawing now?

What a good opportunity!

Moreover, Sun Ce has few soldiers, so it is not impossible to win.

Liu Bei is still hesitant and wants to make the final fight.

Wealth and honor are found in danger.

But Zhuge Liang is also cautious. Zhuge Liang in history, if he adopts Wei Yan's strategy, the world's structure may change drastically.

In Zhuge Liang's view, if Liu Bei is unfortunately killed by Sun Ce, everything will be over.

Therefore, safety comes first.

What's more, This battle can be considered a victory.

At least Sun Ce lost a lot of troops and horses.

"All right"

"Ming Jin retreats his troops!"

Although he was unwilling to do so, Liu Bei still ordered the gold to be withdrawn.

Hearing the sound of the golden gong,

Wei Yan froze on the spot.

How could he suddenly withdraw his troops?

When he was stunned, the tooth general beside him reminded:"General, retreat."

Facing the Wu army's offensive, Liu Bei's soldiers were also very worried.

If they could withdraw their troops and survive, who would be willing to stay here and wait to die?


Sun Yi knelt in front of Sun Ce. He had multiple injuries on his body and his face was stained with blood, but he did not dare to look up at Sun Ce.

He was defeated by Liu Bei twice, and was ambushed twice...

It was also because of Sun Yi's command errors, which resulted in the loss of troops and generals.

One general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted.

Sun Ce's face was as dark as water. Although he had defeated Liu Bei this time, he was indeed defeated.

Defeated by the enemy's plan.

Moreover, even Sun Ce almost died.

The enemy has made a plan and wants to kill him.

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Ce, shook his head, and said:"This defeat is all the fault of someone. It was someone who underestimated the enemy, and it is not Sun Yi's fault."

Sun Ce took a breath and said,"Gong Jin, there is no need to take responsibility for me. , this battle is my fault, I underestimated Liu Xuande."

It is not terrible to lose the battle, but the terrible thing is not to admit the mistake.

Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are both the same. If they lose a battle, they will find someone to take the blame.

Therefore, neither can get far.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu trust each other and depend on each other for life and death. Therefore, Sun Ce will not let Zhou Yu take the blame, and Zhou Yu will also think about Sun Ce.

When Sun Yi heard this, he was even more ashamed and said:"If we fight again in the future, I am willing to rush forward and kill."_

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