No doubt.

Zhang Wei was completely defeated.

So when Zhang Lu saw Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei's first reaction was to kneel down and apologize.

Zhang Lu almost fainted from anger.

Thirty thousand troops is not a small number.

However, the defeat is already lost.

Zhang Lu didn't want to pursue too much. He couldn't do anything like killing his own brother with tears.

Therefore, Zhang Lu only removed Zhang Wei from his post. At the same time, in order to beware of Liu Zhang's counterattack, he began to contact Han Sui.

Han Sui was in Hanzhong and needed help from Zhang Lu.

However, with Zhang Lu's defeat, Zhang Lu needed Han Sui's support even more.

Otherwise Zhang Lu would not be able to defend Hanzhong.

Because Taishi Ci is still in Chencang.

Zhou's army of 50,000 troops and horses stayed behind in Chencang, ready to attack Hanzhong at any time.

Zhang Lu had to guard against it.

Even though Zhang Lu has now accepted Zhou Cheng's canonization and became a Yizhou pastor in name only.

However, Zhang Lu knew very well that Zhou Cheng's ambition was to conquer the entire world.


Town Liaocheng.

News of Zhang Wei's defeat reached Zhou Cheng's ears

"Thirty thousand people were defeated easily.

Zhou Cheng snorted coldly and said,"It's hard to imagine that this person is actually the queen of Zhang Liang.""

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said:"My lord, since Cao Mengde defeated Zhang Wei, he will definitely stay in Brazil."

Compared with the Guanghan vassal state, Brazil County is obviously richer.

Moreover, it has a larger population.

At the same time, in order to guard against Zhang Lu, Liu Zhang's support for Brazil County will not end.

If Cao Cao takes over Brazil County, his strength will be It has been greatly expanded.

However, for Zhou Cheng, it is only a county.

Zhou Cheng said:"Cao's thieves are no more than me, and they will be destroyed sooner or later."

Now Zhou Cheng no longer fears and fears Cao Cao.

Of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, Zhou Cheng has already occupied Yongzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Liangzhou.

Soon, Yuzhou will also be in his possession Although

Zhou Cheng could not completely rule these areas,

Zhou Cheng had a goal. As long as Qingyouzhou resumed production, he would continue to fight with the money, food and population of Laoying, Zhenliaocheng, Jizhou, Qingzhou and Youzhou.

Of course. During this period, Zhou Cheng still had a lot to do.

Repair government affairs internally, gather refugees, restore production, and stabilize people's hearts.

Zhou Cheng had a bad reputation. Therefore, to rule the world, he needed people's support.

Jizhou and Qingzhou are successful cases.

Need What is important is patience and determination.

War can occupy a city or destroy a city, but it cannot take root in the occupied land.

I have read many books over the years and learned a lot from Jia Xu, Li Ru, Xu Shu and others..

Military strategists, Legalists, Confucians, Taoists...

Zhou Cheng absorbed a lot from their thoughts.


Cao Cao defeated Zhang Wei, and Liu Zhang was naturally happy.

However, Liu Zhang was both happy and worried.

Because Cao Cao is now staying in Brazil County and refuses to leave.

Of course, Cao Cao's reason was that he was worried that Zhang Lu would attack again.

However, under normal logic, it is impossible for Zhang Lu to attack again.

How many troops did Zhang Lucai have? How many people can be mobilized?

Although Zhang Song was also defending Cao Cao, Liu Zhang still began to be wary of Cao Cao.

Liu Zhang was weak and suspicious.

Zhang Song saw what Liu Zhang was thinking, so he planned to send someone to remind Cao Cao.

Different from Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang.

The war between Sun Ce and Yuan Shu has been going on for several months.

Sun Ce has been getting more and more irritable recently.

A Shouchun city cannot be conquered for a long time.

Everyone knew that Yuan Shu could not last long, but Yuan Shu was like a dying person who refused to die.

Wu Jun military camp.

Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce:"Bo Fu, if we can't attack for a long time, withdraw your troops."

This was only what Zhou Yu dared to say to Sun Ce.

If it were anyone else, they would not dare to give Sun Ce advice even though they knew that fighting would be useless.

Sun Ce grunted and only focused on drinking without answering.

Zhou Yu continued:"Hefei's grain and grass have been exhausted, and three grain collectors have been replaced."

It's not that he doesn't want to continue the fight, but he really doesn't have the food and grass to continue the fight.

Fighting a war depends not only on the bravery of the army, but also on logistical resources.

Without the support of food and grass, the morale of the soldiers will be low.

As the saying goes, if a soldier eats food and is hungry, who will fight with his life?

Zhou Cheng relied not only on strong troops and horses to attack the city, but also because Zhou Cheng had cattle, sheep, money and grain hoarded outside Liaodong outside the fortress.

Without these, how could Zhou Cheng capture the powerful city of Xiongguan?


Sun Ce smashed the table and said,"Gong Jin, I won't give in."

Shouchun City was right in front of him. After Shouchun was captured, Yangzhou fell into Sun Ce's hands.

With Yangzhou's money and food, he had the capital for the Northern Expedition to Zhou Cheng.

If there is no Yangzhou, then Jiangdong alone will only be able to settle in a corner.

As for the Northern Expedition? That's wishful thinking.

Zhou Yu said:"So what? Unless Yuan Gongdao dies suddenly, Shouchun will be defeated without a fight."

Fei Lu reminds you: Three things about reading - Collection

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