Guan Yu now does not have a red rabbit horse.

The role of war horses in fighting generals is very important.

At this time, Zhou Cheng stepped on the stirrups with both feet, exerted force on his waist and abdomen at the same time, and slashed directly at Guan Yu with the Breaking Spear in his hand.

Guan Yu was unable to mobilize his horses and was forced to fight. when!

Haifeng slashed hard on the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Guan Yu's hand holding the knife was trembling faintly.

Pain, severe pain!!

Never thought that when we meet again after so many years, Moth Thief, who only relied on brute strength back then, would now be so powerful that he is even more powerful than Lu Bu.

Without thinking too much, the sound of copper bells came from behind again.

Zhou Cheng had already turned his horse and urged his horse to charge towards Guan Yu again.

The veins on Guan Yu's forehead popped out and he let out a low growl.

Immediately, Guan Yu was seen moving back, and at the same time, the knife in his hand spun out.

Give up defense and suddenly attack.

Zhou Cheng, on the other hand, stabbed forward.

This guy happened to be bumping into Guan Yu.

Zhou Cheng calculated that Guan Yu would definitely retreat, while Guan Yu calculated that Zhou Cheng would definitely stab him with his spear.

Between the electric light and flint, the Qinglong Yanyue Sword collided with the Potianzhao.

Zhou Cheng grabbed the pole with both arms, and his wrists were flexible and he quickly turned the pole.

Under Zhou Cheng's control, Jia Feng spun rapidly, as agile as a gun.

Guan Yu was startled and turned his body decisively to the right. The Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand immediately fell to the ground.

In one breath, there is another transition between offense and defense.

The battles between top generals are not only exciting, but also thrilling.

If you are careless, you may be killed.

Zhou Cheng and Guan Yu are also old rivals.

At this time, each performs horsemanship, swordsmanship, and swordsmanship.

After a few rounds, the soldiers on both sides were terrified.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Bei immediately said to Zhang Fei:"Third brother, the Zhou thieves are unstoppable. You must go out of the city to rescue him quickly.""

"Don't worry, eldest brother, I will go and help the second brother."

Zhang Fei carried the Zhangba snake spear and got down directly.

Liu Bei was worried about Zhang Fei and looked at Huang Zhong again and said:"Han Sheng, fight back."

Huang Zhong hesitated for a while, and then nodded.

Soon, Huang Zhong also got off.

Under the city tower, the fight between Zhou Cheng and Guan Yu had lasted for more than ten rounds.

However, during these more than ten rounds, Guan Yu had almost no An opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

Because the war horse under his crotch does not obey Guan Yu's orders at all, and is not as good as the original maroon war horse.

"Second brother, I’m here to help you!"

Zhang Fei came out of the city and attacked Zhou Cheng. At the same time, Zhang Fei also brought Guan Yu's horse.

He also saw that Guan Yu could not use his strength because of the problem of the horse.

However, Dian Wei was not far away. When he saw Zhang Fei coming out, he snorted coldly and said:"You shameless people should not be so arrogant! Seeing that Zhang

Fei wanted to fight two against one again, Dian Wei shook his halberds and wanted to kill Zhang Fei.

However, Zhou Cheng shouted:"Dian Wei, let him come over." Guan

Yu frowned slightly.

Is it possible that Zhou Cheng still wants to fight two generals alone?

Zhou Cheng said with a smile:"In the past, three heroes fought against Lu Bu. Today, I can defeat two of you with one person.""

At this time, Zhang Fei attacked Zhou Cheng, and Zhou Cheng directly waved his spear to attack.


The Zhangba snake spear and the sky-breaking spear collided together. There was a clanging sound of metal collision.

Taking this opportunity,

Guan Yu immediately changed his horse and got on. A maroon-red war horse.

Although a maroon-red war horse is far inferior to the majestic horse riding on the clouds.

However, no matter how majestic the horse is, if it does not obey the command, it will only harm the owner.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Zhang Fei is here to help.

Zhou Cheng, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei The battle finally began with each other's offense and defense.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu supported each other and cooperated.

If Zhou Cheng attacked Guan Yu, Zhang Fei would immediately attack Zhou Cheng to contain it.

The three of them were all top warriors in the world.

At this time, the three generals were fighting in a perfect glyph. , the light and shadow of the sword, the sharp edge of the blade, the snake and the spear, bloomed with cold light in the sun.

The sergeants on both sides watching the battle were focused on it.

Even the drummer seemed to have forgotten his fatigue and just kept banging.

The battle continued. , the drums kept beating.

Liu Bei also came down from the city at this time. He came to Huang Zhong with a double sword.

Chen Dao was worried that something would happen to Liu Bei, so he also followed him.

Liu Bei said to Huang Zhong:"Han Sheng, Zhou's thieves have brought disaster to the world, and this is the time to get rid of thieves from the world."

Liu Bei has seen Huang Zhong's archery skills.

Even if he throws a five-baht coin from a hundred steps away, Liu Bei can accurately hit the hole of the copper coin and set the copper coin at the bull's-eye.

Therefore, even Zhou Cheng and Guan Yu There was a melee between Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong, but Huang Zhong was also able to shoot Zhou Cheng. Huang Zhong glanced at Liu Bei, but did not take the bow immediately.

Liu Bei said again:"Han Sheng, the opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. If the Zhou thief does not die, Jingzhou will be defeated." Even the whole world will suffer a great disaster."

Huang Zhong heard this and hesitated for a long time before slowly raising his bow and arrow and aiming at Zhou Cheng._Please download the novel without underlining

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