Ma Teng knew clearly that Zhou Cheng wanted to stabilize the situation in Liangzhou in the shortest possible time.

After all, Liangzhou is a frontier, not the Central Plains.

Zhou Cheng could not delay the process of competing for the Central Plains and dominating the world for the sake of Liangzhou.

In order to gain Zhou Cheng's trust, Ma Teng brought all the Ma family to Jincheng to make Zhou Cheng believe that Ma Teng would not betray.

From Ma Teng's point of view, for now, Zhou Cheng still trusts him.


After Ma Teng left, Zhou Cheng, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Li Ru and others were discussing the governance methods of Liangzhou.

The clans in Liangzhou are the source of trouble.

Including Mahalanobis.

Ma Teng's mother is a Qiang girl. The Qiang blood in her blood gives the Ma family a very high say among the Qiang and Di.

Wuwei is considered the central area of ​​Liangzhou, until Dunhuang.

In these frontier military cities, Qiang and Dihu people are scattered everywhere.

Three generations of the Ma family served as soldiers in Liangzhou and lived together with the Qiang and Di people on the border. In fact, due to the influence of geographical climate and lifestyle, they have become quite Hu-style.

The Ma tribe is not only Hu-style but also Hu-style, and there are also a large number of Qiang and Di soldiers among them.

Therefore, they sometimes fought against the Qiang for the imperial court and the Di rebelled, and sometimes they attracted the Qiang and the Di rebelled against the imperial court as backup.

Handing Liangzhou to Ma Teng was a temporary measure.

As Han Sui expected, Zhou Cheng could not stay in Lingju for a long time, and his army could not stay in Liangzhou for a long time.

Guo Jia said:"My lord, Liangzhou only needs ten years of stability. Within ten years, the Lord will be able to rule the world, and it will not be too late to govern again."

Wherever there are people, there will be power struggles.

Liangzhou is also on the border, so it is not uncommon for rebellions to occur.

Li Ru said:"Fengxiao, this is wrong. Although Liangzhou is a borderland, once you leave Liangzhou, the army can go directly to the three auxiliaries and invade the Central Plains. If Liangzhou is in chaos again, it will cause disaster to the Central Plains and even affect the situation in the north."

Li Ru still advocates quickness, accuracy and ruthlessness in dealing with Liangzhou's problems.

At this time, Zhou Cheng looked at Jia Xu and asked,"Teacher, do you have any ideas for Anliang Prefecture?"

"Where there are people, there will be strife. Jia Xu stroked his beard and said:"My lord, why not move the people of Liangzhou to Yongzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou in batches to make up for the population of each place, and then move the refugees from the pass to fill Liangzhou.""

Due to the war, people in all states in the world have been displaced, and nine out of ten houses are empty. If Liangzhou is evacuated, there will be no ground for rebellion if the people of Liangzhou want to rebel.

If you rely solely on the tribes of each family, the climate will be.

Zhou Cheng thought for a while and agreed to Jia Xu's plan.

He changed Liangzhou's species and let Liangzhou be cleaned up from the root.

As for those who were unwilling to obey, he sent an army to continue chasing and suppressing them.


In April 199 AD, Zhou Cheng began to forcibly relocate the people of Liangzhou.

And the people of Liangzhou were moved in batches to Yongzhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou.

The population of Liangzhou was dispersed to various states and counties.

At the same time, Zhou Cheng published a list to recruit people in the pass and asked them to go to Liangzhou.

All refugees who go to Liangzhou only need to farm for one year before they can obtain land.

This kind of conditional treatment is only available in Zhenliaocheng.

Although not many people responded at first, in order to cater to Zhou Cheng, Guo Huai sent Xiliang troops and horses to capture people everywhere and sent them to Hangu Pass, and then from Hangu Pass to Liangzhou.


It's raining.

It is the rainy season now and the roads are muddy and difficult to navigate.

Taishi Ci asked people to cut down trees and lay them on the road, and also spread green grass.

"General, general."

At this time, a scout came running from the front.

When the scout turned over and dismounted, he splashed muddy water all over the ground.

"What's the matter? Tai Shici asked.

The scout replied:"The Qiang people dug up the river embankment upstream, causing the valley to collapse and making it difficult for the army to pass.""

In order to hinder the Zhou army's advance.

At the same time, to avoid a head-on conflict with the Zhou army.

Cheng Gongying suggested that Han Sui dig up the river embankment and organize Taishi Ci to continue to advance.

At the same time, the road into the mountain was destroyed and blocked so that the cavalry could not pass smoothly..

Nowadays, we often need to travel through mountains and rivers to continue moving forward.

Otherwise, just clearing the road will take a lot of time and energy.

Tai Shici asked:"Is there any other way?""

The scout replied:"Yes, there is, but it is just a trail passed by wild animals, so it is difficult to pass.

Tai Shici thought for a while and then said:"Send someone quickly to report to the lord.""

Zhang He's situation was the same.

The road was blocked and it rained.

When crossing the mountains and forests, the soldiers were injured and disabled due to slips and falls. Many more soldiers even fell down the mountain than died in the battle. They had no choice but to do so. , Zhang He could only order the entire army to stop.

They could not march thirty miles in one day.

According to this marching speed, not only was it ineffective, but also the soldiers were exhausted.

The only one who could still maintain the marching speed was Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun chose to fight steadily, He opened roads across mountains and built bridges when encountering water.

Although his marching speed was slow, he opened the road steadily and the army at the rear could keep up.

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